Darren Aronofsky movies show us the most complex regions of the human psyche. As the Black Swan director says, “Because we are filmmakers, we can show where a person’s mind goes.” Continue reading Darren Aronofsky Movies ― Directing Style and Technique
If you’re familiar with David Fincher movies, you know they focus on serial killers, robbers, brawlers, and murderers alike. You might also know that he has a reputation for being an exacting, obsessively technical director. However, dark subjects and visual meticulousness belie Fincher’s overlooked secret weapon: his ability to connect with actors on a human level… Continue reading The Directing Style of David Fincher
Best Nolan MoviesNolan’s Directing StyleNolan Directing Tips Nolan’s CirclesNolan’s Shot List Christopher Nolan films include Memento, The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Prestige, and Interstellar. His films Inception and Dunkirk received Academy Award nominations for best picture. We watched all of Christopher Nolan’s movies, interviews, and documentaries to compile a list of filmmaking tips & techniques.Continue reading… Continue reading Christopher Nolan: A Filmmaker’s Guide to Nolan’s Directing Style
Best Shyamalan MoviesShyamalan’s Style ExplainedThe Return of M. Night Shyamalan I’ve been a fan of M. Night Shyamalan for years, and that includes the 9-year gap between Lady in the Water and The Visit when it was challenging for everyone involved. I don’t love every Shyamalan movie, but I don’t despise his misfires either —… Continue reading Welcome to the Shyamalan-aissance — What a Twist!
Best Tarantino MoviesQT’s Directing StyleQT Directing Tips QT DialogueOnce Upon a Time AnalysisBasterds Breakdown Is there any filmmaker whose personality is more apparent when you watch his films than Quentin Tarantino? In his own quirky way, Tarantino has introduced us to some of the most shocking and moving emotional moments on film. Of course, Quentin Tarantino’s… Continue reading The Directing Style of Quentin Tarantino
Michael Bay movies are more than a complex assembly of explosions. He’s a skilled craftsman from which filmmakers, young and old, can learn a lot from his films. If you’re hoping for another post that attacks Bay as a poor filmmaker… you’re in the wrong place. In this post, we break down the directing style of… Continue reading What is Bayhem? ― Michael Bay Directing Style