What is Film Distribution — The Ultimate Guide for Filmmakers

Stages of Film ProductionOpen menu Film Financing Film Production Pre-Production Post-Production Film Distribution Film Marketing Free Production Calendar Software → Distribution is an integral part of the film industry; without it, a film doesn’t get seen. Yet for many filmmakers starting out their careers, the distribution process is murky and intimidating. This is compounded by… Continue reading What is Film Distribution — The Ultimate Guide for Filmmakers

What is a B Movie — Definition, Examples and Legacy

Cinematography Terms Screenwriting Terms Film Terms Have you ever stumbled upon a movie that, while it might not have the glitz and glamour of big-budget Hollywood productions, still managed to captivate your attention and provide an entertaining experience? If so, there’s a good chance you’ve encountered a “B movie.” But what exactly makes a movie… Continue reading What is a B Movie — Definition, Examples and Legacy

What is a Film Festival — Everything You Need to Know

Film festivals are everywhere. There’s a festival for every niche you can imagine, and every niche you can’t. Today, festivals can take many shapes and sizes, from massive industry mainstays to scrappy yet exciting startups. A savvy independent filmmaker understands the festival circuit, knowing what to apply to and how. In this article, we’ll tell… Continue reading What is a Film Festival — Everything You Need to Know

What is Digital Distribution — Film, Music, and Gaming

The digital realm has fundamentally changed the way media – music, film, television, video games, and more – are distributed. But what is digital distribution? We’re going to break down digital distribution by looking at how various industries bring their content to the masses. By the end, you’ll know what digital distribution is, and where… Continue reading What is Digital Distribution — Film, Music, and Gaming