There’s almost nothing more frustrating than nailing a shot, then later realizing that the footage is shaky and unusable. You know the next step to better content is more stable footage, but you don’t know which options are best for you and your projects.Continue reading 15 Best Video Camera Stabilizers for Filmmakers in 2021
Gimbals are the perfect tool for shooting smooth video — whether it be a wedding video, comedy sketch or a feature film. But although there are a lot of great gimbals for mobile devices and expensive cinema cameras, there aren’t many great gimbals in that ever-so-elusive median price range. Enter the Zhiyun Crane 2S —… Continue reading Zhiyun Crane 2S Gimbal — Pros, Cons, Price & Features (Review)
What is a capture card for streaming? How does a capture card work? If you’re interested in recording or live streaming content, there are two things you need to know: how to choose the right video capture card and how to use a capture card. We’re going to show you everything you need to know… Continue reading What is a Capture Card for Streaming and How to Use One
Before you yell, “Action,” you need to make sure the subject in your frame is in the sharpest, cleanest focus possible. This is known as critical focus, and it makes all the difference in having a professional-looking video and an amateur one. You need the right tools on-set to properly calibrate your camera. Right now,… Continue reading What Is a Focus Chart, How They Work, and Where To Get One
Shot SizeShot FramingCamera AnglesCamera FocusCamera GearCamera MovementCamera Lenses When faced with a blank canvas, a painter must first choose their brush, colors, and subject before they even make a single stroke. Similarly, a filmmaker approaches a shot by first choosing the right tools that serve their story. Some of the most impactful tools to how… Continue reading Ultimate Guide to Camera Gear — Every Type of Camera Rig Explained
As camera technology evolves, the mirrorless vs DSLR debate is becoming more and more about preference. While DSLR cameras may have been the frontrunner for the last few years, mirrorless cameras have made such incredible advancements that both professionals and beginners alike swear by them. We’ll lay out the key differences between a mirrorless camera… Continue reading Mirrorless vs DSLR — Pros and Cons for Photo and Video
EssentialsOpen menu What is Sound Design Sound Editing vs Sound Mixing What is Voice Over What is Diegetic Sound What is Non-Diegetic Sound What is a Film Score TechniquesOpen menu Ultimate Guide to Sound Recording Filmmaker’s Guide to Sound Effect Techniques What is a Sound Bridge What is The Shepard Tone How to Design a… Continue reading What is a Lavalier Microphone and How Do They Work?