Genre Conventions — The Building Blocks of Genre Storytelling

Most movies can be characterized as being one genre or the other. If the plot involves a love triangle, that’s most likely romance. If the plot is about a space marine, it’s most likely science-fiction. If the plot involves a group of kids running away from a monster, that’s probably horror. The things that make up the conventions of a genre, also known as genre conventions. What are genre conventions, you ask? You’ll soon be getting an answer via definition, along with plenty of examples.

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Best Movie Shootouts of All Time — Locked, Loaded & Ranked

Ever since The Great Train Robbery introduced filmgoers to the joys of a glorious gunfight in 1903, shootouts have become a staple of cinematic spectacles. Throughout movie history, filmmakers have tried to one-up each other by creating the most titillating exchange of gunfire possible. Over a century since its inception, the shootout continues to be a favorite attraction of audiences. They can be gory and horrific or stylized and fun; they can be slow and quiet or chaotic and bombastic. Let’s look at some of the best to ever grace the silver screen.

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What is Slapstick Comedy — Movie Genres Explained

What is slapstick comedy? Is it the same thing as physical comedy? And where does the name come from? We will be answering all of these questions, plus taking a trip through the history and evolution of slapstick, and looking at a number of great slapstick comedy examples from classic and modern movies. First, let’s get started with a slapstick definition.

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What is a Wipe Transition in Film — Editing Transitions Explained

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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World — Script PDF Download and Analysis

Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free →

Edgar Wright has made some of the most acclaimed and beloved films of the 2000s, with the Cornetto trilogy (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, The World’s End), and a few other favorites like Baby Driver. Nestled in-between is Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, a box office bomb but adored cult film based on the Bryan Lee O’Malley comic series.… Keep reading

Best End of the World Movies — 15 Visions of the End Times

Filmmakers have attempted to portray the end of the world through film since early cinema. Throughout the years, these attempts have proven to be futile for many. The list of forgettable apocalypse movies could fill a novel. But a few filmmakers have portrayed the end of the world in wildly entertaining and unique ways. So which movie do you put on for movie night when you’re in a rather apocalyptic mood? Here is our complete list of the best end of the world movies.

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All Edgar Wright Movies Ranked — TV, Shorts & Videos Too!

There are many things that define movies directed by Edgar Wright. Brilliant needle drops. Laugh-out-loud moments by the barrelful. And characters subtly telling you at the beginning what’s going to happen throughout the movie. There’s really no such thing as a bad Edgar Wright movie, so consider this a ranking from great to greatest. By looking at each of his films, we can dissect what makes him such an idiosyncratic filmmaker and why each new film he comes out with is met with intense anticipation from movie lovers. We’ve left his first feature, A Fistful of Fingers, off the list because it’s rather difficult to see — it’s practically a lost film.… Keep reading

Best Post-Apocalyptic Movies — The End is the Beginning

The post-apocalypse can often be one of the most intense and dynamic settings for a film. There have been many excellent post-apocalyptic films over the years but also plenty of not-so-good ones. Sorting through the deluge of ’80s Mad Max knockoffs and contemporary low-budget, straight-to-DVD apocalyptic films can make finding the gems a little tricky. Today we present you with a list of the best post-apocalyptic movies ever made.

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The Best Movies of 2017 — The Year in Review

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2017 was a great year for movies, ranking right up there with 2014 for perhaps best year in film for the last decade. It was a year when new voices, most notably Greta Gerwig and Jordan Peele, came to the forefront.… Keep reading