Eons ago, the Gods handed down a timeless sound to be forever known as Rock and Roll. Shortly afterward, it became heavily commercialized and manifested in countless forms throughout pop culture, including on the silver screen. Rock and Roll came with its own philosophy — a collective manifesto demanding an end to war and capitalist… Continue reading Top Of The Pops: The 20 Best Rock and Roll Movies Ever Made
Netflix has garnered a reputation in recent years for being the go-to destination for TV streaming. That’s because the service has a little something for everyone — dramas, comedies, documentaries, mockumentaries, and anything else you might think up. But finding the next great show to watch on Netflix can be difficult. Don’t worry though, we’ve… Continue reading Best Shows on Netflix Right Now (November 2020)
There are plenty of great shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, but HBO still reigns king in the world of TV streaming. Since 1972, the ‘Home Box Office’, better known as HBO has produced dozens upon dozens of top-tier TV shows. We’re going to rank the best shows on HBO, from ‘72 to 2020… Continue reading The Best Shows on HBO Right Now (November 2020)
Guy Ritchie has made quite the career for himself. Starting out with British gangster films and transitioning into blockbuster fare, Ritchie has seen both commercial and critical success over his career. But what are the best Guy Ritchie movies of all time? Does his earlier work still have that kinetic energy, or are you a… Continue reading Best Guy Ritchie Movies – His Entire Filmography Ranked
With such a wealth of new movies to rent on Amazon Prime, it can be hard to keep track of and parse new movies as they are added to the platform. Here we cover 10 new movies worth your time landing on Amazon Prime in October 2020 with plenty of horror in the mix for… Continue reading Best New Movies on Amazon Prime (November 2020)
How many hours have you spent combing through streaming services looking for the next great show to watch? If you’re anything like me, then it’s probably more than you’re comfortable admitting. But don’t fret, we’ve scoured the depths of the seven seas of streaming to deliver you our take on what the best shows to… Continue reading Best Shows on Amazon Prime Video (November 2020)
Hulu has really stepped up its game in the television world. From sci comedies to heartbreaking dramas, to creepy Stephen King sagas, we’ve curated Hulu’s eclectic collection below. Here are some of the best shows on Hulu right now.Continue reading The Best Shows on Hulu Right Now (November 2020)
EssentialOpen menu What is Creative Commons What is Fair Use What is Public Domain ResourcesOpen menu Creative Commons License Pros and Cons How Copyright Free Music Works How to Copyright a Script How to Find Award-Worthy Script Ideas from The Public Domain Best Public Domain Movies There are many great films that are part of… Continue reading Best Public Domain Movies Online You Can Watch Right Now