What is Nollywood and How Did it Become the 2nd Largest Film Industry?

Bollywood and Hollywood are the two most known “woods” in the world, or at the very least, the top two film industries in the world. Actually, it depends how we measure that statement. Nollywood is another industry that seems to be passing Hollywood in terms of the amount of movies it produces a year. How… Continue reading What is Nollywood and How Did it Become the 2nd Largest Film Industry?

24 Best Pixar Shorts That You Need to Watch

Animation BasicsOpen menu What is Animation Types of Animation What Does an Animator Do What is Cel Animation What is Anime What is Claymation ResourcesOpen menu How to Direct an Animated Movie Animation Storyboard Tips Unreleased Aladdin Animatic Best Animated Music Videos Best Animation Software Best AnimationsOpen menu Best Animated Movies of All Time Best… Continue reading 24 Best Pixar Shorts That You Need to Watch

What is Comedy — Defining it Through Technique

Being a comedy writer isn’t easy. Even if you’re a director, knowing what’s funny and what’s not, isn’t always easy. Comedy is mostly subjective, but if you’re trying to write, direct, or even act in a comedy, there are some techniques that might help. So what is comedy? We’ll give our comedy definition, examples of… Continue reading What is Comedy — Defining it Through Technique

10 Production Design Tips For Filmmakers on a Budget

What is Production Design What Does a Production Designer Do? Production Design Tips We all watch movies but rarely do we pause to think just how those movies were created. It’s the culmination of a large team of specialists and a production designer is an irreplaceable part of it.Continue reading 10 Production Design Tips For… Continue reading 10 Production Design Tips For Filmmakers on a Budget

What is Italian Neorealism in Film? Defining the Style

The impact of Italian Neorealism in film cannot be overstated. The works of Roberto Rossellini, Federico Fellini, and other major Neorealist directors are undeniable when it comes to the influence they have had on cinema throughout the world. They also had an immense effect on a young boy growing up in Queens named Martin Scorsese. We’re… Continue reading What is Italian Neorealism in Film? Defining the Style

How To Create Striking First and Final Frames in Your Film

A beginning, middle, and end are the bare bones that support the structure of any story. In his video essay First and Final Frames, Jacob T. Swinney compiles a stunning side-by-side comparison of opening and closing shots from many famous films. This is a unique experience to be sure. In this post we’re going to… Continue reading How To Create Striking First and Final Frames in Your Film

Best M. Night Shyamalan Movies, Ranked for Filmmakers

Best Shyamalan MoviesShyamalan’s Style ExplainedThe Return of M. Night Shyamalan When you think of the most iconic film directors, you can often discount their first couple of films — few filmmakers are geniuses out of the gate. Other directors start strong but end their careers with a painful series of flops. But almost no other… Continue reading Best M. Night Shyamalan Movies, Ranked for Filmmakers

10 Best Video Games Movies: Good Films Based On Video Games

Video game movies are often cast aside or plain derided by critics and fans, but we think that’s pure poppycock. It’s hard enough to bring a novel to life without angering fans, but just imagine if you were so immersed and devoted to that book that you occasionally slammed it into your hardwood floors, shattering it… Continue reading 10 Best Video Games Movies: Good Films Based On Video Games

Writing and Directing for Suspense: Inglourious Basterds

Quentin Tarantino has created some of the most memorable scenes in film history. However, none are quite so impactful, tense, and amazing as the Inglourious Basterds opening scene.The scene lasts for just under 20 minutes, but during that time, Tarantino employs a vast array of framing techniques and angles to help tell the story to… Continue reading Writing and Directing for Suspense: Inglourious Basterds