hen you’re starting out as a screenwriter, it can be hard to know how to forge a path. There are lots of “experts” out there, but you want to get your information from the best screenwriting websites. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best twelve screenwriting websites so we can help you on your way to success.

Best Screenwriting Websites

1. Go Into The Story

The Go Into The Story blog, run by Scott Myers, was named the “Best of the Best” screenwriting website by Writer’s Digest.

It covers the business, art, and day-to-day struggles of being a screenwriter.

Best Screenwriting Websites - Script Writers - Go Into The Story

Screenplay sites don’t get better than Go Into the Story. 


Aside from the fact that Scott’s blog is award-winning, it’s also one we visit almost every day. He’s a one-stop-shop for interviews, advice, and the answering of any reader questions.

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Certainly one of the best screenwriting blogs. 

Scott’s access to A-list writers means you’re getting information from the top that trickles down.  The best part of this site is that it all comes from a genuine place. Scott is a college professor, works with students daily, and cares about your success.

When you move to Hollywood, you may already be a good storyteller, but you’ll have no idea how to navigate “the business.” Scott has an entire section dedicated to navigating the business. 

“The Business of Screenwriting is a weekly series of GITS posts based upon my experiences as a complete Hollywood outsider who sold a spec script for a lot of money, parlayed that into a screenwriting career during which time I’ve made some good choices, some okay decisions, and some really stupid ones. Hopefully, you’ll be the wiser for what you learn here.”

— Scott Myers

Screenwriting Sites 

2. John August

It seems like everyone has advice on Hollywood, but who can you trust? John August is one of Hollywood’s best screenwriters. He was nominated for an Oscar for Big Fish, and is constantly working on large studio films like Aladdin, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Charlie’s Angels.  

The John August blog has become a place people go to for screenwriting news and advice from someone doing it every day. 

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Let John teach you how to become a screenwriter 


John and fellow writer, Craig Mazin, have a weekly podcast where they discuss “screenwriting and things that may be interesting to screenwriters.” It’s super popular on iTunes and incredibly useful.

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Let John and Craig teach you how to become a screenwriter 


3. StudioBinder

Inspiration is half the battle when writing, but what if you hit writer’s block and just can’t move forward? StudioBinder’s blog is centered around helping emerging and experienced director achieve their dreams, but StudioBinder’s platform is where you can shine.     


StudioBinder can not only help inspire your screenplay, but it can also help out with production. After you’re done writing your masterpiece, you can upload the script into StudioBinder. You can check the formatting of your script, and even help the production out by teaming up with the Assistant Director to tag each of your story elements.  

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Check out StudioBinder's Script Breakdown software!

When you’re done tagging, or ready to write your next project, the blog is full of helpful tools. There are tips on creating the best inciting incidentsDan Harmon’s Story Circle, and even tips on how to write movie dialogue. It’s all in one place.

Best Script Writing Websites

4. Internet Movie Script Database

If you’re going to write scripts for a profession, you better get used to reading them. But professional scripts can be hard to find.

The IMSDB is a vast database to find old and new work for you to peruse. The website has new, old, and classic scripts for you to dissect and study.


Life is a never-ending journey of learning. And this website’s giant inventory of scripts is a treasure trove for new and experienced writers.

You can learn about character development and how to create solid story structure just by reading. There are new scripts added every day, so chances are, what you’re looking for is inside.

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The best screenwriting website for real advice from a reader

Best Writing Sites

5. The Black List

From the website, The Black List is “...a closed network that connects script buyers, representatives, and writers all in one place.” You can upload your script for a fee, and then have users and readers rate it on a scale of 1-10. It’s a way to break in for the digital era. 

Best Screenwriting Websites - Script Writers - The Black List

The top screenwriting website for coverage services


The Black List reappropriated the film term from the 1950s McCarthy era and has since become a place where industry execs vote on their favorite projects of the year.

Since then it’s expanded to an online database where users can submit their scripts for coverage and be ranked amongst competitors.

There’s a lot of contests and places to submit your scripts out there. This one gives you access to managers, agents, and producers in Hollywood, even if there is a fee.

Best Screenplay Writing Websites

6. Reddit Screenwriting

One thing that’s nice about the internet is that it’s led to the democratization of the arts. Anyone with wifi can look up information on how to do anything.

Reddit Screenwriting is a great place to ask questions, get answers, or find scripts you’re looking to read.  Make friends and join the community.


Reddit is a great spot to network. There’s always new posts to read, informative AMAs, and lots of resources.

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That’s what makes this the best screenwriting website 

Reddit screenwriting is different every day, so it varies. Sometimes it’s just a place to discuss the problems you have in Act II and other times it’s where you can find that rare bit of advice that cinches up your climax.

There’s always helpful links to articles. It’s like having a personal curator for the internet. One of the top posts today is about "Five Famous Screenplays Hollywood Rejected." 

Best Screenwriting Websites

7. Save the Cat

Founded by late screenwriter, Blake Snyder, Save The Cat has become synonymous with a breakdown of film and television scripts.

The website offers breakdowns of the latest releases and constantly updates with advice from writers, executives, and even the occasional podcast.

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Best Screenwriting Websites  •  Save The Cat


The real immediate value here are the beat sheets. If you’re starting to write in a particular genre it’s imperative that you spend time studying the some of the selections that genre has to offer. And some of the worst.

Save The Cat has beat sheets for you to see how plot is mapped by A-list writers and a template to help you break down your own ideas into cohesive stories.

The website uses these breakdowns to help you think about your own ideas. Use them as a jumping-off point and a way to subvert expectations and keep things fresh.


8. Bitter Script Reader Blog

The Bitter Script Reader’s byline says it all, “The advice and rantings of a Hollywood script reader tired of seeing screenwriters make the same mistakes, saving the world from bad writing one screenplay at a time. Learn what it takes to get your script past one of these mythical Gatekeepers.”

Want to sell your script? Chances are you’ll have to get it past this guy.

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The Bitter Script Reader is the gatekeeper of this screenwriter website


For those looking to break into the business as a screenwriter, your script first has to get passed up the ladder. At some point, a “reader” is going to get the script to determine the quality. It can’t just be good. It HAS TO be great. But most of the stuff these readers get sent are terrible.

These readers can be...bitter…What makes this an important place to visit is his expertise, film and television breakdowns, and his spectacular book on Michael Bay. He’s not a genre snob. He doesn’t lean in any particular direction, he just wants there to be excellent writing.

Bitter Script recently broke down 13 Reasons Why and followed one character’s arc throughout the show, but based on the five stages of grief. It’s a great read as a fan of the show but also for a writer to learn and understand how those arcs get spread over an entire season and how they play out through the character archetypes. This is the place to go for inspiration and dissection.

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13 Reasons Why you should read the best screenwriting websites

Script Writing Website

9. The Writers Guild: West and East

When you finally break in and sell that script or get staffed, the Writer’s Guild is going to be your best friend. They’ll get you fair wages, healthcare, special invites, and even resources you need from project to project.

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One of the essential screenwriting sites


It seems self-explanatory, but being in the Guild is important. Writers are constantly getting the short end of the stick and it’s great to have an institution have your back. 

The WGA is a great place to meet peers, pick up tips, and grow within your profession. They also have pages and events dedicated to new scribes and helping them learn the craft.

The site has many useful pages, but if you’re looking to get paid, the Minimum Basics Agreement is the spot for you.

The WGA West even has their own magazine, Written By, that highlights achievements among guild members. 

Screenplay Writing Website

10. Lessons From The Screenplay

Michael Tucker created Lessons From The Screenplay as a way to deepen his knowledge of screenwriting and share what he learned with other storytellers. He's known for his YouTube video series that analyzes movie scripts to examine exactly how and why they are so good at telling their stories. Part educational series and part love letter to awesome films, Lessons from the Screenplay aims to be a fun way to learn more about your favorite films and help us all become better storytellers.

Best Screenwriting Websites - Lessons From The Screenplay

The best screenwriting website for  video breakdowns


Not only does he have a top quality YouTube video channel, Michael also interviews the creatives behind famous movies like Independence Day (Lindsay Ellis). He dives deeper into the storytelling of individual movies, and explains many narrative details behind them.

Script Writing Website

11. Twitter

Twitter? Yes, this is where most writers go to waste time, but it’s also a valuable networking site. Twitter is full of incredible film and television writers who frequently share advice or insider information.

Best Screenwriting Websites - Script Writers - Screenwriting Twitter

Be the part of the screenwriting community on Twitter!


Aside from the plethora of noise on Twitter, there’s a lot of people using #screenwriting to be heard. Writing is often a solo endeavor.

Even if you have a partner, it can feel like you’re both on an island, especially if you’re trying to break in. Twitter can help you join a community.


There are dozens on A-listers on Twitter. A few with frequent writing advice are:  

 There are thousands more as well! 

Screenwriting Sites

12. Netflix

Yeah, I’m going to guess you’ve heard of this one. But Netflix is for more than just watching movies. It should be a go-to spot for research. See what’s being made and why. Stay current.  


According to Variety, Netflix is thinking of purchasing and making 700 projects in the next two years. That rivals most studios. If you want to write scripts that don’t sell, go for it.

But digital streaming services like Netflix are going to be buying more and more content as time goes by. It’s important to keep up with what they’re releasing.

Netflix offers a wide array of genres and stories. There are hour-long dramas. Half hour comedies. And stuff that lies in the weird tonal abyss of the in-between. 

No matter what, there are new releases every week. If you hate it, you can turn it off. But it’s important to try it out.

I'm Thinking of Ending Things  •  Charlie Kaufman on Netflix

Screenwriting Sites

13. Screenwriting.io

Another brainchild of John August and yet another essential screenwriting website. It's a blog full of information with practical tips on the nuts and bolts of screenwriting. 

Best Screenwriting Websites - ScreenwritingIO



The breadth of information here is impressive. Topics range from basic to specialty screenplay formatting, to larger concepts like The Hero's Journey, to day-to-day issues like pay scales.

The most valuable feature of this blog is the open forum in which anyone can ask questions...and then actually get answers. It is this fostering of community that puts this script writing site on the list.

Screenwriting Sites

14. The Script Lab

The Script Lab blog is an extension from Coverfly, one the of leading script coverage services out there. They have a few running series of articles that are immensely valuable. These analyses include The Hero's Journey, 5 Plot Point Breakdowns, and The First Ten pages.

Best Screenwriting Websites - The Script Lab

The Script Lab


The articles on Script Lab are insightful and actionable, which is all aspiring writers really need. Writers looking answers to how to write a montage, cliches to avoid while writing, and upcoming screenplay competitions will all find answers here.

Screenwriting Sites

15. ScriptMag

Another holistic approach to screenwriting that includes TV and filmmaking as well. There is a constant flow of new content, which makes this screenwriting website easily bookmark material.

Best Screenwriting Websites - ScriptMag



Interviews with filmmakers at all levels, how to write a battle scene, or how to format a Zoom conversation in a script. These are the kind of everyday, contemporary and useful topics writers are always looking for.

Screenwriting Sites

16. Script Reader Pro

Once you've got a script written, you need feedback. Not just your Mom or your roommate — honest and professional feedback. That's where script writing sites like Script Reader Pro come in. 

Best Screenwriting Websites - Script Reader Pro

Script Reader Pro


For reasonable fees, you can get in-depth script coverage, mentorship, and they even off re-writing and polishing services. As many of you writers know, a first draft is just the beginning and sites like this one will help you get your script across the finish line.

Screenwriting Sites

17. Flying Wrestler

Writer and Producer Erik Bork is another valuable resource. His blog, Flying Wrestler, "tackles" some of the most common and baffling issues all of us screenwriters face.

Best Screenwriting Websites - Flying Wrestler

Flying Wrestler


More than just articles on standard screenwriting topics, Bork provides additional resources that other sites just don't offer. He has a series of audio classes you can download, and there's even 1-on-1 mentoring services available. 

Screenwriting Sites

18. Screencraft

Screencraft has top-notch script coverage services as well as hosting many screenplay competitions year round. If there's one thing many writers need is motivation and deadlines. With contests basically every month, there is always something to be writing for.

Best Screenwriting Websites - Screencraft



Screencraft has their collective finger on the pulse of everything "screenwriting" today. You can find out the latest and greatest podcasts, E-books, and, of course, the hottest screenwriting contests around.

Screenwriting Sites

19. ISA

ISA (International Screenwriting Association) is a fantastic resource, especially for writers trying to get work. ISA has consulting, coverage and mentorship services but their real value is in connecting writers to people looking for writers.

Best Screenwriting Websites - ISA

International Screenwriting Assocation


Screenwriters are always trying to get their work sold and this is one of the few sites that can actually make that happen. Writing gigs are constantly being updated and once you've got your info loaded, applying for these gigs is a snap. 

Up Next

Which screenwriting software is best? 

Now that you’ve got the social networking and websites under your belt, it’s time to get writing. But maybe you’re still typing your scripts in Word? We recently broke down the seven best screenwriting software tools to help you get ahed.

Up Next: Best Screenwriting Software →
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