How to Write a Spec Script — Tips and Techniques for TV and Film

There’s no shortage of “How to Write a Spec Script” posts out there, and they tend to come in two forms. Articles about writing on spec either spotlight “business side” considerations — marketplace demand, how to get your material out there, which contests to enter — or they give guidance on the creative process: how… Continue reading How to Write a Spec Script — Tips and Techniques for TV and Film

How to Copyright a Script and Protect Your Screenplay

EssentialOpen menu What is Creative Commons What is Fair Use What is Public Domain ResourcesOpen menu Creative Commons License Pros and Cons How Copyright Free Music Works How to Copyright a Script How to Find Award-Worthy Script Ideas from The Public Domain Best Public Domain Movies You’ve finished the greatest story ever told. Now how… Continue reading How to Copyright a Script and Protect Your Screenplay

Freeform Writing: StudioBinder’s Free Word Processor for Video Creatives

StudioBinder presents our free freeform writing software. Our integrated writing tools help you create and manage necessary documents for your production company while you organize and plan your productions. Seamlessly go from development to physical production — all in one hub. Read on to see why StudioBinder’s Freeform writing features will change production workflows. Oh, wait…… Continue reading Freeform Writing: StudioBinder’s Free Word Processor for Video Creatives

Shrek Script Explained: Download the Entire Shrek Script PDF FREE

By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → A screenwriter will be one… Continue reading Shrek Script Explained: Download the Entire Shrek Script PDF FREE

La La Land Script Analysis & Free Script Download: How to Write Musicals

By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → Crafting a well-formatted screenplay… Continue reading La La Land Script Analysis & Free Script Download: How to Write Musicals

How to Write a Script Outline for Film and TV (Free Template and Examples)

T he actual writing of your script is the fun part. But, just like any form of writing, you have to know where you’re going first. Organization is important. That’s where a script outline comes into play. Understanding your central character’s desire, and capturing the scenarios they attract for themselves, should guide that process. There is no… Continue reading How to Write a Script Outline for Film and TV (Free Template and Examples)

TV Character Development [Character Profile Sheet Template] — TV Writing & Development: Ep2

EPISODE 2TV WRITING & DEVELOPMENT MASTERCLASSCharacter Development:FREE Character Profile Sheet TemplateA great television show needs great characters. Unlike film, television teases out character development over several seasons. We take you through the basics, and provide a FREE character profile sheet.  SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE ← BACK TO PREVIOUS PAGE WATCH NEXT EPISODE → TV character development:… Continue reading TV Character Development [Character Profile Sheet Template] — TV Writing & Development: Ep2

How Script Notes Can Improve Your Screenplay [With Example]

It’s incredibly hard to make any movie, but a perfect movie? That’s nearly impossible without a great set of script notes. Today we’ll learn how script notes catapulted Back to the Future into theaters and changed history forever. Travel with us as we talk about casting, rewrites, and the development process. Hop in! Where we’re going, we… Continue reading How Script Notes Can Improve Your Screenplay [With Example]

Plot Structure Tools to Help You Master the Art of Dramatic Writing

Screenplay StructureOpen menu What is The Three Act Structure What is Freytag’s Pyramid What is a Story Mountain Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey What is Save the Cat Dan Harmon’s Story Circle 5 Stages of A StoryOpen menu What is Exposition What is an Inciting Incident What is Rising Action What is the Climax of a… Continue reading Plot Structure Tools to Help You Master the Art of Dramatic Writing

How to Write a Story Outline that Works [FREE Script Outline Template]

I f you want to write a script, and finish it, story outlines are helpful. Why? Because once you have waded even knee-deep into the writing, it’s easy to lose sight of things. Even worse? Predators named fear and self-doubt will be stalking you.Continue reading How to Write a Story Outline that Works [FREE Script Outline… Continue reading How to Write a Story Outline that Works [FREE Script Outline Template]

How to Make Script Changes in StudioBinder

Scripts are constantly evolving. That’s just what they do. New scenes are added and old scenes are deleted throughout pre-production and production.  How do these new changes affect your project?  In StudioBinder, making script changes is easy and your project is kept intact. We’re going to walk through the process of how to make script changes, syncing… Continue reading How to Make Script Changes in StudioBinder

How to Write Script Notes in StudioBinder (with Industry Examples of Script Notes)

Whether you’re writing the first draft or sharing the final draft with your collaborators, taking notes is critical. Keeping these thoughts, suggestions, or inspirations organized can be a difficult task. But we’ve solved the problem. Script Notes is an extremely valuable resource that will help keep your ideas intact and accessible so you can stay productive. We’ve created… Continue reading How to Write Script Notes in StudioBinder (with Industry Examples of Script Notes)