What is Fine Art Photography — Types of Photography Explained

What is fine art photography? How is it made and how is it different from other forms of photography? And, perhaps a larger question that has stirred debate for decades, can photography even be considered a fine art? We will be answering all of these questions and examining some of the best fine art photography… Continue reading What is Fine Art Photography — Types of Photography Explained

The Guilty — Cinematography Breakdown with DP Maz Makhani

Cinematography BreakdownsOpen menu Stranger Things Cinematography Better Call Saul Cinematography Euphoria Cinematography Analysis Drive Cinematography Breakdown Blade Runner 2049 Cinematography Sicario Cinematography Cinematographer StylesOpen menu Roger Deakins Style Hoyte van Hoytema Style Linus Sandgren Style Rodrigo Prieto Style Robert Yeoman Style Darius Khondji Style E-BooksOpen menu FREE Ebook: Camera Lenses Explained FREE E-Book: Exposure The… Continue reading The Guilty — Cinematography Breakdown with DP Maz Makhani

How to Shoot Film Photography — A Guide From Start to Finish

With so much new technology coming out seemingly every year, many people are finding themselves drawn to analog technology. Vinyl records are making a comeback, Polaroids have regained popularity,  and bell bottom jeans might just be considered “in” again. Add to this nostalgic list film photography. Film photography is becoming more popular among professional and amateur… Continue reading How to Shoot Film Photography — A Guide From Start to Finish

What is Commercial Photography — Gear, Lighting, & Style Tips

You don’t have to be a professional commercial photographer to know how difficult it is to create images that standout in a sea of commercial images that are constantly in circulation. However, creating effective commercial photographs is not all about being unique, but being effective. And being effective comes down to using technique to capture a… Continue reading What is Commercial Photography — Gear, Lighting, & Style Tips

What is an Anamorphic Lens? How to Get that Cinematic Look

Types of LensesOpen menu Lens Basics Prime Lens Zoom Lens Anamorphic Lens Focal LengthsOpen menu Wide Angle Lens (14mm – 35mm) Standard (35mm – 70mm) What is a 50mm Lens Good For 35mm vs 50mm Lenses Telephoto Lens (70mm – 200mm) Create your free shot list → What does tank-warfare and the aspect ratio of… Continue reading What is an Anamorphic Lens? How to Get that Cinematic Look

Best Vlogging Camera — Top Picks Reviewed and Ranked

What is the best camera for vlogging? Well, today we’re going to break down the best vlogging cameras by way of three criteria: features, quality, and value. We’ll also explore each camera’s unique strengths and weaknesses by looking at video reviews. But before we get into the rankings, let’s quickly review vlogging cameras and relevant… Continue reading Best Vlogging Camera — Top Picks Reviewed and Ranked

What is Side Lighting in Photography — Portrait Lighting Tips

One of the biggest challenges photographers and cinematographers face is having the images they shoot pop to a viewer. After all, viewers see these images through two-dimensional mediums such as print or screens. Side lighting is a fundamental lighting technique that will help you achieve the three-dimensional lighting style you desire. What is side lighting… Continue reading What is Side Lighting in Photography — Portrait Lighting Tips

What is FOV — The Importance of Field of View in Photography

Whether you’re a photographer, a video game designer, a filmmaker, or work with VR, thoroughly understanding field of view or (FOV) is your foundation for success. It’s basic optics, and while you likely can assume what it is, let’s quickly go over it and see its importance in photography and the gaming world. So, what… Continue reading What is FOV — The Importance of Field of View in Photography

What is Backlight Photography — Lighting Techniques Explained

BasicsOpen menu Basics of Film Lighting What Does a Cinematographer Do What is Cinematography What is Digital Cinematography Cinematography Terms What is Motion Blur Lighting EssentialsOpen menu 3-Point Lighting What is Key Light What is Fill Light What is Backlight What is Practical Lighting When is Golden Hour E-BooksOpen menu FREE Ebook: Camera Lenses Explained… Continue reading What is Backlight Photography — Lighting Techniques Explained

Rodrigo Prieto Style – DP for Scorsese, Iñárritu, Ang Lee & More

Cinematography BreakdownsOpen menu Stranger Things Cinematography Better Call Saul Cinematography Euphoria Cinematography Analysis Drive Cinematography Breakdown Blade Runner 2049 Cinematography Sicario Cinematography Cinematographer StylesOpen menu Roger Deakins Style Hoyte van Hoytema Style Linus Sandgren Style Rodrigo Prieto Style Robert Yeoman Style Darius Khondji Style E-BooksOpen menu FREE Ebook: Camera Lenses Explained FREE E-Book: Exposure The… Continue reading Rodrigo Prieto Style – DP for Scorsese, Iñárritu, Ang Lee & More