Screenplay Structure 101Open menu Three Act Structure Freytag’s Pyramid Story Mountain Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey Save the Cat Dan Harmon’s Story Circle 5 Stages of A StoryOpen menu Exposition Inciting Incident Rising Action Climax Falling Action Denouement Write Your Script For Free → T he act of storytelling has always been with us. Anthropologist Joseph Campbell… Continue reading How the Dan Harmon Story Circle Can Make Your Story Better
Learning how to write dialogue is not easy. You’ve written a pretty good script, but you know it could be GREAT. Could writing better dialogue in your screenplay be that missing piece? Want screenwriting tips that teach you how to write dialogue in a script with writing examples from movies and TV to go with each… Continue reading Screenwriting Tips for Better Movie Dialogue in Your Scripts
ProcessOpen menu How to Make a YouTube Video How Do You Make a Video on YouTube How to Add Subtitles How to Make Money on YouTube How to Make A YouTube Channel That Stands Out How To Make An Intro For Your YouTube Video ResourcesOpen menu Best Filmmaking YouTube Channels Best Camera for YouTube Videos… Continue reading 10 Best Filmmaking Books to Read
What does a good outline look like? The answer to that question will depend on what type of writer you are as well as what you personally hope to gain from an outline. We will discuss the purpose of an outline, the different types, whether or not they are even necessary, and explain how to… Continue reading What is an Outline in Writing — Examples and Techniques
As a writer, stream of consciousness may be fun to write but unenjoyable to read. Or for you, the reverse may be true. When talking about screenwriting, stream of consciousness may not be a method frequently used on the page but can be used and benefited from in the pre-writing process or even with visual… Continue reading What is Stream of Consciousness Writing — Methods & Tips
Every story ever created started with one thing: an idea. Now, how that idea is developed and brought to life changes from person to person because everyone’s “process” is different. We’re going to use StudioBinder to brainstorm an idea for a script and show you how the application features will help in the process. Why… Continue reading How to Brainstorm an Idea in StudioBinder
Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → Introducing StudioBinder’s screenplay… Continue reading Explore and Read the Best Free Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)
The fact is that almost every writer faces writer’s block at some point in their career. Deadlines, storylines or even airlines can be the cause of this intellectual affliction. Writer’s block is real and can greatly affect your output.Continue reading How to Cure Writer’s Block: 23 Proven Ideas that Actually Work
Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → The Fight Club… Continue reading Fight Club Script: Characters, Quotes, and Screenplay PDF Download