It is the opinion of many that Final Cut Pro X can be a little bare when it comes to tools for editors. However, once you download the best plugins for the software, Final Cut Pro X can be an entirely new Post-Production tool. So we’ve compiled a list of the best free Final Cut Pro plugins that you can download for free today. These plugins are not only meant to save you time and stress, but are designed to elevate the production quality of your projects. 


1. Shutterstock FCPX Plugin

Shutterstock  •  Free Final Cut Pro Plugins

Let’s start off this list with a general FCPX resource. The Shutterstock plugin is a Final Cut Pro X extension that allows you to access Shutterstock assets directly on Final Cut. This means you the entire Shutterstock library, including free assets, are easier to incorporate into your Final Cut edit. Stock videos, photos, music, and sound effects are all at your fingertips with this plugin.

Final Cut Pro Effects free

2. mLUT Professional LUT loading tool

mLUT  •  Free final cut pro plugins

One of the most crucial aspects of the Post-Production process is color grading. It can also be the most daunting especially for beginner filmmakers. Luckily, MotionVFX has created a free LUT loading plugin specifically for Final Cut Pro X and Motion 5.

This makes it easier than ever to simply download LUT .CUBE files and utilize them in your projects. The result is easily implemented cinematic color grading without the stress.  

Final Cut Pro X plugins free

3. Color Finale 2.0

Color Finale 2.0 Demo

While we’re on the topic of color grading, it would be difficult not to mention Color Finale 2.0. Color Finale is a new color grading software specifically designed for Final Cut Pro X by colorists.

The interface is intuitive and sleek, allowing you to color grade quickly and efficiently. Yet it also has advanced image processing and color grading functions making it the perfect tool for amateurs and professionals alike. 

Final Cut plugins free

4. Noise Removal by Neat Video

Final Cut X plugins free: Neat Video Tool

One of the most heartbreaking things a cinematographer or filmmaker can see is image noise or unwanted film grain from a shot they cannot reshoot. The Noise Removal plugin by Neat Video was created specifically for this problem. The name is pretty much self explanatory.

The plugin reads an image and reduces the noise and color aberrations within it. While it can reduce the sharpness and clarity of a shot, it might be the compromise you have to make to remove the noise. It's a great “just in case” plugin to have for any editor. 

Download free Final Cut Pro plugins

5. Adjustment Layer

Color Grade Like a Pro For Free  •  FCPX plugins

Adjustment Layer is another LUT loading plugin designed for Final Cut Pro X and Motion 5. Adjustment Layer allows you to simply drag and drop an adjustment layer onto your timeline and load a pre-downloaded .CUBE file LUT. Not only does this save you time in color grading, but it allows you to quickly comb through different LUTs to decide what type of color grading best suits your shot. 

Final Cut effects plugins free

6. Letterbox Plugins


In modern cinema, aspect ratio has become as much of a creative filmmaking decision as lens choice. The 2.35 aspect ratio is considered highly cinematic. However, many independent and event auteur filmmakers have experimented with the likes of a more stylized look like the 1.33 aspect ratio. Just check out how many filmmakers are using the 2:1 aspect ratio in our video analysis below. 

What is 2:1 Aspect Ratio   •  Subscribe on YouTube

This Letterbox Plugin gives you easy access to various aspect ratios. The plugin makes it easy to apply a 2.35:1 aspect ratio for that widescreen, cinematic look. But it also has options for modern aspect ratios like 16:9 for the iPhone and social media. 

FCPX plugins free

7. Alex4D Wide Angle fix

Wide Angle Fix Preview  •  Final Cut Pro effects free

There are many benefits to using a wide angle lens. It accentuates movement, can capture more space in a scene, and create a subjective perspective. One of the major cons to wide angle lenses is distortion. Distortion can occur primarily on extreme wide angle lenses as the edges of the frame tend to bend. 

The Wide Angle Fix plugin by Alex4D fixes this by removing the barrel distortion from wide angle shots. This allows wide shots to look more natural without having to crop in to lose distorted sections of the image.

Final Cut Pro X plugins free

8. Distortion Effects

Now that we’ve covered how to fix distortion, let’s talk about how to intentionally add distortion to a shot. This Distortion Effect plugin allows you to add different types of distortions to your image such as the zigzagging, twirling, or bulging. 

Distortion Effects Preview — Free Final Cut Pro plugins

Distortion Effects Preview  •  Free Final Cut Pro plugins

While this plugin is rather specific, it's the perfect tool for creating an experimental film or any scene where image distortion is necessary. They can also be creatively used in transitions from scene to scene. 

Final Cut Plugins free

9. Social Media Lower Third Titles

Social Media Lower Third Titles for Final Cut Pro X (Free with Purchase)

This next Final Cut Pro X plugin is a handy tool for anyone creating YouTube videos, marketing, or brand videos. Promote a business or personal social media account easily by using this Social Media Lower Third Title plugin.

The pack comes with 9 social media graphics. You can choose from popular apps and sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Twitter, and YouTube. 

Final Cut Pro free plugin effects

10. mVertigo Dolly Zoom effect

Free Final Cut Pro plugins  •  Dolly Zoom Effects for Final Cut Pro X 

The dolly zoom is one of the most effective tools cinematographers have for creating a vertigo effect in an audience. But what if you don’t own a dolly or zoom lens? This FCPX plugin aims to emulate the visual look of the dolly zoom in post.

While it may not look exactly like the in-camera dolly zoom, it does create a vertigo effect that can be great for the right shot. 

FCPX plugins free

11. Vertical Video Adjustment

mVertical  •  Final Cut Pro effects free

The Vertical Video Adjustment plugin allows you to use the vertical shots you’ve taken with your iPhone and use them on Youtube and other video sites without having to use the blank black space on the sides.

You can even choose between three different backgrounds such as scale, mirror, and copy. Plus you can adjust the background parameters and adjust the size of the main footage. 

Final Cut Pro X plugins free

12. Motion Blur Plugin

How To Add Motion Blur to Time-lapses  •  Free Final Cut Pro plugins 

This Motion Blur Plugin allows you to add varying amounts of motion blur to moving subjects in a shot. This is perfect for time lapses, quick moving graphics and text, or creating a chaotic feeling in a story.

Once downloaded and loaded into FCPX, it's as easy as drag and drop. The plugin comes with varying levels of motion blur, from minimal to moderate to extreme. 

Final Cut Plugins free

13. Automatic Camera Animation

mCamRig  •  Final Cut X plugins free

The mCamRig is an automatic camera animation plugin made for FCPX. Animating shots for different camera movements and camera angles can entail tedious keyframing. mCamRig allows you to add these movements easily with its intuitive workflow.

Manipulate image settings like position, angle, movement, rotation, and even depth of field while saving time in the editing room. 

Final Cut Pro free plugin effects

14. Essential Animation Presets

mBehavior Basic Free FCPX Plugins

Speaking of saving time, mBehavior is a free FCPX plugin that gives you access to a collection of animation presets. These can be used on graphics, text, and logos to make your ad or video more lively. Not to mention, it saves an immense amount of time. Animating graphics by hand and setting keyframe after keyframe is incredibly tedious. 

The plugin comes with 90 animation presets to choose from. From the library of presets, you have various ways to move elements into a scene, through a scene over time, or move elements off frame.

This FCPX plugin makes animation as easy as dragging and dropping behaviors on a timeline.

Download Free Final Cut Pro plugins

15. mLight Diffuse

mLight Diffuse  •  Final Cut effects plugins free

Last on our list of Final Cut Pro X plugins is yet another plugin from MotionVFX geared toward creating cinematic lighting effects. mLight Diffuse is a set of presets that create a lens flare and luminescence effect. The result is a soft and subtle luminescence that J.J. Abrams fans will be eager to try out. 


Best filmmaking software

If you found these plugins helpful, you’ll love our comprehensive list of the best filmmaking softwares and tools available In the article you’ll find an entire section covering the best post-production softwares every editor should be aware of. We even dive into the best resources for finding the eBay stock footage for your video.  

Up Next: Filmmaking software →
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  • Kyle DeGuzman graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelor of Science in Television, Film, & New Media. He currently resides in Denver, Colorado spending his time writing, filmmaking, and traveling.

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