Best Book to Film Adaptations in the Last Five Years and What’s Next

Book to movie adaptations are a great source of content for writers and producers. When done well, story lovers can experience their favorite characters on the big screen in new and exciting ways. Great book adaptations revive age-old tales begging to be remembered.Continue reading Best Book to Film Adaptations in the Last Five Years and… Continue reading Best Book to Film Adaptations in the Last Five Years and What’s Next

The Room Script: Characters, Quotes, and Screenplay PDF Download

Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → The Room script… Continue reading The Room Script: Characters, Quotes, and Screenplay PDF Download

Gone Girl Script: Plot Summary, Quotes, and Screenplay PDF Download

Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → The Gone Girl… Continue reading Gone Girl Script: Plot Summary, Quotes, and Screenplay PDF Download

How to Write a Fight Scene in a Screenplay Like John Wick

You want to learn how to write a fight scene in a screenplay, but it seems that each writer takes their own unique approach. How then can you determine the ‘right way’ to write compelling fight scenes? No worries.  This post will take you through the process of writing the best fight scenes for different… Continue reading How to Write a Fight Scene in a Screenplay Like John Wick

What is Cosmic Irony? Definition and Examples For Screenwriters

Dramatic IronyOpen menu Types of Irony What is Tragic Irony Stages of Dramatic Irony Verbal IronyOpen menu Sarcasm Understatement Overstatement Socratic Irony Situational IronyOpen menu Cosmic Irony Poetic Justice Structural Irony Historical Irony There are many types of irony out there. Within the main branch of situational irony lies a version with a supernatural twist⏤cosmic… Continue reading What is Cosmic Irony? Definition and Examples For Screenwriters

The Deadpool Script: Movie Quotes and Screenplay PDF Download

Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → The Deadpool script… Continue reading The Deadpool Script: Movie Quotes and Screenplay PDF Download

Teleplay vs Screenplay vs Script: Hacking the Hollywood Lingo

What is the difference between a teleplay, script, and screenplay?  Although some people think these terms are interchangeable, every screenwriter must understand the differences. We’re going to break down how these types of scripts are defined and why it’s important to understand the differences between script, screenplay, and teleplay.Continue reading Teleplay vs Screenplay vs Script: Hacking… Continue reading Teleplay vs Screenplay vs Script: Hacking the Hollywood Lingo

When is Pilot Season? And How Has Digital Streaming Affected It?

Pilot season is a term people in the industry use often. It’s not a season only for writers, but is a great time for actors to get cast in an upcoming series. But when is pilot season? When should you be prepared? With new digital streaming services, is the season a’changin? Let’s find out. Continue… Continue reading When is Pilot Season? And How Has Digital Streaming Affected It?

How to Write a Car Chase Scene in a Screenplay [with Examples]

T here’s something about a car chase that captivates an audience.  Maybe it’s the need for speed, or, perhaps it’s the knowledge that at any moment the scene can come to an abrupt end that gets the heart racing. But is it easy to pull off?  Nowadays, sophisticated audiences require more from their action scenes.  Car… Continue reading How to Write a Car Chase Scene in a Screenplay [with Examples]