Sure, you’ve got gumption, a can-do attitude, and thick skin. But do you have the right tools to maximize your productivity? Here’s a rundown of our favorite, must-have filmmaking software, apps and gadgets for working filmmakers and producers.

Best Filmmaking APPS

1. Final Draft

First up, let's talk some classic screenwriting softwares. These three are the ones you are probably most familiar with. They are solid in their writing functionality, but don't have full collaboration capacity.

Chances are, if you’re working on a screenplay, it was written in Final Draft. It has built-in reporting features that can you help through many stages of production. And is the industry standard. Movie Magic Screenwriter was a popular choice for many years, too.


2. StudioBinder

StudioBinder is next up on our list. It hasn't been around for as long as some of the others, but it's just as efficient as any other industry standard software, but dare I say, even goes beyond it. The scriptwriting feature is just one aspect of StudioBinder's production management software. And because of this, it sits at the top for collaboration functionality.

Filmmaking Tools for Story

3. The Black List

Ask veteran executive producers, and they'll tell you: "a screenplay could always use another round of notes."

The Black List serves as the gold standard for screenplay coverage. Upload your screenplay to be discoverable by industry pros. Get evaluations by professional readers on where you can improve your story. It can run on the costly side, but hey, it's Hollywood, baby.

Screenwriting Coverage

4. Coverfly

Coverfly is a great resource for screenwriters, in many ways. They offer coverage services for a reasonable price from highly-qualified readers. Getting feedback from professionals is invaluable compared to your friends and family. They also run a number of contests year-round to keep you inspired and motivated.


5. Launch Pad

For both screenwriters and film producers, coverage sites are invaluable filmmaking tools to get feedback on a script at any stage in production.

The Launch Pad, a subsidiary of Tracking Board, is "dedicated to launching writing careers." Like The Black List, they offer coverage and competitions that get you feedback.


6. Celtx

Occasionally, you may find writers who use other programs such as Celtx which offers its online screenwriting module for free.


7. Writerduet

WriterDuet offers free a cloud-based solution to screenwriting, allowing you to write scripts in a GoogleDrive-like interface.

Whatever software your writer uses, make sure you can access those files. In the event you need to convert script formats, check out WriterDuet’s Free Script Convertor.

Best Film Production Management Software

1. StudioBinder

A cloud-based production management software, StudioBinder offers a modern interface to write screenplays, create and send call sheets, shooting schedules, breakdowns, contact management, shot lists, storyboards, and other project management tools.

StudioBinder  •  Subscribe on YouTube

StudioBinder movie software is most known for its easy to use interface and integration between scheduling, breakdowns, and contact management. This integration streamlines your entire pre-production and production workflow, from writing to shooting.

It also allows you to communicate with your team in real-time, thanks to the easy to use comment collaboration feature. 


2. Movie Magic

Movie Magic Scheduling, followed by its younger rival, Gorilla Scheduling, are the traditional options for film pre production software. These are large programs for filmmakers that live on your desktop computer. They are solid film budgeting softwares.

Movie Magic Budgeting has been the go-to industry standard for many years. It’s a robust program that streamlines the process, and generates reports that identify budgeting trouble spots. For a deep-dive comparison, check out StudioBinder vs Movie Magic Scheduling.


3. Gorilla

Gorilla Budgeting is a slightly cheaper and newer competitor, and offers similar functionality. Aside from budgeting, these two softwares offer assistance when breaking down your script, but again, not quite as intuitive as StudioBinder's breakdown feature:

Intuitive tagging for your movie props  •  Subscribe on YouTube

For a deep-dive comparison, check out StudioBinder vs Gorilla Software.


4. Film Budget Template (Spreadsheet)

Many producers and line producers like to use Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel to create their budgets. Spreadsheets are completely customizable and easy to share with other members of the team.

The best part of using a spreadsheet is that you don’t have to start from scratch. Download our free film budget template and follow the complete film budgeting guide to learn how to populate it appropriately.

Crowdfunding Tools for Filmmakers

Raising money

Can't find a Hollywood producer to back your project? Looking for some extra support on your indie? Look no further, here are the best crowdfunding sites and break down which one is best for your project.

Best Filmmaking Software Crowdfunding Options Infographic StudioBinder

Know ahead of time

Best Filmmaking Tools for Crowdfunding

1. Kickstarter

Thanks to crowdfunding sites, average people with dollars to spare are quickly replacing Hollywood producers. And these two particular sites are a common "rivalry." Let's take a look at both of these frontrunners so you can determine what's best for your project. 

Kickstarter is the time-honored goto place to raise money for your project. A great trailer, some storyboards, and a great explainer video can connect you with the fan base you never knew you had.

  • Kickstarter is all or nothing: if you do not reach your goal, you receive $0. If you do reach your goal the website takes a small cut – be sure to factor that into your budget when you decide the amount you’re going to raise.
  • The all-or-nothing factor may seem intimidating, but the result is actually designed to benefit both donors and creators. For donors, if you want to support a project, you want it to be what you’re signing up for: a $300 short film looks very different from a $30,000 short.
  • For creators, this similarly assures that you will only be making the project if you have the financial and community support to get it off the ground.
  • Having the necessity to reach a goal can motivate the entire team to make it happen.


2. Indiegogo

Indiegogo offers the same service but with a greater indie film focus. Unlike Kickstarter, you can opt to receive all funds donated, regardless of hitting the goal you set. That being said, they do take 9% of a partially funded campaign, but will only take 4% if it's fully funded.

  • If you meet your goal, you will save 1% more than you did on Kickstarter. Indiegogo therefore inspires creators to aim for loftier goals knowing that they don’t “need” to reach their goal.
  • Indiegogo makes for a more relaxed campaign, knowing that the goal isn’t as critical. This can be both a positive and a negative trait. Just don’t forget that 9% is a major cut of your hard earned crowdfunding.


3. GoFundMe

Another big name you've probably heard of or even used, is GoFundMe. While they have attracted a large user base, the site hasn't really attracted as many film projects as the two previously mentioned. Typically, GoFundme focuses on "cause-based" fundraising.


4. Seed&Spark

Seed&Spark is a new, yet formidable crowdfunding site for directors. Every user is required to go through a green-light process to make sure they can execute their project.

Like a wedding registry, donors can give more specific donations for specific items on your production (gear, camera, catering, you name it). They take a small percentage, but donors can cover this charge!


5. Slated

Slated operates by connecting your project to high net-worth investors with taste suited to your project. No funding is actually transferred through Slated, but the relationships with producers are worth it.

The site is intended for feature films with budgets over $500,000. Running a successful campaign is a great way to grab the attention of an established Movie or TV Producer. There are other sites that benefit on-going content creators, rather than backing a one-off project.


6. Patreon

Looking for a TV Producer? Then Patreon may be the crowdfunding solution you're looking for.

The service has attracted many YouTubers and web series content creators who need a recurring source of revenue to support their ongoing work. Patreon funds filmmakers on a monthly basis. In exchange, creators provide their backers with updates and exclusive bonus content.

It's always a good idea to provide concrete goals on Patreon as well, like "Once I raise $1,000, I can finish Post on Episode 2."

We also go into more detail on each platform in our list of the best crowdfunding sites, with an additional few platforms tailored to specific kinds of projects. 

Online Film Equipment Rentals

1. ShareGrid

What we love about this site is that helps you find gear based on your location. This is great for quick shoots, or last minute rentals.

The site helps you rent cameras, lenses, drones, and any other video equipment from people around you. You're renting from peer-reviewed renters, and ShareGrid insures all rentals. It also lets you share your own equipment and make a small profit!


2. KitSplit

KitSplit is great for a couple reasons: 1) You're renting from individuals not just rental houses so prices can negotiated and 2) You can find owners renting their gear across the country. 

As the so-called "AirBnB for cameras," the idea of a peer-to-peer rental platform makes total sense. 


3. Parachut

Parachut provides a reasonable subscription based service, and could be worth it if you rent often. For a monthly fee, you can choose from a catalog of camera and lens kits. Once you're finished with a kit, exchange it for a new one. 

The cool thing about this site is that they have you fill out a photographer profile. You answer question about your skill level and what you want to accomplish, and they match you with the appropriate gear.


4. LensRentals

This isn't on the bottom for any particular reason. This is probably one of the most trusted online rental services. The only big difference is you're dealing with a more established company so their level service isn't consistent with ShareGrid's community values or startup leniencies that sometimes come with smaller companies. Also, unlike the others you can't rent for a few hours, your minimum rental must be one day.

They offer a wide selection of cameras, most notably, Sony, Canon, Nikon, Fuji, Leica, with old and newer models available. 

Of course you can always go to a local production rental company, but sometimes sites are beneficial to a smaller budget, and overall efficiency.

Speaking of efficiency, let's jump into some helpful hardware to keep shoot days running smooth.


1. Sandisk Ultra MicroSD Cards

Much of your work as a film producer involves a flood of digital data on your laptop. Make sure you have enough storage space!

If you need more disk space but don’t want to lug around an external drive, we recommend a leave-in MicroSD for your laptop. The MicroSD card will appear as a drive, and will immediately be available for use. It’s basically like having an invisible external drive without any of the required power consumption. 

We recommend the SanDisk Ultra series for performance and reliability. SanDisk’s MicroSD cards range from 8 GB to 200 GB.



If you’re on a Macbook, we suggest also picking up BaseQi’s Ninja Stealth Drive, an aluminum MicroSD adaptor that fits snuggly into the SD card slot for a more “seamless” brushed aluminum finish that blends in.

The Ninja Stealth Drive adapter is definitely affordable but you’ll also need to buy an SD card.


3. Introcircuit Power Monster

Unfortunately, laptop batteries just don’t last very long. This is problematic for producers who rely on their trusty laptops to manage production software and documents on set. 

We’ve used quite a few external batteries in our tests (many with little luck), and our favorite is the Intocircuit Power Monster. We’ve seen a laptop’s battery life nearly double when plugged into this little guy.

If you’re on a Macbook, you’ll also need to purchase one of these cables separately.


4. Nomad Roadtrip Car Charger

The Road Trip is a unique car socket charger that comes with a built-in external battery for charging on-the-go. The idea is that you plug it into your car socket and plug your phone in the other end.

As you’re driving to set, it charges your phone first and then fills up the 3,000mAh battery. When you reach your location, unplug the charger from the car and take it with you to keep your phone charged.


5. Mophie Juice Pack

A smartphone is a producer’s Swiss army knife on-set. It can field calls, emails, check weather, traffic, scan documents, take photos, or become a wifi hotspot for your team. As such, battery life can quickly become an issue.

The Mophie is essentially a phone case with rechargeable batteries built-in. It adds some bulk, but it’s a small sacrifice for nearly doubling your iPhone’s run time. Mophie and others also offer several external battery options that you can just plug in and use to receive a boost when needed.


6. Apple Smart Battery Case

If you’re on an iPhone user, Apple got their own version of the Mophie called the iPhone Smart Battery Case. The Mophie is still our top pick since it offers longer battery life and costs a bit less.

Best Filmmaking Tools for Hiring Cast & Crew

1. Backstage

After you've drawn up a casting call and the appropriate forms, it's time to post your listing so the right actors sign on to your project.

Backstage is by and large the best place to post your film's casting call. Tailored to actors of the stage, silver screen, and big screen, Backstage breaks down your casting call into an intuitive interface. Actors can easily search for parts, perfect for them, and submit to your project online for an easy project.


2. ProductionBeast

ProductionBeast lets you source "from the best crew in television and film industry." You can search potential crew hires by what they've worked on and who they've worked with.

On the flip side, it's the one stop shop for freelancers. You can easily post a job, and they can find one. 


3. LAcasting

LACasting is invaluable as well for finding talent. Easily accessible by casting directors, talent agents, and film producers, LACasting is a must when searching for actors in the greater Los Angeles area.


4. Breakdown Services

Breakdown Services has serviced such clients as Cartoon Network, Marvel Studios, Disney, and casted hundreds of projects from Moonlight to Mr. Robot. With an easy to navigate structure, Breakdown Services ensures your cast listing reaches its voluminous base of actors.


5. Mandy

Mandy markets itself as LinkedIn for filmmakers and film producers. Create your own website, access a directory of filmmakers, and post job listings to find a film crew for your next project.


6. Facebook Groups

While not tailored to filmmaking per say, Facebook is a great place to post a crew listing. With hundreds of Facebook Groups tailored towards filmmaking, posting a listing is a matter of entering your project details and clicking.

For more on this, we've outlined the best Facebook Groups.

Best Filmmaking Software for Productivity

1. Office 365

Office365’s lower business plans are cloud-based and come with all the essentials like Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

We recommend upgrading to the plan that includes desktop installations which are handy when you’re on-location and outside of internet range.


2. Google Drive

Film producing is comprised of a plethora of spreadsheets and documents, so no toolbox would be complete without an office suite of applications. Google Drive is an equally great alternative and free. But beware! If you’re on-set without a wifi connection, you won’t be be able to access your files.


3. StudioBinder

StudioBinder is a video production software that incorporates the same functionality as Trello and Asana, all within a suite of tailored filmmaking software.

Easily create tasks, assign to production heads, and shift around cards to track your production. 

Even if you keep files on Google Drive, Office Suite, or the apps below, you can always attach a file in StudioBinder when you need it most. 

Let's say you've just held a round of auditions. You have some resumes and headshots of the few actors you liked. You can attach those files directly on the card, so your team can see.

Feel free to assign tasks here as well. StudioBinder's functionality for collaboration and just general production management stores it all in one place.


4. Asana

Asana takes task management to the cloud. Film producers can easily create and to-do lists and have them completed on a cloud interface.


5. Trello

Trello organizes your production into to cards. Like sticky notes on a trusty wall, you can move them into custom columns as tasks are completed.


6. Dropbox

Whether you’re sending out the latest press kit or receiving a new cut of the trailer, you’ll likely find yourself transferring large files online. Dropbox has been around for a while, and offers 2GB of online storage for free. Newer alternatives offer more space. Google Drive offers 15GB and Cloud365 offers 20GB for free.


7. Hightail

Hightail is a good option for sending large video files but its free plan caps storage at 250mb. Storage on pro plans are unlimited and come with tasks and approval workflows for teams.


8. LogMeIn

I’ve enjoyed using LogMeIn for business file sharing since you can make any folder on your desktop shareable and collaborate on the same files.

Cinematography SOFTWARE

1. StudioBinder

StudioBinder provides a number of ways for cinematographers to prepare for upcoming projects. There are plenty of apps out there that help with building shot lists and mapping out storyboards. Where StudioBinder excels is the interconnected modules that connect the screenplay, the script breakdown, and shooting schedule.


2. Sun Seeker

This app is available on iPhone or Android, and has incredible value for filmmakers. Sun Seeker is a comprehensive solar tracking and compass application. This is especially helpful for those attending the tech scout, or even way ahead of time with your location scout.

It maps out the sun's path for each time of day.

So if I go to my location, knowing I need a dusk shot, and I want to capture a very specific lighting, I can use the app to determine if it's possible in that space. You can take screenshots of the Sun's path and send to other team members to determine schedule changes, etc.

Best Cinematography Tools

3. Helios Sun and Moon Position Calculator

What I love about this app are the current updates. To begin with, it works without network connection, which is critical when you're out in no man's land location scouting.

There are 7 modes to track the sun:

  • HelioMeter — representing the direction of the sun on a compass dial, also indicating elevation and shadow length.
  • Virtual Sun View — shows the sun’s path overlaid onto the live camera image
  • Sun Path View — shows the path of the sun the old-fashioned way
  • Map View — shows the direction of the sun overlaid onto a map of the location
  • Sky View — a representation of the sun’s path across the sky
  • Inclinometer — determines at which times the sun will be at a certain elevation.
  • Compass — shows the azimuth of the sun in both degrees and time of day

Compatible with iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and require iOS 8.0 or later.


4. AJA DataCalc

This one is super unique. It's the ultimate storage tool, but for your camera's data. If you enter in the time you'll need to shoot — days, hours, even number of frames, what resolution you'll be shooting in, and what format (RAW, ProRes), it will calculate how many GB or TB of storage you will need. Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. 


5. pCam Film + Digital Pro

While pricey, this is the ultimate app. Emmy winning with exceptional reviews, this one has everything you need. It includes:

Depth of Field, Field of View, Angle of View, Sensor Sizes, Focal Length Matching, Exposure, Shooting to Screen Time, HMI Flicker-Free, Color Correction, Diopter, Time Lapse, Underwater Distance, Beam Intensity, Conversion Calculator, Light Coverage, Focus Chart, Insert Slate, and more.

Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. 


6. Artemis Director's Viewfinder

Another Emmy winner for Engineering, Artemis Director's Viewfinder is designed for cinematographers, directors, or anyone curious about filmmaking.

Best Filmmaking Software and Film Tools - Rachel Morrison Profile - Best Cinematography App

Artemis is something I’ve waited for for a long time - it helps me plan the shots faster and share them with the director who may be right next to me or on the other side of the world just as easily.

— Rachel Morrison ASC

This cinematography app allows you to replicate any camera's viewfinder. It's excellent for location scouting, even blocking, and some iconic filmmakers keep it in their back pocket. Roger Deakin uses Artemis, as well as some other notable filmmakers like Rachel Morrison and Simon Harding, and many, many more. 


7. Shot Lister

This a great cinematography tool that rarely comes mobile. Shot Lister is a professional level shot listing and scheduling app that allows you to categorize shots and determine what kind of gear you'll need. You can even upload scripts, breakdown each shot, and store storyboards

Requires iOS 7.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Apple Watch.


8. Digital Cinema Pocket Guides

I love this one because it's great for the established DP, or even the newbie. Skim through the guides of 30 different cameras, and quickly find the one you need. The guides are formatted in a dynamic, clear layout making it simple for any level filmmaker to find what they need.

What's even better is the ability to download them to your phone, tablet. This is helpful if you don't have network connection on set. You can also print them out. 


9. Google Maps and Street View

Google Maps is a given, you probably already have it, but if not, it is one of the better basic tools to determine location, pins for parking, or any other pertinent information that will go on the call sheet.

Google Street View is even better for finding locations because you can take 360 degree photo. The app will actually index the photo and its location. This is perfect for the location scout running around to a million places. 

What's even cooler is that the app features other user's pictures. So this means you can do location scouting from the comfort of your own home, (or desk). Compatible with iOS, OSX, Android.


10. FiLMiC

This is great for the low budget filmmaker who wants to shoot to edit right from their phone. Luckily for you, this app is top notch. It's a professional tool filled with high level camera functions, like focus peaking, temperature and tint controls, frame rates, and zebra stripes overlay for exposure

While this primarily exists for the editing pro, it has an easy-to-use interface to allow anyone capture quality footage. For tools dedicated to editing, keep reading.

Post Production Resources for Filmmakers

1. Adobe Creative Cloud

I’ve seen countless situations where a video needed a minor change (sometimes as simple as “add a counting leader”), and my fellow producers couldn’t get it done without hiring an editor.

Adobe Premiere turns raw footage into a cinematic experience, while Final Cut Pro X focuses on speed. Adobe takes the lead for having one of the best color grading options than any other software on the market. 

Want more on Premiere? Here are some free lower thirds templates.


2. Final Cut Pro X

Final Cut also comes with VFX Effects while Adobe does not. Adobe is cloud based, and better suited for collaboration.  

Final Cut is easy to use and a bit more cost effective.


3. DaVinci Resolve

DaVinci is known for its brilliant color grading feature and renders significantly faster than Adobe. It is also available for free, but unlike the others it doesn't provide a dynamic link to After Effects software.


4. integrates with Adobe Premiere and After Effects, Final Cut X, and Slack, for a streamlined video collaboration experience.


5. Wipster

Unlike the other video review software, Wipster is great if you're approving a high volume of videos per month, but does run on the pricey side.


6. Endcrawl

When you finish a film, you'll have worked with more talented people than you can probably count. But how exactly do you lay them out into the end credits of your movie?

Endcrawl offers an easy solution by allowing to simply enter the names and titles of your crew into their web-based portal. The app does the heavy lifting, easily sorting all of your data into dozens of slick customizable templates.

Whether you're looking to speed up your post or just want to save yourself the pain, Endcrawl's the best option for dealing with film credits order.

post production resources

1. Pond5

Pond5 works on nearly any budget. You can filter by resolution, FPS, and speciality video like 360 VR. Sites like Pond5 reverse the old reputation ‘stock video footage’ carried.


2. Dissolve

Dissolve’s searchability by ‘theme’ sets them apart from the stock footage world.

With themes like “Handcrafted,” “Symmetry,” and “Gooey, Glassy, Glow,” Dissolve's stock footage allows you to tap into the heart of your branded content to find clips.


3. Shutterstock

Shutterstock is widely used and offers free promotions of footage from time to time. Pricing is based on video resolution. 

For more info, check out our top list of the best stock footage sites. This page goes into greater detail on 15 different stock footage sites that might save your budget and your film.


4. ArtGrid

ArtGrid is an exceptional resource when it comes to stock video. Where they truly shine is their commitment to providing high-quality and cinematic footage. They offer just about anything you're looking: Arri, Red and Phantom in a range of formats up to 8K and Raw.

Legal Solutions for Filmmakers

1. Upcounsel

The law still applies to indie film! It’s best to have a lawyer for your production. With tools like UpCounsel, it’s much easier to find one and hire them on-demand. 


2. Legalzoom

LegalZoom is great if you’re operating on a tighter budget and need to avoid retainer fees.


3. Clerky

Although it can be risky, if you’d like to tackle the legal stuff on your own, such as forming a company or working with IP, online tools like Clerky can get you started.


4. Hellosign

As a producer, managing and signing agreements is a big part of the job. Finding an e-signing solution to streamline the signing process can add up to hours saved. HelloSign is great in this capacity.


5. Docracy

Websites like Docracy streamline the paperwork-signing process by requesting digital signatures online. They also double as cloud storage for executed agreements for easy reference afterwards.


6. Scanbot

If you’re on set and need to sign-scan-and-send agreements, smartphone apps like Scanbot. The app allows you to use your phone’s camera to scan and e-sign documents. Afterwards, the scans can be converted to PDF and delivered via email. 


7. Camscanner

Or my personal favorite, CamScanner, will save you a bunch of time. I use this app to scan contracts and releases on set, so I have everything signed and filed away before the shoot day ends.

Best film festivals for filmmakers

1. Filmfreeway

Filmfreeway operates as a directory for filmmakers and producers to find festivals that suit the nature of their project.

Like Withoutabox, you can submit directly to festivals through the app portal. Unlike Withoutabox, Filmfreeway has lead to 500,000 entries submitted through its site being selected as official entries.


2. FilmFestivalLife

FilmFestivalLife allows filmmakers to plan and distribute their films to film festivals nearby and internationally. 

The platform has a duel purposes and also provides programmers with the tech to make their festival selection. 

This company can connect you to the "next big thing" through critical planning and evaluation, or prepare the filmmaker to land an opportunity of a lifetime. 


3. FestHome

Similarly to the previously mentioned portals, FestHome is a short and feature film submission service. But they partner with certain film festivals. So you create an account, upload your film, and can submit to as many festivals are in the system. It stores all of your data, so you only have to add it once. 

And of course let's not forget...actual film festivals.


4. Individual film festivals

Yes you still can directly send your films to festivals. We won't go into detail here about all of the ones that are available because we've curated an exhaustive life of film festivals worth the entry fee

While Sundance and Tribeca are the most well known, there are a ton of film festivals that can be directly submitted to.


1. Stage 32

Stage 32 has been called "LinkedIn for film, television, and theater creatives," by Forbes. Operating on an interface not unlike Facebook, Stage 32 is free to sign up and get started.

Film & Video Production Social Networking

2. ProductionBeast

While we touched on ProductionBeast earlier regarding hiring crew – it's also a useful tool to stay connected. ProductionBeast operates as LinkedIn for the film industry. You can create your own profile and connect with those in the industry.

Connect to your IMDB page and link to a production company for easy search-ability on this subscription service.


3. Slated

Slated we mentioned earlier as it related to crowdfunding, but again, there's no transfer of money on this site. So we wanted to remind you of it in this section because it's primarily a social tool. 

Just as a refresher, it operates by connecting your project to high net-worth investors with taste suited to your project. It functions to get meetings with producers which then lead to relationships (and huge funding).


4. Facebook

Back to the basics. Facebook is a great tool to connect with others. With 1.9 billion users; it's probably a good idea.

Through your Facebook page, share photos, videos, production updates and other related content to a dedicated group of followers. Make your posts as shareable as you can to encourage fans to repost your content.


5. Instagram

While Instagram doesn't have pages like Facebook, and users can't share your posts, (although now they can share stories), there is a way to promote well on the platform. With the appropriate tagging you can gain the visibility your film needs. Learn more here. 


6. Twitter

And of course, Twitter. While it has fewer users than both Facebook and Instagram, it does have a relatively far reach. Many celebrities, politicians, and journalists are active on the platform, and there are some features that might actually get their attention. 


7. YouTube

YouTube, with nearly one billion users, is probably one of the best spaces to host your (short) film. Even if you just want to post some footage of your process, a trailer, anything, there are now a ton of ways to make money on Youtube. 

Most people know this so with all of the competition, it is helpful to educate yourself on tips to make your channel stand out.


8. Vimeo

Vimeo is also fairly common, and the perk is that you can set a password for each video. Film Festivals often accept Vimeo submissions.

VIDEO Distribution APPS

1. Vimeo

Vimeo is more than just a video-platform. Unlike other video streaming sites, Vimeo takes the artist seriously by providing polished presentation and a blissful lack of ads and autoplay. They also have top-notch design features, marketing tools, and a solid stats to help you strategize.


2. Film Hub

Film Hub is a great new resource that helps filmmakers to get access to movie distributors.

It’s a digital marketplace that helps connect finished films to audiences. It has the potential to cut out so many of the middle men and “gatekeepers” that prevent creators connecting their product to the right audiences.


3. Reelhouse

Reelhouse is an online marketplace where you can do more than host your project. You can market your project through all the various social media outlets and even sell merchandise through the site. The fees to host on Reelhouse are more than reasonable and it's an overall great way to distribute your work online.

up next

How to Use Production Calendars

There's no reason to be overwhelmed in the production process anymore. There are a ton of tools to help you keep your head on straight.

Managing your tasks for your next shoot can be easily organized and distributed with StudioBinder's production calendars. Read the next post to make your next project as smooth as ever.

Up Next: Ultimate Guide to Production Calendars →
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Project management for video creatives. Tasks, file sharing, calendars and more.

Manage video production timelines, tasks, storyboards, shot lists, breakdowns, call sheets. Made for video creatives, new media and film.

Learn More ➜

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  • Arnon Z. Shorr was born in Haifa, Israel, and grew up outside of Boston, where he developed a passion for filmmaking. Over the years, through stints in Boston, Baltimore and Los Angeles, Arnon directed and produced over 100 shorts, web series episodes, corporate videos and indie features. His shorts have appeared in festivals from coast to coast, and have literally crossed the country as in-flight entertainment. He lives and works in Los Angeles.

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