What is Mise en Scène in Film: Definition and Examples

Mise en scène. It’s a fancy looking phrase that you’ve seen floating around many film-related articles, carrying with it an immediate sense of snobbery. Don’t worry, you’re not the first person to ask “what is mise en scene?” After today, you’ll have a better sense of this concept and its fundamentals so you can apply… Continue reading What is Mise en Scène in Film: Definition and Examples

Auteur Theory: The Definitive Guide to the Best Auteur Directors

Early filmmakers showed the world that a movie director could be an artist. But not every movie director. Because part of auteur theory is knowing how to define auteur directors. Before auteur theory, Directors were important, but the other factors were still more significant. Stars. Studios. Producers. People referred to a ‘Clark Gable movie’ for example,… Continue reading Auteur Theory: The Definitive Guide to the Best Auteur Directors

Over-the-Shoulder Shot: Examples of Camera Movements & Angles

Types of FramingOpen menu Establishing Shot Single Shot Two Shot Over the Shoulder Insert Shot POV Shot More ShotsOpen menu All Shots & Angles Camera Shot Ultimate Guide Create Free Shot List Now → Why do filmmakers use over-the-shoulder shots? Can they signal to the viewer that two characters are, at the very least, on… Continue reading Over-the-Shoulder Shot: Examples of Camera Movements & Angles

What is a Full Shot in Film? Types of Shots in Film Explained

Close UpsOpen menu Extreme Close-Up (ECU) Medium Close-Up (MCU) Medium ShotsOpen menu Medium Shot (MS) Cowboy Shot (CS) Medium Full Shot (MFS) Wide ShotsOpen menu Full Shot (FS) Wide Shot (WS) Extreme Wide Shot (EWS) Create Free Shot List There are multiple ways audiences can learn about who a character is. How they talk, how… Continue reading What is a Full Shot in Film? Types of Shots in Film Explained