You love William Shakespeare, right? Regardless, you’re looking for the best movie adaptation of William Shakespeare plays, but there are so many and you’re not sure which are the best to watch. We’ve put together a list of the 10 best William Shakespeare movie adaptations so you can not only learn more but also appreciate… Continue reading 10 Best Shakespeare Movies: Film Adaptations Based on his Plays
I f there’s one thing writers will agree on, it’s that character development is super critical to writing a winning script.Continue reading Character Development: Write Stronger Characters [with FREE Worksheet]
When you want feedback on your script or when you’re heading into production, communication is essential. This usually involves a series of emails, phone calls, or handwritten notes–all from different sources. These become difficult to organize and easy to lose. When you’re working with a project in StudioBinder, there’s no need for external apps, Word documents,… Continue reading How to Collaborate with Comments in StudioBinder
You want to learn how to write a fight scene in a screenplay, but it seems that each writer takes their own unique approach. How then can you determine the ‘right way’ to write compelling fight scenes? No worries. This post will take you through the process of writing the best fight scenes for different… Continue reading How to Write a Fight Scene in a Screenplay Like John Wick
Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → The Deadpool script… Continue reading The Deadpool Script: Movie Quotes and Screenplay PDF Download
T here’s something about a car chase that captivates an audience. Maybe it’s the need for speed, or, perhaps it’s the knowledge that at any moment the scene can come to an abrupt end that gets the heart racing. But is it easy to pull off? Nowadays, sophisticated audiences require more from their action scenes. Car… Continue reading How to Write a Car Chase Scene in a Screenplay [with Examples]
The Dark Knight script laid the groundwork for a film that completely revolutionized cinema, and was the first superhero movie to gross over a billion dollars worldwide. Let’s take a look.Continue reading The Dark Knight Script: Screenplay Scene Analysis and PDF Download
Proper screenplay format is a necessary evil. Some rules are set in stone while others can be left up to a writer’s preference–the lack of consensus can certainly be frustrating. So, what’s a writer to do? The first step is to use a screenwriting program, like StudioBinder. This ensures that most of your formatting concerns are dealt… Continue reading How to Format a Script with Keyboard Shortcuts