I love Mission: Impossible. You love Mission: Impossible. But learning how to shot list and film a fight scene like Mission Impossible can be incredibly difficult. But’s not…impossible. Okay, stay with me. Today we’re going to go over how to create a shot list for your action movie and dissect a clip from Mission: Impossible… Continue reading How to Shoot Dynamic Fight Scenes
A great antagonist is much more than just a “villain” to challenge your main character. There are many delicate components to creating a great antagonist. From casting to compelling storylines to inspired acting choices. However, it all starts in the script, and is fleshed out in the director’s script analysis.Continue reading 4 Essential Principles for… Continue reading 4 Essential Principles for Creating the Ultimate Antagonist
E nigmatic filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky believed that creating the “pressure of time” was one of his key film techniques he used to keep audiences hooked. In this video essay, we’ll be digging into some of his most immersive techniques.Continue reading Film Techniques You Can Learn From Andrei Tarkovsky Right Now
Art DepartmentOpen menu Art Director Production Designer Prop Master Storyboard Artist Concept Artist Set Dresser Ultimate Guide to Film Crew Positions Free Film Crew Management Software → Making a visually stunning film is no easy feat. The goal of a production designer is to immerse you in the world they have created. That’s the magic… Continue reading What Does a Production Designer Do? A Crash Course with Examples