Sixty-one percent of businesses use explainer videos to market their products and services. But how do you start from scratch? Explainer videos are nothing without a great explainer video script. You only have a minute or so to pitch your product, so every word and frame matters more than ever. By following these rules and using our explainer video script template, your client’s product won’t only be well explained, it’ll be captivating.

How to Write an AV Script in StudioBinder

Explainer video writing

How to Write an Explainer Video Script

The best explainer videos use an AV script format, otherwise known as a two-column script. This lets you meticulously plan out what you’ll say during the video, and what visuals you’ll show while you’re saying it.

Your AV script won’t be as complex as a feature film, but it should have a beginning, a middle, and a concrete end.

They all follow a basic structure and format. Click on this explainer video script example to see what these AV scripts look like up close and personal.

Explainer Video Script Example  •  Made in StudioBinder

How did we create this script? We’ll walk you through it, step-by-step, using StudioBinder’s AV script software. But don’t worry – the process we’ll lay out is universal, regardless of the software you’re using.

Explainer Video Script Template

1. Establish structure

We’ve already given you a loose structure for a great explainer video script: establish a problem, deliver a solution, describe how it works, provide a call to action. Your explainer video script should reflect this structure.

Using StudioBinder’s AV script software, you can build segments and banners to create an outline for your video. Of course, if you change your mind, you can add or remove sections as you go.

How to write an explainer video  •  Explainer Video Template

How to Write an Explainer Video Script

2. Write the voiceover

This is the real meat of your explainer video script. You’ll write out your V.O. in the left-hand column of the script marked “Audio.”


Is your character eating “at a restaurant” or a “five star restaurant?”

While it may not seem important, specificity is key in a successful explainer video script. Not only will enhance your explainer video. It’ll also give you preliminary budget.

Make sure your writing is clear and succinct. You don’t want your V.O. to drag on with unnecessary verbiage. Less is more! And remember that the words will be paired with visuals so the adage "show, don't tell" definitely applies here.

Explainer Video Script Voiceover

How to Choose Visuals

3. Plan your shots

It’s not a video without visuals. This is where the right-hand column comes in. Here, you can demarcate what you want to show and when.

Again, for an explainer video script, clarity is king. Make sure the V.O. and imagery compliment each other.

StudioBinder allows you to add links in the visual column, as well as include images from storyboards, stock photos, and other inspirations.

Explainer Video script with visual description

How to Time an Explainer Video

4. Time the script

Explainer videos are tightly timed. You want every second to count, and so when you’re writing, you’ll want to count every second. Literally. The most common way to do this is by reading out loud with a stopwatch.


It all depends on your explainer video script template. If you’re hiring a production company, it can cost you thousands of dollars.

You can make it on your own much cheaper by writing the explainer video script on your own, starting the pre-production process, and then hiring a freelance cast and film crew.

StudioBinder’s software makes this process easy: you can add durations to specific lines and time yourself with a built-in timer. The software will also count the words in each of your lines.

All of this data is then totaled at the bottom of your script, so you can see your word count and estimated runtime.

Explainer Script's Timer

Share Your Explainer Video Script

5. Get feedback

Before you start recording, you’ll want to get feedback. This will likely come from two places: collaborators and clients. Getting notes now, before you’ve recorded, makes changes much easier.

With StudioBinder, you can share your script using a “view-only” link. You’re also able to add collaborators on the project, allowing them to add comments. If a line’s moved, no sweat — the comment will move too. And when a comment’s been addressed, you can resolve it to remove clutter. You can also give each row a status color with your own designations. 

Explainer Video Script with collaborators

Up Next

Write Your Own Explainer Video Script

Feel like you're ready to explain? Time to get writing with StudioBinder’s AV script software. It’s designed to make the five steps we’ve laid out as easy as possible. Good luck!

Up Next: StudioBinder AV Script Writing Software →
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  • AJ Unitas is a Baltimore native turned Los Angeles wanderer. He enjoys good movies, hates the bad ones, and drinks water regularly. If you'd like to contact him, please don't!

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