What is Film Production — Stages of Filmmaking Explained

Stages of Film ProductionOpen menu Film Financing Film Production Pre-Production Post-Production Film Distribution Film Marketing Free Production Calendar Software → The filmmaking process can be broken up into a series of stages. Perhaps the most demanding of these stages is production. The production stage is not for the faint of heart, and it can make… Continue reading What is Film Production — Stages of Filmmaking Explained

What is a Novella — A Guide to the World of Compact Fiction

Have you ever thought about the power of brevity in storytelling? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll examine the fascinating world of novellas, a literary form that masterfully balances the succinctness of short stories and the depth of novels. As we journey through this exploration, we’ll also uncover the unique role novellas play in the broader… Continue reading What is a Novella — A Guide to the World of Compact Fiction

What is Rising Action in a Story — Examples & Techniques

Screenplay StructureOpen menu What is The Three Act Structure What is Freytag’s Pyramid What is a Story Mountain Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey What is Save the Cat Dan Harmon’s Story Circle 5 Stages of A StoryOpen menu What is Exposition What is an Inciting Incident What is Rising Action What is the Climax of a… Continue reading What is Rising Action in a Story — Examples & Techniques

What is Development Hell — Where Projects Go to Die

Cinematography Terms Screenwriting Terms Film Terms Perhaps you’ve just heard about a new movie in the works with your favorite director– you immediately make a mental note of excitement, quietly counting down the days until it hits theaters, but then a year almost passes and… there’s no movie to be found. What happened? Where’d the… Continue reading What is Development Hell — Where Projects Go to Die

What is a Cult Classic — The Allure of Fringe Films

Cinematography Terms Screenwriting Terms Film Terms In cinema, there exists a niche that often goes unnoticed by the mainstream yet holds a magnetic allure for those who discover it: the realm of cult classics. These films may not have garnered immediate acclaim or box office success, but over time, they’ve managed to carve out their… Continue reading What is a Cult Classic — The Allure of Fringe Films

What are Gels in Lighting — Photography & Cinematography

BasicsOpen menu Basics of Film Lighting What Does a Cinematographer Do What is Cinematography What is Digital Cinematography Cinematography Terms What is Motion Blur Lighting EssentialsOpen menu 3-Point Lighting What is Key Light What is Fill Light What is Backlight What is Practical Lighting When is Golden Hour E-BooksOpen menu FREE Ebook: Camera Lenses Explained… Continue reading What are Gels in Lighting — Photography & Cinematography

What is a T-Stop — Camera Lens Essentials Explained

Types of LensesOpen menu Lens Basics Prime Lens Zoom Lens Anamorphic Lens Focal LengthsOpen menu Wide Angle Lens (14mm – 35mm) Standard (35mm – 70mm) What is a 50mm Lens Good For 35mm vs 50mm Lenses Telephoto Lens (70mm – 200mm) Create your free shot list → In the world of filmmaking and photography, understanding… Continue reading What is a T-Stop — Camera Lens Essentials Explained

17 Best 360 Cameras — The Ultimate Buying Guide

BIf you’ve decided it’s time to upgrade your gear collection to a 360 camera, it’s good to know a bit about what’s out there. The majority of these omnidirectional cameras are video, but it’s noted when they’re solely for photography. This is a buying guide to the best 360 cameras on the market today. Continue… Continue reading 17 Best 360 Cameras — The Ultimate Buying Guide

Best Camera Bag — Features, Specs, Reviews & Prices

Every camera needs a camera bag – but what’s the best camera bag to buy? We’re going to break down a variety of different camera bags by looking at their features, specs, and prices – as well as reviews from industry professionals. Fear not dropping your camera anymore – the perfect camera bag is just… Continue reading Best Camera Bag — Features, Specs, Reviews & Prices

Best Sound Editing — 10 Oscar-Winning Movies Ranked

EssentialsOpen menu What is Sound Design Sound Editing vs Sound Mixing What is Voice Over What is Diegetic Sound  What is Non-Diegetic Sound What is a Film Score TechniquesOpen menu Ultimate Guide to Sound Recording Filmmaker’s Guide to Sound Effect Techniques What is a Sound Bridge What is The Shepard Tone How to Design a… Continue reading Best Sound Editing — 10 Oscar-Winning Movies Ranked

Best Sound Mixing — 20 Oscar-Winning Movies Ranked

EssentialsOpen menu What is Sound Design Sound Editing vs Sound Mixing What is Voice Over What is Diegetic Sound  What is Non-Diegetic Sound What is a Film Score TechniquesOpen menu Ultimate Guide to Sound Recording Filmmaker’s Guide to Sound Effect Techniques What is a Sound Bridge What is The Shepard Tone How to Design a… Continue reading Best Sound Mixing — 20 Oscar-Winning Movies Ranked

What is a Protagonist — Definition & Examples for Screenwriters

Types of CharactersOpen menu Protagonist Antagonist Hero Anti Hero Tragic Hero Foil Character Character TropesOpen menu Common Character Types Types of Villains Femme Fatale Mad Scientist Mary Sue Damsel in Distress Write Your Free Script → What is a protagonist? Many refer to it as the leading character in a story. But is the protagonist… Continue reading What is a Protagonist — Definition & Examples for Screenwriters

What is a Second Unit Director & What Does a Second Unit Do?

Directorial DepartmentOpen menu What Does an Assistant Director Do What Does a 2nd Assistant Director Do What is a Casting Director What is a Second Unit Director What Does a Director Do Ultimate Guide to Film Crew Positions Free Film Crew Management Software → If you’ve ever heard the terms ‘second unit’ or ‘second unit… Continue reading What is a Second Unit Director & What Does a Second Unit Do?

What is the Studio System — Hollywood’s Studio Era Explained

Before The Walt Disney Company owned a bunch of companies, and before other film studios and companies were being bought by other big companies, there was the classic Hollywood studio system. What is the studio system? While it would be easy to simplify it as the time when movie studios owned the theaters that would… Continue reading What is the Studio System — Hollywood’s Studio Era Explained

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