Budget Bombshell

Meet the team and watch how they must rework their script so that it will fit inside their limited budget.

Making It: Script Breakdowns and Budgeting — Pre-Production Process: Ep1 1

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Art meets commerce

You have a great idea for a TV show. You’ve already written the pilot, but producers won’t read unsolicited scripts and you’re tired of visualizing the idea in your head. That’s when you decide it’s time to make a proof of concept — a pilot presentation. Where do you begin?

The answer is Pre-Production. 

In the first episode of our Pre-Production web-series, we perform a script breakdown to create a preliminary film budget. One BIG problem — it will be 5x more expensive than the budget allows. The team must jump back into the story development phase and rewrite the script so that it will fit inside their limited film budget. What happens next? 

Watch the episode to find out.

Making It: Script Breakdowns and Budgeting — Pre-Production Process: Ep1 2

Learn story development, breakdowns and budgeting

Ready to write a screenplay for the first time? Well you're in luck. Today, we're showing you the proper screenplay format to write a movie script.


  • How to professionally format your script
  • Build theme, characters, setting, and plot
  • Write in our totally FREE screenwriting software

Ever wondered what a line producer actually does? In this article, we'll discuss the exact role of the position and everything to help you get the job done.


  • Line producer salary 
  • The responsibilities of line producers 
  • The production workflow of a line producer

Anyone vaguely thinking of a career as a producer or even a director needs to know how to make a film budget. We've also included a free film budget template.


  • How to create a preliminary budget
  • How to save money with an intelligent workflow
  • Learn about tax incentives, deal memos, and fringes 

Follow these easy steps to effectively break down a script and create a film budget for your story idea. We've also included a free script breakdown template.


  • The various breakdown elements
  • How to identify daily production needs
  • How to budget from your script breakdown 
Making It: Script Breakdowns and Budgeting — Pre-Production Process: Ep1 3

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Making It: Script Breakdowns and Budgeting — Pre-Production Process: Ep1 5

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Making It: Script Breakdowns and Budgeting — Pre-Production Process: Ep1 6
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