Mastering Your Production Calendar [Free Gantt Chart Excel Template]

Production DepartmentOpen menu What Does a Producer Do What Does an Executive Producer Do What Does a TV Producer Do What is An Associate Producer What is a Line Producer Ultimate Guide to Film Crew Positions Production ResourcesOpen menu Ultimate Location Scout Cheat Sheet Shooting Schedule Template Production Crew Contact List Template Film Budget Template… Continue reading Mastering Your Production Calendar [Free Gantt Chart Excel Template]

Walkie Talkie Lingo Everyone On-Set Should Know

W hat’s your 20? What does 10-4 mean? Bogey. A walkie-talkie is a powerful tool on a film set. But it’s nothing unless you know the walkie-talkie lingo. Luckily, mastering film set walkie talkie lingo isn’t as hard as finding your film crew. We’ve compiled the most-used walkie talkie codes and radio etiquette tips to have you… Continue reading Walkie Talkie Lingo Everyone On-Set Should Know

9 Keys to Planning Travel on an International Production

A uthor John Steinbeck once said, “People don’t take trips, trips take people.” Managing travel for an international film production adds challenges to an already challenging process. There’s a minutiae of critical detail that needs to be considered in order for everything to run smoothly. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned veteran, here are… Continue reading 9 Keys to Planning Travel on an International Production

How Video Producers Use Film Production Calendar Templates and Software

Production DepartmentOpen menu What Does a Producer Do What Does an Executive Producer Do What Does a TV Producer Do What is An Associate Producer What is a Line Producer Ultimate Guide to Film Crew Positions Production ResourcesOpen menu Ultimate Location Scout Cheat Sheet Shooting Schedule Template Production Crew Contact List Template Film Budget Template… Continue reading How Video Producers Use Film Production Calendar Templates and Software

How To Create a Successful Branded Content Campaign [with Branded Content Examples]

Advertising EssentialsOpen menu Ethos, Pathos & Logos Explained What is Pathos What is Logos What is Telos What is Kairos What is Ethos How to AdvertiseOpen menu How to Pitch a TV Show Like a Pro How to Make a Movie Poster How to Make a Commercial How to Develop Your Brand What is a… Continue reading How To Create a Successful Branded Content Campaign [with Branded Content Examples]

Crowdfunding Movies: How I Raised $18,617 in Short Film Funding

M ost filmmakers I know have tried and failed at crowdfunding. I failed, too, on my first attempt. But every time I researched shot film funding, crowdfunding was one of the first recommendations. It has become a ubiquitous film funding technique. So, I tried crowdfunding again. I studied successful crowdfunding campaigns and took courses on strategy. Ultimately… Continue reading Crowdfunding Movies: How I Raised $18,617 in Short Film Funding

Customer Success: How Diana Fisk Streamlined the Call Sheet Process

Call Sheet EssentialsOpen menu What is a Call Sheet Anatomy of a Call Sheet Ultimate Guide to Call Sheets How to Make a Call Sheet Call Sheet Templates TipsOpen menu How to Create a Better Call Sheet Now (with Free Templates) Best Practices for Sending Call Sheets Staggering Call Time Formulas How Call Sheets are… Continue reading Customer Success: How Diana Fisk Streamlined the Call Sheet Process

How to Write a 4-Part Film Business Plan That Gets You Funding

Y ou’ve got an awesome concept for a short film.  Congratulations!  Now you need a short film business plan. Perhaps your idea just came to you out of the blue, perhaps you’ve developed it with my systematic process. Either way, you want to know what the first step towards turning your idea into an actual movie is. Well,… Continue reading How to Write a 4-Part Film Business Plan That Gets You Funding

8 Takeaways From The Best Explainer Videos

Turning the classic elevator pitch into two minute feats of creativity, explainer videos are an invaluable marketing tool. There’s also a million of them. Whether you’re just starting your explainer video script or are starting your explainer video production, you can always learn something from the best explainer videos.Continue reading 8 Takeaways From The Best… Continue reading 8 Takeaways From The Best Explainer Videos

22 Things Every Working Production Coordinator Should Know

Production DepartmentOpen menu What Does a Producer Do What Does an Executive Producer Do What Does a TV Producer Do What is An Associate Producer What is a Line Producer Ultimate Guide to Film Crew Positions Production ResourcesOpen menu Ultimate Location Scout Cheat Sheet Shooting Schedule Template Production Crew Contact List Template Film Budget Template… Continue reading 22 Things Every Working Production Coordinator Should Know