Mastering Shot Lists: Rian Johnson’s Movies and Directing Style (with Shot List Example)

Learn How to Shot ListOpen menu What is a Shot List How to Make a Shot List How to Make a Lined Script Shot List ExamplesOpen menu Free Shot List Template How to Design Your Shot List Shot Listing Like a Pro How to Create a Shot List Like ‘Creed’ Shot Listing Efficiently Create Shot… Continue reading Mastering Shot Lists: Rian Johnson’s Movies and Directing Style (with Shot List Example)

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Analysis — How Tarantino Directs Suspense

Best Tarantino MoviesQT’s Directing StyleQT Directing Tips QT DialogueOnce Upon a Time AnalysisBasterds Breakdown Quentin Tarantino’s ninth film Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood was one of the biggest hits of 2019, and for good reason. It is a film packed with great characters, memorable scenes, and Quentin Tarantino trademarks. Join us on our Once Upon… Continue reading Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Analysis — How Tarantino Directs Suspense

Martin Scorsese Film School: Interviews and Quotes on his Techniques

How do you learn from a director like Martin Scorsese? You can watch his films, and you can learn by watching his interviews. We took the best Martin Scorsese quotes from his various interviews. Then we compiled a video with examples from his films, so that way you can perfectly understand the directing tips he… Continue reading Martin Scorsese Film School: Interviews and Quotes on his Techniques

What’s an Extreme Long Shot (aka Extreme Wide Shot)?

Close UpsOpen menu Extreme Close-Up (ECU) Medium Close-Up (MCU) Medium ShotsOpen menu Medium Shot (MS) Cowboy Shot (CS) Medium Full Shot (MFS) Wide ShotsOpen menu Full Shot (FS) Wide Shot (WS) Extreme Wide Shot (EWS) Create Free Shot List Even if you’ve seen only one movie in your entire life, it’s likely that you’ve seen… Continue reading What’s an Extreme Long Shot (aka Extreme Wide Shot)?

There Will Be Blood: Analysis of a Power Struggle — Director’s Playbook

How does one create a power struggle in film? What are the techniques available that will help to communicate this battle through a visual lens? Let’s look at how Paul Thomas Anderson builds a power struggle with blocking, staging, framing, set dressing, and camera control. Make sure to read through to the end for more examples of… Continue reading There Will Be Blood: Analysis of a Power Struggle — Director’s Playbook

The Directing Style of David Fincher

If you’re familiar with David Fincher movies, you know they focus on serial killers, robbers, brawlers, and murderers alike. You might also know that he has a reputation for being an exacting, obsessively technical director.  However, dark subjects and visual meticulousness belie Fincher’s overlooked secret weapon: his ability to connect with actors on a human level… Continue reading The Directing Style of David Fincher

The Godfather: Analysis of a Scene — Director’s Playbook

The Godfather is rightfully one of the greatest films ever made. Everything works magnificently together. But one of the most overlooked aspects of the film is how well the blocking and staging are. Today for our film analysis of The Godfather, we’re examining a pivotal scene in the character development of Michael Corleone. In particular,… Continue reading The Godfather: Analysis of a Scene — Director’s Playbook

8 Ways To Make Your Spec Commercial Stand Out [with Spec Ad Examples]

Want to make a commercial for flaming hot cheetos starring Jim Carrey as The Mask? Maybe that’s just me. But if you’re trying to break into commercial directing, you’re going to need a great spec ad under your belt and in your reel. With countless other filmmakers putting out spec commercials to get noticed, it’s more… Continue reading 8 Ways To Make Your Spec Commercial Stand Out [with Spec Ad Examples]

What is Caricature — The Art of Exaggeration Explained

The term “caricature” conjures images of ridiculous renderings drawn by boardwalk artists – but what is caricature? And what does caricature mean? We’re going to answer those questions by exploring the history of “caricature,” as well as a definition and some examples. By the end, you’ll know what caricature means, and how to recognize it… Continue reading What is Caricature — The Art of Exaggeration Explained

What is an Ensemble Cast — Examples & Characteristics

An ensemble cast in cinema and theatre is like an orchestra, where a group of diverse and talented performers come together, each contributing their unique notes to create a harmonious performance. But what exactly is an ensemble cast? How does it enhance the narrative and engage audiences in a distinct way? Continue reading What is an… Continue reading What is an Ensemble Cast — Examples & Characteristics

What is a Music Supervisor — Definition & Job Description

The impact of music in a film is undeniable. It can make a distant feeling scene feel suddenly personal and emotional. It can change the energy of an entire sequence. The credit for that largely goes to the music supervisors. These individuals play a critical role in shaping the film’s soundscape and enhancing its emotional… Continue reading What is a Music Supervisor — Definition & Job Description