Breaking into the Entertainment Industry as a screenwriter can often feel mysterious and difficult. With so many ways to “make it,” how do you determine which path is “the right path” that’ll properly lead you toward an illustrious career? Internships are an excellent first step to get your foot in the door, but which ones are “the good ones” for script writers that deserve your full focus? Over the course of this article, we’ll highlight the current landscape of screenwriting internships so you can make the best decision on where to take that first step.


What is a screenwriting internship?

A screenwriting internship is an “educational position” carved out for a student employee that may or may not be paid. Most often, these positions are part-time and often worked around the intern’s school schedule. A “Screenwriting internship” doesn’t necessarily mean working among writers, but rather working within corners of the industry that have a pipeline to working as a writer. Talent agencies, production companies, and development offices are just a few examples of internships that can help aspiring writers. 

Where you can find a screenwriting internship:

  • Production company
  • Development office at a major network
  • Talent agency

Screenwriting Internships in Los Angeles

1. TV Academy Foundation Internships

Best Screenwriting Internships TVA Foundation One of the best screenwriter internships in Los Angeles

TVA Foundation  •  One of the best screenwriter internships in Los Angeles

The TVA has 28 different screenwriting internship categories, making it one of the most diverse and well-rounded internship programs offered to future TV writers. Aspiring writer applicants can choose between comedy, drama, animation production, children’s programming development, both live and scripted TV production, just to name a few. 

All applicants must be current full-time students pursuing a BFA or MFA at a college or university in the United States to apply. Fall and Spring applicants are limited to students in the greater Los Angeles area.

Their alumni is large and growing, with several testimonials detailing securing their Hollywood dream job within six months of the program. 

TV Script writing Internships in Los Angeles


The Television Academy Internship is a perfect choice if you’re an aspiring TV script writer who wants hands-on experience for a specific genre.

For A Remote Screenwriting Internship

2. Park Artists Group [REMOTE]

Best Screenwriting Internships Park Artists Group is a boutique talent agency

PAG boutique talent agency  •  Best for script internships outside of LA & NYC

For writers looking for a screenwriting internship experience that gives them a behind-the-scenes look to the next big Hollywood deal, an agency like Park Artists Group is the perfect program. Though not necessarily “writer-centric,” in the day-to-day activities, agency interns are known to gain intel and access to what makes a script stand out in a thick pile, and how writers can more easily market themselves to be considered for the next big screenwriting job.

This virtual internship provides an education in the various stages of “the booking process.” Previous interns rave about gaining a deeper understanding of “the representation side” of the Industry from an Agent’s perspective, with many intern bosses taking their staff under their wing to help steer them toward their goals.

Screenwriting internships outside of Los Angeles and NYC


The Park Artists Group Internship is perfect for writers who don’t live in LA, NY or SF but want to still gain a hands-on experience and pathway to establishing themselves in the Industry. 

For A Script Internship Focusing On Film Writers

3. Atlanta Film Society Internship

The Atlanta Film Festival happens every April

The Atlanta Film Society (ATLFS) is a year-round, non-profit media arts organization that specializes in screenings, educational events, screenplay competitions, and the Academy Award® qualifying Atlanta Film Festival held each Spring.

Aspiring screenwriters can choose between several screenwriting internship concentrations ranging from screenplay programming for their annual festival, assisting with media/video/tech for their various brand channels, and interning as a content writer for their community relations department. 

Unlike other comparable screenwriter internships, there’s no requirement for applicants to be currently enrolled in a college or university, and the program even considers High School Seniors on a case-by-case basis. 

Film writing internship


For aspiring feature screenwriters who don’t want the added hassle of moving to Los Angeles or NYC in order to break in, but still have the same access for a script internship through their annual film festival — this is the ideal program.

For A Screenwriter Internship At The Center Of It All

4. NBCUniversal Internship Program

Best Screenwriting Internships NBCUniversal offers screenwriter internships and beyond

NBCUniversal offers screenwriter internships and beyond

Contrary to other media company internships, NBCU offers internship positions both remote and on-site throughout the U.S., U.K., Singapore, and Australia. Which basically boils down to: you don’t have to be local to LA or NYC in order to qualify.

Not only that, but NBCU’s internship program gives its interns a paying wage. TV writer applicants can expect opportunities at networks like Telemundo, Bravo, or even NBC’s outpost in the historic 30 Rockefeller Center. 

Other positions span departments like digital, production, marketing, development, communications, corporate, technology and more.

No matter where you land within NBCU, the program boasts its network and inclusive hiring practices to help interns get situated on a career path that matches their ambitions.

Eligible applicants must be currently enrolled as a sophomore or higher at an accredited institution pursuing their associate, bachelors or graduate degree.

Script writing internships in los angeles, NYC, and more


For screenwriters who want to break into the Industry, but may not have a clear idea of the right path for them – this is an ideal screenwriter internship that can help them get their foot in the door, while laying the foundation for their eventual career track. 


Best Scripts to Read for Aspiring Writers 

As we all know, good writers are good readers. Brush up on your screenwriting techniques from some of the best in the business with Studio Binder’s collection of the top 10 screenplays every writer should read. Whether you’re working on a screwball comedy, serious thriller, or romantic drama – reading across multiple genres can only strengthen your storytelling skills in how to best convey your next original script idea. 

Up Next: Best Scripts to Read →
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  • Julia Mayfield is a writer/comedian from North Hollywood with a Bachelor's Degree in Film Studies from Chapman University. She's written for shows airing on Disney, Netflix, Nickelodeon, Amazon, and more.

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