A storyboard is a graphic layout that sequences illustrations and images with the purpose of visually telling a story. Filmmakers and video creators use storyboards to transfer ideas from thier mind to the screen. Creating an effective story board takes skill, but you can learn from storyboard examples to gain some pro tips.

Take a look at these fantastic professional storyboard examples. These verified storyboards were released by the DGA, and they include storyboard examples from Harry Potter, Star Wars, Inception, Gladiator, Jurassic Park, Moulin Rouge, and many other great films.

Sci-Fi and Fantasy Storyboards 

Movie Story board Examples

1. Alien

Scene: Infirmary Scene

Ridley Scott did not draw stick figures here, and while he probably picked up some pretty slick storyboarding skills when he attended the Royal College of Art, it doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel or that you can’t achieve similar results from following his example.  

Film Storyboard Examples - Movie Storyboard Sample - Ridley Scott - Alien - StudioBinder

Story boards by Ridley Scott for Ridley Scott’s  •  Alien

Note: “Action inside the egg is beautiful.”

"It’s got a wonderful defense mechanism... molecular acid storyboards."

Movie Storyboard Examples

2. Pacific Rim

Not a lot of wide shots in these storyboards. Going from control room to outside takes careful film planning. There is a distinct Japanese/Anime vibe.

Very cool how the negative space works as light in this storyboard. Check out the entire story board with the shot specs, take a look below:

Movie Storyboard Examples

3. Jurassic Park

Scene: Raptor Attack Scene

The storyboarding notes help lead you into each new shot. Multiple slides (or cells) for can be used for a single shot, especially if you plan to linger a bit.

Storyboard Examples - Storyboard Ideas - Film Storyboad Template - Storyboard Format -Jurassic Park Storyboard - StudioBinder

Storyboards by David Lowery for Steven Spielberg's  •  Jurassic Park

Note: “Foot toward camera and…”

"Ah, ah, ah, you didn’t say the magic word (it’s storyboard)."

Movie Storyboard Examples

4. Star Wars: A New Hope

Scene: A Galaxy Far, Far Away

George Lucas did a storyboard for the title sequence. C3PO looks really different in these. Tougher. Lucas knew how he wanted that final shot.

Storyboard Examples for Film - Storyboard Ideas - George Lucas - Star Wars A New Hope - StudioBinder

Storyboards by George Lucas for  •  Star Wars: A New Hope

Movie Storyboard Examples

5. Transformers

Scene: Blackout’s Rampage

I quickly notice thoughtful sketches of the production design. See how the artists visualize destruction? Blocking of the confused soldiers is very interesting, along with being a really pretty story board example.

Film Storyboard Examples - Ed Natividad - Michael Bay - Transformers - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Ed Natividad for Michael Bay’s  •  Transformers

Definitely story boards for a Michael Bay film.

"Autobots; assemble... a scene with a storyboard."

Movie Storyboard Examples

6. Inception

Scene: Hallway Fight Scene

How to make a storyboard of a rotating room?  The ceiling fan helps you stay oriented. See how the room is drawn the same across multiple slides? Techniques like these are often used in dynamic scenes—learn more in How to Storyboard a Fight Scene.

Film Storyboard Examples - Gabriel Hardman - Inception - Christopher Nolan - Storyboard Ideas - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Gabriel Hardman for Christopher Nolan’s  •  Inception

Note: The scene numbers added by the storyboard artists. 

"Never recreate storyboards from memory… always create new ones."

Movie Story board Examples

7. Edge of Tomorrow

Scene: Cage Drops In Scene

This storyboard shows a scene where Cage drops from the ship into battle. Where so many other films try to make everything look heroic, this film does a great job of showing how random battle can be. 

Storyboard Examples - Edge of tomorrow Storyboard - StudioBinder

Edge of Tomorrow  •  Storyboard Example

We get camera movement and an indication that this shot was meant to be continued across multiple storyboard slides. Planning transitions like these is essential for visual flow—learn more in How to Storyboard Camera Movement.

"There is no courage without fear... and a detailed storyboard."

Movie Storyboard Examples

8. There Will Be Blood 

Scene: Oil Derrick Scene

The directors are thinking about the background imagery a lot, and that plays on the screen as well. Lots of shot to reverse-shot

Storyboards by P.K. MacCarthy  •  Click here to view There Will Be Blood's storyboard

Action Storyboard Examples

Movie Storyboard Examples

9. Gladiator

Scene: Battle Tigers

There is a clear chain of events in these storyboards? Intelligent camera placement leads to depth and layers. 

Click to view the full storyboard below:

Storyboarding these scenes beforehand is much cheaper than practicing with real life tigers. Less fun though. 

"We’ve got a better chance of survival if we storyboard together..."

Movie Storyboard Examples

10. Tomorrow Never Dies

Scene: Banner Escape

You should always storyboard stunts for extra safety. It will help your stunt coordinators too. Costume designers decided to change both costumes.

Film Storyboard Examples - Movie Storyboard Sample - Martin Asbury - Roger Spottiswoode - Tomorrow Never Dies - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Martin Asbury for Roger Spottiswoode's  •  Tomorrow Never Dies

Movie Storyboard Examples

11. Raiders of the Lost Ark

Scene: The Opening of the Ark

How does the color help tell the story, or communicate goals? Great use of shading. Do you think this storyboard helped them light the scene?

Film Storyboard Examples - Movie Storyboard Sample - Film Storyboard Templates - Ed Verreaux - Steven Spielberg - Raiders of the Lost Ark - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Ed Verreaux for Steven Spielberg's  •  Raiders of the Lost Ark

Movie Storyboard Examples

12. Forrest Gump

Scene: Meet President Johnson

Zemeckis combined custom footage with old newsreel footage. Covering the scene in close-ups helped them shroud inconsistencies.

Here's what the storyboard would look like, frame-by-frame:

Storyboards by Chris Bonura  •  Click to view the entire Forest Gump storyboard

"Storyboards are the fruit of the sea."

Movie Storyboard Examples

13. Gone with the Wind

Scene: Fleeing Atlanta

Did the colors in the storyboard help for the lighting schemes later? Storyboard notes help us understand the action. Lots of depth in slide three.

Movie Storyboard Examples for Film - William Cameron Menzies - Victor Fleming - Gone With the Wind - StudioBinder

Storyboards by William Cameron Menzies for  •  Gone With the Wind

"As god as my witness… I’ll never forget to storyboard again."

Movie Storyboard Examples

14. Apocalypse Now

Scene: Ride of the Valkyries

The focus seems to be how to shoot the air cavalry. Notice the carnage behind Col. Kilgore. Do these helicopters look heroic? Evil? Neutral?

Film Storyboard Examples - Movie Storyboard Sample - Francis Ford Coppola - Apocalypse Now - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Alex Tavoularis for  •  Apocalypse Now

Movie Storyboard Examples

15. Ali

Scene: Muhammad Ali vs. Ernie Terrell

Directional storyboard arrows show where punches come from. Important to replicate actual fight. Big wide establishing shot of arena creates scope.

Here's what the storyboard would actually look like:

Storyboards by Tim Burgard  •  Click to view the Ali storyboard

"Float like a butterfly, sting like a storyboard."

Movie Storyboard Examples

16. Spartacus

Scene: Battle Plans

How many storyboard battle scenes took cues from Spartacus? Slide dedicated to arrows mid-flight. Lots of color in these storyboard samples.

Film Storyboard Examples - Movie Storyboard Sample - Stanley Kubrick - Spartacus - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Saul Bass for Stanley Kubrick’s  •  Spartacus

Interesting composition and angle choice.

"I’m storyboard! No, I’m storyboard! No... I’m storyboard!"

Movie Storyboard Examples

17. The Towering Inferno

Scene: Elevator Rescue Scene

Lots of high angles in this storyboard. How good is the smoke continuity? Big action scenes need a lot of planning.  

Film Storyboard Examples - Movie Storyboard Sample - Joseph Musso - John Guillermin - The Towering Inferno - StudioBinder

 Storyboards by Joseph Musso for  •  The Towering Inferno

This is a scene with stunts, special effects, and a difficult location.

"Can you get me a chopper with a winch...oh and a storyboard?"

Movie Storyboard Examples

19. Salt

Scene: Rooftop Scene

This storyboard shows a scene where Salt is hanging from a rope and eventually lets go. Notice how the storyboard artist understand composition and how to create background imagery

Storyboard Example - Salt Storyboard - Tim Burgard - StudioBinder

Salt Storyboard Example by Tim Burgard

There are references to a camera pan with the rope swing as well. 

"We've got a defector... he brought storyboards"

Movie Storyboard Examples

20. Interview with the Vampire

Scene: Ending Scene

Spoiler: this storyboard shows the final scene where Lestat bites Mallory. 

Storyboard Examples - Interview with the Vampire Storyboard - StudioBinder

Interview with the Vampire Storyboard Example

Notice how the pacing of the scene is referenced in the storyboard notes. The scene plays out a bit differently in the movie, which may have been done on purpose or maybe the shot didn't work out as planned. 

"I'm going to give you the storyboard example... I never had."

Musical Storyboard Examples

Movie Storyboard Examples

21. Austin Powers 3

Scene: Opening

When you're shooting a scene that involves stunts and a visual effect component, it's super important to storyboard camera movement down to a tee.

Jay Roach had only eight hours to shoot one of the best opening sequence, and you can see that it did not stop him from nailing down that task.

"Well, no offense, Sir Stevie but you've got to have mojo storyboard, baby. Yeah."

Movie Storyboard Examples

22. Moulin Rouge

Scene: Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend

The use of directional arrows keeps us oriented. POV shot of Sabine reaching out is one slide that jumps out to me. Close-ups to wide shots.

Storyboard Examples for Film - Storyboard Ideas - David Russell - Moulin Rouge Storyboard - StudioBinder

Storyboards by David Russell for Baz Luhrmann’s Moulin Rouge

Baz Luhrmann uses lots of angle changes in this scene, and you can see the complicated edit visualized during the storyboard process. 

"I’ve arranged a meeting with you and a storyboard… totawwy awone..."

Movie Storyboard Examples

23. The Sound of Music

Scene: Do-Re-Mi

Lots of symmetry in these shots. A ton of complicated choreography. Great depth in many of the slides due to creative blocking.

Storyboard Examples for Film - Storyboard Ideas - Maurice Zuberano - Robert Wise - The Sound of Music - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Maurice Zuberano for The Sound of Music

There is a fantasy element to how much ground they cover.

"When the Lord closes a door, somewhere, he draws a storyboard."

Horror Storyboard Examples

Movie Storyboard Examples

25. Get Out

Scene: Sunken Place Scene

This digital storyboard shows a scene where Chris falls into the sunken place after being hypnotized by Missy Armitage.

Storyboard Example - Get Out Storyboard 2 - Eric Yamamoto - StudioBinder

Get Out Sunken Place Storyboard Example by Eric Yamamoto

Here's a continuation of this storyboard:

Storyboard Example - Get Out Storyboard - Eric Yamamoto - StudioBinder

Get Out Sunken Place #2 Storyboard Example by Eric Yamamoto

"Sink through the storyboard."

Movie Storyboard Examples

26. Psycho

Scene: Trouble in the Shower

Knife shot is exactly the same in the film. Look at the intended close-up of her mouth when she’s stabbed. Sex, comfort, and murder collide.  

Happy face in the first few slides. Huge tonal shift in this scene.

Psycho  •  Trouble in the Shower

"Well, a boy’s best friend is his storyboard."

Movie Storyboard Examples

27. The Birds

Scene: Playground Scene

This storyboard example shows the birds gathering on the school playground while the children are inside the school.

Storyboard Examples - The Birds Storyboard - StudioBinder

The Birds  •  Storyboard Example

This scene plays out differently in the actual film, but the overall purpose of the storyboard is still very much present. 

Children Get Attacked By Birds

"Alright children now put your storyboards away."

Fantasy Storyboard Examples

Movie Storyboard Examples

28. Spider-Man 2

Scene: Train Battle

This storyboard looks like a comic book…Spidey is losing, then winning. Lots of directional arrows.

Storyboard Examples - Chris Buchinsky - Sam Raimi - Spider-Man 2 - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Chris Buchinsky for Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2

We need at least three more Spider-Man reboots!

Spider-Man 2  •  Train Battle

I'd do another pithy storyboard puns but Spider-Man is never sarcastic....

Movie Storyboard Examples

29. Logan

Scene: Decapitation Scene

This storyboard shows the scene where Logan decapitates Jackson. This is a really detailed storyboard example by a very talented storyboard artist

Storyboard Examples - Logan Storyboard - Mark Vena - StudioBinder

Logan Storyboard by Mark Vena

There were a lot of brutal scenes all throughout Logan, and the storyboard artist's job is to capture the emotion in the sketch. 

Logan  •  Trailer

"Charles the world isn't the same anymore... except for storyboards."

Movie Storyboard Examples

30. Ant-Man

Scene: Ant Rescue Scene

Notice how storyboard artist Steven Markowski uses lines around the face to signal a surprised emotion from Scott Lang. 

Storyboard Examples - Ant Man Storyboard - Steven Markowski - StudioBinder

Ant-Man Storyboard by Steven Markowski

Movie Storyboard Examples

31. Iron Man

Scene: Pepper Catches Tony Scene

This storyboard example shows a scene in Iron Man where Pepper catches Tony attempting to remove his suit after his first mission.

Storyboard Example - Ironman Storyboard - David Duncan - StudioBinder

Iron Man Storyboard Example by David Duncan

Movie Storyboard Examples

32. Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix

Scene: Battle at the Department of Mysteries

Directional arrows help keep us organized. High angle shot when they enter the Department. Slide two illustrates confusion.

Storyboard Examples - Jim Cornish - David Yates - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Jim Cornish for David Yates’ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Notice how it’s a point of view shot when Harry casts a spell.

Battle at the Department of Mysteries  •  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

"I must not tell lies… I must make storyboards."

Movie Storyboard Examples

33. Percy Jackson

Scene: Medusa Scene

This storyboard example shows the scene where Percy Jackson must confront the Gorgon, Medusa. Notice they're sized for "anamorphic." 

Storyboard Example - Percy Jackson Storyboard - Tim Burgard - StudioBinder

Percy Jackson Storyboard by Tim Burgard

The storyboard example has sound effects are added as well as detailed shot descriptions that help tell the story through visuals.

Percy Jackson  •  Medusa Scene

"Ssssneek a peek... at some storyboard examplesssss."

TV Storyboard Examples

Television Storyboard Examples

34. Game of Thrones

Scene: Daenerys Targaryen Give Birth Scene

This storyboard shows a scene where Daenerys gives birth to three dragons which works out perfectly for everyone in the last season.

Storyboard Examples - Game of Thornes Storyboard - StudioBinder

Daenerys Gives Birth Storyboard Example

TV Storyboard Examples

35. Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Scene: Mouth of Hell

Parallel action occurs on the same storyboard. More depth with the wider shots. Storyboards are great for any effects-heavy TV show or film.

Film Storyboard Examples - Movie Storyboard Sample - Charles Ratteray - Joss Whedon - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - StudioBinder

Storyboards by Charles Ratteray for Joss Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer

You can start to see why Whedon was called on to direct The Avengers.

TV Storyboard Examples

36. Westworld

Scene: Reckoning

Similar to the storyboard example above, you can show parallel action on a single storyboard. Notice how important the arrows are in this storyboard and how they inform the order of the edits. 

Storyboard Examples - Westworld - Dan Caplan - StudioBinder-min

Westworld Season 2 Storyboard Example by Dan Caplan

Here is the trailer from season 2 of Westworld:

Westworld  •  Season 2 Trailer

"The violent delight have violent storyboards"

Animation Storyboard Examples

Animation Storyboard Examples

37. Kung Fu Panda

Scene: Training Scene

This animatic shows a scene where Po attempts Kung Fu training.

Storyboard Example - Kung Fu Panda Storyboard - Angelo Libutti - StudioBinder

Kung Fu Panda Storyboard Example by Angelo Libutti

Because this is an animation storyboard the images you see in this example are the actual building blocks for the final image.  

Training Scene

"Don't worry master... I'll never give up storyboarding."

Animation Storyboard Examples

39. Up

Scene: Opening Scene

This storyboard shows the opening scene in Up, which from my understanding is super uplifting and not painful at all. 

Storyboard Examples - Up Storyboard - StudioBinder

Up  •  Storyboard Example

Again, because this storyboard was made for an animated feature film you can see how closely the storyboard example is the final product. 

Opening Scene from  •  Up

"Don't you know this is an exclusive club? Only storyboards get in here."

Animation Storyboard Examples

40. Tom and Jerry

Scene: Orphan Episode

Here you can see some of the earliest animation storyboard examples from an episode of Tom and Jerry

Storyboard Examples - Tom and Jerry Storyboard - StudioBinder

Tom and Jerry  •  Storyboard Example

Animation Storyboard Examples

41. Summer Camp Island

Scene: Witch Episode

This storyboard shows an important moment in the show where the youngsters realize their camp counselors are witches. How fun!

Storyboard Examples - Summer Camp Storyboard - StudioBinder

Summer Camp Island  •  Storyboard Example

Check out the scene below to see how the storyboard lead to thew final scene, and how closely they resembles each other. 

Summer Camp Island  •  Episode

"We're about to make a bunch of pot holders... and storyboards"

Animation Storyboard Examples

42. Batman

Scene: Series Intro

This storyboard shows the introduction sequence for the Batman Animated Series. Seeing these slides brings back sweet memories. 

There is no better clarification on how useful storyboards can be when you see one from an animated film or television show. Animators often understand visual literacy better than many film directors

Storyboard Examples - Batman Storyboard - StudioBinder

Batman Animated  •  Storyboard Example

Animation Storyboard Examples

43. Adventure Time

Scene: Tree Trunks Alien Scene 

This storyboard example from the animated show Adventure Time shows how you can add dialogue and screen direction to your animated storyboards to make them as specific as needed. 

Storyboard Examples - Adventure Time Storyboard - StudioBinder

Adventure Time  •  Storyboard Example

Video Game Storyboard Examples

Video Game Storyboard Examples

44. Super Mario Odyssey

Scene: Game Intro Scene 

This storyboard example shows the intro scene for the video game, Super Mario Odyssey, which allows you to play the game either as Mario... or as Mario's hat, which is exactly as fun as it sounds. 

Storyboard Examples - Super Mario Odyssey Storyboard - StudioBinder

Super Mario Odyssey Video Game  •  Storyboard Example

Storyboards can be used for film, television, animation, and video games because they are the perfect tool for communicating visual goals. 

Super Mario Odyssey  •  Intro

"It'sa meee... a-storyboard! Okie dokie!"

Video Game Storyboard Examples

45. Gears of War

Scene: Mad World Trailer

This storyboard example shows the trailer for Gears of War. This trailer featured the song "Mad World", and helped create a successful launch for the series. The games are great, but no doubt the trailer helped a lot. 

Storyboard Examples - Gears of War - Dwayne Turner - StudioBinder-min

Gears of War  •  Storyboard Example by Dwayne Turner

Check out the trailer to see how the storyboard translated on screen:

Gears of War  •  "Mad World" Trailer

"I'll take those storyboards!"

Video Game Storyboard Examples

46. Major League Baseball

Scene: PS3 Move Trailer

This storyboard example shows the trailer for Major League Baseball for the Playstation 3. This storyboard was created to show how the PS move system could mentally transport players onto the field. 

Storyboard Examples - MLB PS3 - Dwayne Turner - StudioBinder-min

Major League Baseball  •  Storyboard Example by Dwayne Turner

"Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is storyboards"


Storyboards force creative filmmaking

Ever had a great idea for a shot or perhaps an entire scene? Everything is visualized perfectly in your mind, but will it make it to the screen?

What you need is a storyboard. Storyboards are what professional directors and production companies use to clearly communicate visual ideas with their team. Cavemen used storyboards. The Ancient Egyptians used storyboards.

Bottom line:  Storyboards work.

While some of the reasons storyboards work so well may seem painfully obvious, there are more nuanced rationales that many novice (and professional) filmmakers tend to overlook.

You may not have a huge budget, so naturally, you think you’re limited. That line of thinking can be harmful to your project because what you’re actually doing is limiting your creativity, which in turn limits the effectiveness of your vision, which in turns limits your project.

Don’t waste valuable energy thinking about limitations. Take that energy and create storyboard ideas for your scene (or look through websites where to find storyboard artists for hire). Make sure to spend some time sketching out your storyboard ideas, even if they're just as samples. You’ll often hear the suggestion to:

“Draw your storyboard ideas with stick figures if you’re not an artist.”

I strongly disagree.

I firmly believe that you should take your time drawing an ugly storyboard because then you’re forced to draw an ugly background, an ugly foreground, ugly characters, and thoughtful shot compositions. If you want to refine your skills, you can even explore Storyboard Classes Online to develop a stronger foundation.

Suddenly, new storyboard ideas are popping into your head:

  • Maybe a special easter egg hidden in the background of a shot.
  • Or perfect symmetry for a specific point in the story.
  • Perhaps a match cut from one image to another.

These are great cinematic goals, and they’re often the product of storyboarding. Tim Burton movies and Wes Anderson films come to mind when I think about precise shot composition and unique production design.

They put imagery on the screen that you won’t find anywhere in the existing world. They had their departments build, scout, and piece together a world that, at one point, only existed in their minds.

How do you think they communicated their visions? Their teams used storyboards to act as examples for their vision. Learn as much as you can from these movie storyboard examples and see how you can take your dream from your head to the big screen.


Create the perfect storyboard

When you study professional storyboards like these, you quickly begin to understand how much effort goes into the planning stages of a film.

Successful projects use the pre-production phase to the fullest. When you create a tangible plan for your production, you will limit possible miscommunications, and maximize creative output from your team.

If you use storyboarding software like StudioBinder, you can show how each scene will play out, and keep your entire plan organized in a single digitally accessible place.

Music Video Storyboard with StudioBinder  •  Subscribe on YouTube

Your entire production team can collaborate from anywhere at anytime. Instead of wasting hours playing phone tag with assistants or scheduling late night conference calls because of time zone differences.


Make a Storyboard in StudioBinder

Now that you’ve seen some of the greatest storyboard examples of all time, you can begin to storyboard your own projects like an Academy Award Winner... though its an honor just to be nominated. 

You can use one of our 60+ FREE storyboard templates or build and share your storyboards through the cloud with StudioBinder's storyboarding and pre-production software. 

Up Next: Build a Storyboard →
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Showcase your vision with elegant shot lists and storyboards.

Create robust and customizable shot lists. Upload images to make storyboards and slideshows.

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  1. Storyboarding is all about structure. In this step, you want to figure out the sequence of events for your video. What is the narrative you’re telling?

  2. Superb Article – very well researched and articulated. Excellent work and many, many thanks!!!!!!

  3. I found StudioBinder’s collection of storyboard examples incredibly insightful. The variety of styles and techniques showcased here provide great inspiration for both beginners and professionals. The breakdowns of iconic scenes, like Edge of Tomorrow and Gladiator, highlight the importance of composition, camera movement, and visual storytelling. This resource is a must-read for anyone looking to refine their storyboarding skills.

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