
Download FREE Storyboard Templates Pack or Make a Storyboard Online

We have two free options for you! Make a story board online with StudioBinder's Storyboard Creator, or download a free storyboard template pack below.

Free Video Storyboard Template

What is a Storyboard?

storyboard is a graphic layout that sequences illustrations and images with the purpose of visually telling a story. A story board is used to communicate how a scene will play out shot by shot and is often used for motion pictures, television, animation, commercials, pre-visualizations or interactive media.

Storyboard panels can be comprised of custom drawings, screenshots from comparable videos, or photos taken on location.

A storyboard template or storyboarding software is designed to make the process of assembling and sharing professional story boards much easier. 

Preview and download 60+ free storyboard templates, ideal for video, film, TV, animation or simply pitching a story. The story board templates are available as PDF, PSD, Word or PPT.

Quick Links

60+ FREE Storyboard Templates & Creator (PDF, PSD, PPT, DOCX) 3

Storyboard Examples

Tired of templates? With a storyboard creator you can create a professional storyboard in the cloud, collaborate, and share storyboards, like the one below:

Create a storyboard online: Animation Storyboard  â€¢  Video Storyboard  â€¢  Movie Storyboard  â€¢ Short Film Storyboard • Powerpoint Story board  â€¢  Digital Storyboard  â€¢  Comic Story board  â€¢  Commercial Storyboard

Printable PDF Storyboard Template

Ideal if you want to print your storyboard template PDF or sketch by hand. Comes bundled with portrait and landscape versions with up to 16 panels per page.

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 2 Frames

2-Frame Vertical PDF Storyboard Template

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 3 Frames 2.40

3-Frame Vertical PDF Storyboard Template

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 3 Frames

3-Frame Vertical with Checkboxes  

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 6 Frames

6-Frame Vertical PDF Storyboard Template

Photoshop Storyboard Templates

Download story board templates as layered PSDs, compatible with all recent versions of Adobe Photoshop.

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 2 Frames

2-Frame Vertical Storyboard Template

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 3 Frames 2.40

3-Frame Vertical Storyboard Template

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 3 Frames

3-Frame Vertical with Checkboxes

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 6 Frames

6-Frame Vertical Storyboard Template

Powerpoint Storyboard Templates

If you're looking for a powerpoint storyboard to incorporate into a presentation, this is the storyboard pack for you.

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 2 Frames

2-Frame Vertical Storyboard Template

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 3 Frames 2.40

3-Frame Vertical Storyboard Template

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 3 Frames

3-Frame Vertical with Checkboxes

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 6 Frames

6-Frame Vertical Storyboard Template

60+ FREE Storyboard Templates & Creator (PDF, PSD, PPT, DOCX) 6

"StudioBinder has the best storyboard templates I’ve found online."

Gabriel Hardman, Storyboard Artist for Interstellar and Inception

Microsoft Word Storyboard Templates

These storyboard templates for Microsoft Word (docx) make it easy to create a story board without leaving your word processor. Could also be imported into Google Docs.

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 2 Frames

2-Frame Vertical Story board Template

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 3 Frames 2.40

3-Frame Vertical Storyboard Template

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 3 Frames

3-Frame Vertical with Checkboxes

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 6 Frames

6-Frame Vertical Storyboard Template

Comic or Animation Storyboard Templates

Storyboarding is a critical part of the animation or comic process, so start yourself off on the right foot. Also brush up on the storyboarding process by reading our guide on how to make a storyboard.

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 2 Frames

2-Frame Vertical Animation Storyboard  Template

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 3 Frames 2.40

3-Frame Vertical Animation Storyboard Template

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 3 Frames

3-Frame Vertical with Checkboxes

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 6 Frames

6-Frame Vertical Animation Storyboard Template

Film and Video Storyboard Templates

Whether shooting a movie, online video or commercial, a good film and video storyboard template will make it easy to communicate your vision with clarity. Need shot inspiration? Check out our Ultimate Guide to Camera Shots & Angles

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 2 Frames

2-Frame Vertical Storyboard Template

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 3 Frames 2.40

3-Frame Vertical Storyboard Template

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 3 Frames

3-Frame Vertical with Checkboxes

StudioBinder Storyboard Template - 6 Frames

6-Frame Vertical Storyboard Template

60+ FREE Storyboard Templates & Creator (PDF, PSD, PPT, DOCX) 7

Or Use Storyboard Creator Software

Storyboarding templates are nice and all, but messing with margins takes a toll. By using online storyboarder software, the grunt work is done so you can focus on the creative.

Collaborate in the cloud. Click-and-select shot details. Customize columns and aspect ratios. View and share slideshows with collaborators and clients.


More Storyboarding Resources

There's more to a good storyboard template than how it's laid out. Explore these essential articles to take your work to the next level.


How to Make a Storyboard - Video Storyboard Template - sm

The Definitive Guide to Storyboarding

A step-by-step guide to creating a storyboard. Includes plenty of story board examples to get you started.

60+ FREE Storyboard Templates & Creator (PDF, PSD, PPT, DOCX) 10

Inspiring Film & TV Storyboard Examples

A collection of DGA-released professional story board examples from world-renowned story board artists working in entertainment.

Best Storyboard Software - StudioBinder - sm

List of the Best Storyboard Software

Design, upload, share and collaborate better using storyboard software. Here's a list of the best story board apps in the market right now. 

Online Storyboard Creator and Maker - StudioBinder - sm

How to Make a Storyboard Online

A step-by-step guide to creating storyboards with an online storyboard creator. You'll never go back.