The Robert Towne-written, Roman Polanski-directed Chinatown is widely regarded as one of the greatest films ever made – which begs the question: what’s so great about it? Well, as it turns out, just about everything involving Chinatown is great. The Chinatown screenplay is viewed as the Hollywood gold standard; Jack Nicholson’s performance is considered among… Continue reading Chinatown Movie Analysis — The Legacy of a Hollywood Classic
Few film endings are as iconic and impactful as the unforgettable resolution to The Graduate. Be sure to watch our video essay below for a full breakdown of The Graduate ending scene, then read on for further analysis. We’ll be digging into the four factors that culminate in the film’s ending being as effective as… Continue reading The Graduate Ending Scene — Breaking Down an Iconic Finale
Major Awards:Open menu Best Picture Best Director Best Actress Best Supporting Actress Best Actor Best Supporting Actor Writing & Visual:Open menu Best Original Screenplay Best Adapted Screenplay Best Film Editing Best Visual Effects Best Cinematography Animation & Production:Open menu Best Animated Short Film Best Animated Feature Film Best International Feature Film Best Costume Design Best… Continue reading Academy Award For Best Supporting Actress — Winners Ranked
Beginner photographers often have the misconception that to create quality portraits, you need multiple lights and complex techniques. While this is true for some portrait lighting setups, many fundamental lighting techniques are quite simplistic. The split lighting technique is perhaps the most simple and achievable of all portrait lighting setups. It is an essential technique for… Continue reading Split Lighting Photography — Examples, Patterns and Setups
In a world where digital photography has become the norm, there is still a place for those who want to use physical film stock. While digital technology has made it easier to be a photographer, physical celluloid still has a charm and texture that no digital camera can ever fully replicate. And above all else,… Continue reading What is Film Stock — Various Types of Film Stock Explained
Types of LensesOpen menu Lens Basics Prime Lens Zoom Lens Anamorphic Lens Focal LengthsOpen menu Wide Angle Lens (14mm – 35mm) Standard (35mm – 70mm) What is a 50mm Lens Good For 35mm vs 50mm Lenses Telephoto Lens (70mm – 200mm) Create your free shot list → Finding the best camera lenses for your camera… Continue reading Understanding Camera Lenses & How to Choose the Right Lens
Hand-held light meters might seem like an outdated appendage. Most modern cameras come with built-in light meters, and editing software is getting better and better at offering remedies to poorly-exposed footage. But light meters continue to be invaluable: a cinematographer’s primary job is to understand and manipulate light, and you can’t do that with a built-in… Continue reading Best Light Meter — Top 8 Ranked for Photography, Film & Video
Look at your mobile device, your high-definition television, or laptop computer; what do you see? Most likely it’s a rectangular widescreen, with a lot of the video you watch on it filling the entirety of the screen. We are of course talking about the 16:9 ratio, which has been the current standard in television and… Continue reading What is 16:9 Aspect Ratio — Origins of the Widescreen Format
BasicsOpen menu What Does a Cinematographer Do What is Cinematography What is Digital Cinematography Cinematography Terms What is Motion Blur ResourcesOpen menu Essential Cinematography Books Top 100 Cinematography Films Videography Contract Template Best Cinematography Schools How to Join the Cinematographer’s Guild Best Cinematography Online Courses E-BooksOpen menu FREE E-Book: Camera Lenses Explained FREE E-Book: Exposure… Continue reading What is Motion Blur, Is Motion Blur Good & Why Does it Happen?
DOF Basics DOF Guide FREE Depth of Field E-Book There are few terms in cinematography and photography more misunderstood than depth of focus. The term is often used interchangeably with depth of field, but the two ideas actually have two completely separate meanings. Depth of focus is critical to understand if you want to have… Continue reading What is Depth of Focus vs. Depth of Field? — Camera Essentials
You don’t need to be a pro to use forced perspective. In fact, you’ve probably seen your friends post photos using the technique. Some of the most iconic films have worked with it, and even semi-professional photographers often grace the internet with the unique visual elements it often gives. So how can you use it… Continue reading What is Forced Perspective? Examples of How to Trick the Eye
What is lens flare? It’s probably appeared on some of your photos or footage. Sometimes it ruins images, and sometimes it surprises you and makes you feel like you are the greatest photographer in all the land. If you’re an aspiring photographer or filmmaker, though, you’ll probably want and need more control over your images.… Continue reading What is Lens Flare? How to Get It & How to Avoid It
Plot TropesOpen menu What is a Trope What is a Cliche Flashback MacGuffin Plot Twist Red Herring FREE Movie Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Write Your Script for Free The term “Plot device” has grown to be taboo in the world of writing. Most screenwriters associate the term with an inherently negative connotation, but that doesn’t… Continue reading What is a Plot Device? Definitions and Examples
With over 40 years of experience working as a feature cinematographer, Robert Richardson has lensed movies for director’s like Oliver Stone, Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino. He’s worked on everything from 65mm film to stereoscopic 3D and has won the Academy Award for cinematography three times (for his work on JFK, The Aviator and Hugo)!… Continue reading Robert Richardson Style — Tarantino, Scorsese’s DP Techniques
Before the 1950s, nearly every single movie was in the same 4:3 aspect ratio. But then CinemaScope from 20th Century Fox changed the landscape with widescreen imagery to get people into theaters nationwide. Pretty soon, other studios were making their own widescreen movies, including Paramount Pictures with VistaVision. What is VistaVision, you ask? Well, it… Continue reading What is VistaVision — A History of Widescreen in Hollywood
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said in his 383 U.S. 463 (1966) ruling that “censorship reflects a society’s lack of confidence in itself.” And Stewart was right: censorship has reflected social culture (or the lack thereof) since the dawn of time. Cinema has not been immune to censorship. In fact, cinema has been subject… Continue reading Movie Censorship — A History of Film Censorship in America
How do you ensure your photos are sharp and in focus? Getting comfortable with the circle of confusion is a good first step. What is circle of confusion? This concept is an under-defined, yet super critical idea in photography. And understanding it will help you see how everything works together. The circle of confusion is… Continue reading What is the Circle of Confusion — Photography Definition
For portrait photographers, loop lighting is essential. And for beginners, it’s a straightforward lighting setup to learn. It can be created with only one light source and an understanding of where to put that light source. So, what is loop lighting photography and how can you capture it? In this article, we’ll be taking a look… Continue reading Loop Lighting Photography — Definition, Setup & Creative Uses
Joker dominated 2019. Upon its release, it topped the box office and attracted an unprecedented amount of attention from press and public alike. Joker’s ending is without a doubt one of the main reasons why: it’s a third act filled with unforgettable moments and tantalizing twists. What makes the Joker ending so instantly iconic? The… Continue reading Joker Ending Explained — How to Make a Satisfying Finale