Understanding Camera Lenses & How to Choose the Right Lens

Types of LensesOpen menu Lens Basics Prime Lens Zoom Lens Anamorphic Lens Focal LengthsOpen menu Wide Angle Lens (14mm – 35mm) Standard (35mm – 70mm) What is a 50mm Lens Good For 35mm vs 50mm Lenses Telephoto Lens (70mm – 200mm) Create your free shot list → Finding the best camera lenses for your camera… Continue reading Understanding Camera Lenses & How to Choose the Right Lens

Best Light Meter — Top 8 Ranked for Photography, Film & Video

Hand-held light meters might seem like an outdated appendage. Most modern cameras come with built-in light meters, and editing software is getting better and better at offering remedies to poorly-exposed footage. But light meters continue to be invaluable: a cinematographer’s primary job is to understand and manipulate light, and you can’t do that with a built-in… Continue reading Best Light Meter — Top 8 Ranked for Photography, Film & Video

What is 16:9 Aspect Ratio — Origins of the Widescreen Format

Look at your mobile device, your high-definition television, or laptop computer; what do you see? Most likely it’s a rectangular widescreen, with a lot of the video you watch on it filling the entirety of the screen. We are of course talking about the 16:9 ratio, which has been the current standard in television and… Continue reading What is 16:9 Aspect Ratio — Origins of the Widescreen Format

What is Motion Blur, Is Motion Blur Good & Why Does it Happen?

BasicsOpen menu What Does a Cinematographer Do What is Cinematography What is Digital Cinematography Cinematography Terms What is Motion Blur ResourcesOpen menu Essential Cinematography Books Top 100 Cinematography Films Videography Contract Template Best Cinematography Schools How to Join the Cinematographer’s Guild Best Cinematography Online Courses E-BooksOpen menu FREE E-Book: Camera Lenses Explained FREE E-Book: Exposure… Continue reading What is Motion Blur, Is Motion Blur Good & Why Does it Happen?

What is Depth of Focus vs. Depth of Field? — Camera Essentials

DOF Basics DOF Guide FREE Depth of Field E-Book There are few terms in cinematography and photography more misunderstood than depth of focus. The term is often used interchangeably with depth of field, but the two ideas actually have two completely separate meanings. Depth of focus is critical to understand if you want to have… Continue reading What is Depth of Focus vs. Depth of Field? — Camera Essentials

What is Forced Perspective? Examples of How to Trick the Eye

You don’t need to be a pro to use forced perspective. In fact, you’ve probably seen your friends post photos using the technique. Some of the most iconic films have worked with it, and even semi-professional photographers often grace the internet with the unique visual elements it often gives. So how can you use it… Continue reading What is Forced Perspective? Examples of How to Trick the Eye

What is Lens Flare? How to Get It & How to Avoid It

What is lens flare? It’s probably appeared on some of your photos or footage. Sometimes it ruins images, and sometimes it surprises you and makes you feel like you are the greatest photographer in all the land. If you’re an aspiring photographer or filmmaker, though, you’ll probably want and need more control over your images.… Continue reading What is Lens Flare? How to Get It & How to Avoid It

Extreme Close-Up Shots: Creative Examples That Work

Close UpsOpen menu Extreme Close-Up (ECU) Medium Close-Up (MCU) Medium ShotsOpen menu Medium Shot (MS) Cowboy Shot (CS) Medium Full Shot (MFS) Wide ShotsOpen menu Full Shot (FS) Wide Shot (WS) Extreme Wide Shot (EWS) Create Free Shot List Extreme close-up shots are a very useful tool in cinema, but because they are so noticeable… Continue reading Extreme Close-Up Shots: Creative Examples That Work

What is VistaVision — A History of Widescreen in Hollywood

Before the 1950s, nearly every single movie was in the same 4:3 aspect ratio. But then CinemaScope from 20th Century Fox changed the landscape with widescreen imagery to get people into theaters nationwide. Pretty soon, other studios were making their own widescreen movies, including Paramount Pictures with VistaVision. What is VistaVision, you ask? Well, it… Continue reading What is VistaVision — A History of Widescreen in Hollywood

What is the Circle of Confusion — Photography Definition

How do you ensure your photos are sharp and in focus? Getting comfortable with the circle of confusion is a good first step. What is circle of confusion? This concept is an under-defined, yet super critical idea in photography. And understanding it will help you see how everything works together. The circle of confusion is… Continue reading What is the Circle of Confusion — Photography Definition

Loop Lighting Photography — Definition, Setup & Creative Uses

For portrait photographers, loop lighting is essential. And for beginners, it’s a straightforward lighting setup to learn. It can be created with only one light source and an understanding of where to put that light source. So, what is loop lighting photography and how can you capture it? In this article, we’ll be taking a look… Continue reading Loop Lighting Photography — Definition, Setup & Creative Uses

The Reaction Shot — Much More Than Essential Film Grammar

Dialogue scenes can be great, but they can easily fall short if they solely focus on the character doing the talking. Reaction shots have the ability to elevate a dialogue scene in a completely nonverbal way. Sometimes the physical reactions of a character can say a whole lot more than words. Let’s find out how.Continue… Continue reading The Reaction Shot — Much More Than Essential Film Grammar

Film Lookbook Examples & How to Make a Lookbook for Film

A crucial part of filmmaking lies in preparation during pre-production. Developing an idea of what a film will look and feel like takes some deep thinking. Creating a film lookbook is a great way to compile all of these thoughts into one place for your benefit and the benefit of the entire film crew. In this… Continue reading Film Lookbook Examples & How to Make a Lookbook for Film

What is 4:3 Aspect Ratio — And Why Do Filmmakers Still Use It?

Long ago, when all television screens and computer monitors looked alike, they shared the same aspect ratio of 4 by 3. It dominated the way early cinema and television looked, but it was not meant to last. In the 21st century, new and emerging technology has resulted in more aspect ratios, like 16:9, leaving 4:3… Continue reading What is 4:3 Aspect Ratio — And Why Do Filmmakers Still Use It?

What is Butterfly Lighting — Definition, Examples and Setups

Lighting techniques are the heart of great photography and cinematography. Knowing the fundamentals and learning each lighting pattern will give you more control and intention over your shots. Butterfly lighting is fundamental to portrait photography. Not only is it one of the most flattering lighting patterns, it is also extremely easy to set up. So,… Continue reading What is Butterfly Lighting — Definition, Examples and Setups

Underexposed Photography — Editing in Photoshop & Lightroom

BasicsOpen menu Basics of Film Lighting What Does a Cinematographer Do What is Cinematography What is Digital Cinematography Cinematography Terms What is Motion Blur Lighting EssentialsOpen menu 3-Point Lighting What is Key Light What is Fill Light What is Backlight What is Practical Lighting When is Golden Hour E-BooksOpen menu FREE Ebook: Camera Lenses Explained… Continue reading Underexposed Photography — Editing in Photoshop & Lightroom

What is a Parfocal Lens — The Advantage of Parfocal Lenses

If you ever looked into buying a cinema lens, you might recall your jaw dropping from the price tag. While there are various elements of a cinema lens that differ from photography lenses, there is one spec that should not be undervalued. All cinema lenses are parfocal lenses. What is a parfocal lens? Why are… Continue reading What is a Parfocal Lens — The Advantage of Parfocal Lenses

What is Double Exposure? Techniques in Photography and Film

We’ve discussed the basics of exposure — overexposure, underexposure and what camera settings control it. But what is double exposure? It isn’t a difficult technique to master, it just takes a little practice. In this post, we’ll cover the basics behind this style with some tutorials on how to do double exposure in Photoshop. Let’s… Continue reading What is Double Exposure? Techniques in Photography and Film

Black and White Portrait Photography — Pro-Tips & Techniques

Choosing to shoot black and white photography is exactly that — a choice. It is a choice that many photographers choose to make when shooting portraits. Why? What is it about a black and white photo that works so well when capturing the face of a person? How can you use black and white photography… Continue reading Black and White Portrait Photography — Pro-Tips & Techniques