How to Write a Story Outline that Works [FREE Script Outline Template]

I f you want to write a script, and finish it, story outlines are helpful. Why? Because once you have waded even knee-deep into the writing, it’s easy to lose sight of things. Even worse? Predators named fear and self-doubt will be stalking you.Continue reading How to Write a Story Outline that Works [FREE Script Outline… Continue reading How to Write a Story Outline that Works [FREE Script Outline Template]

How to Make Script Changes in StudioBinder

Scripts are constantly evolving. That’s just what they do. New scenes are added and old scenes are deleted throughout pre-production and production.  How do these new changes affect your project?  In StudioBinder, making script changes is easy and your project is kept intact. We’re going to walk through the process of how to make script changes, syncing… Continue reading How to Make Script Changes in StudioBinder

How to Write Script Notes in StudioBinder (with Industry Examples of Script Notes)

Whether you’re writing the first draft or sharing the final draft with your collaborators, taking notes is critical. Keeping these thoughts, suggestions, or inspirations organized can be a difficult task. But we’ve solved the problem. Script Notes is an extremely valuable resource that will help keep your ideas intact and accessible so you can stay productive. We’ve created… Continue reading How to Write Script Notes in StudioBinder (with Industry Examples of Script Notes)