Free Background Music for Video — 13 Sites You Need to Know

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What is Land Art — History of Earthworks & Land Art Movement

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What is Rolling Shutter — Camera Shutter Effect Explained

What is rolling shutter and why does it happen? If you have ever filmed something on your phone and found that the resulting footage looked completely different than what you recorded, then rolling shutter may be the culprit. Whether this type of shutter plagues your footage or you just find the effect interesting and what to know why it happens, we’ll be answering all of your questions.

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What is an Outline in Writing — Examples and Techniques

What does a good outline look like? The answer to that question will depend on what type of writer you are as well as what you personally hope to gain from an outline. We will discuss the purpose of an outline, the different types, whether or not they are even necessary, and explain how to tailor a pre-writing plan to best suit your individual needs.

Continue reading What is an Outline in Writing — Examples and Techniques

How to Storyboard if You Can’t Draw — 4 Alternative Options

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Best Point and Shoot Camera — Leica, Fujifilm, Sony & More

Whether you’re new to filmmaking and need a beginner camera or you’re a seasoned veteran who needs a simple camera you can whip out to start recording in an instant, a point-and-shoot camera may be a valuable tool for your equipment arsenal. We’ll be ranking the best point and shoot cameras on the market and scoring them based on price, quality, and adaptability.

Continue reading Best Point and Shoot Camera — Leica, Fujifilm, Sony & More

How to Get Clips for Edits — 4 Ways to Capture Footage Online

How do you get movie clips to use in editing projects? There are a few different reasons why you may need pre-existing movie footage brought into your editing program of choice. Perhaps you are putting together YouTube content such as video essays or movie reviews and you need clips of the source material, or maybe you need footage to learn how to edit or to practice with. Whatever your needs may be, there are a few different ways one can go about sourcing movie footage. We will run through each viable method.

Continue reading How to Get Clips for Edits — 4 Ways to Capture Footage Online

How to Hire a Screenwriter — 5 Steps to Find the Perfect Writer

So you have a great idea for a movie or TV show but don’t have the know-how to write it yourself. What do you do? Hire a screenwriter, of course! But how do you hire a screenwriter? Read on to see the five steps you must take to find a great screenwriter for your project with plenty of helpful pro-tips along the way.

Continue reading How to Hire a Screenwriter — 5 Steps to Find the Perfect Writer

What is a Focus Puller — Job Description and Duties Explained

Camera & Lighting DepartmentOpen menu Director Of Photography Camera Operator Focus Puller Key Grip Gaffer Dolly Grip Ultimate Guide to Film Crew Positions Free Film Crew Management Software →

What does a focus puller do? In this post, we’ll explain what it means to pull focus, who does it and why, and we’ll cover all of the different types of focus available at a filmmaker’s disposal. We’ll also break down the other responsibilities of a focus puller in filmmaking.

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What is Color Rendering Index — Light & Color in Film & Photo

What is a color rendering index? This bit of technical jargon might seem daunting to unravel, but in this post, we’ll be breaking down this somewhat scientific term into the simplest language possible and providing a clear definition. We will also take a look at how a color rendering index is used and why it matters in photography and filmmaking.

Continue reading What is Color Rendering Index — Light & Color in Film & Photo

Best Screenplays to Read for Aspiring Screenwriters — Top 10

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Academy Award for Best International Feature Film — Full List

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The Academy Award for Best International Feature Film is one of the most prestigious awards in the entire Oscars ceremony.… Keep reading

The Best Villains of All Time — 23 Vile and Vicious Evildoers

Sometimes, a hero is only as good as their villain. Whether they’re a charismatic villain that you love to hate or pure, unadulterated evil, these villains will stick in your mind for years to come. Be sure to check out our How to Write a Villain video essay below for a breakdown of three villainous archetypes. Without further ado, please join us in counting down the best movie villains of all time.

Continue reading The Best Villains of All Time — 23 Vile and Vicious Evildoers

Academy Award For Best Film Editing — Top 20 Winners Ranked

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There is a saying: the best film editing is the editing that nobody notices.… Keep reading

What is a Triadic Color Scheme — Definition and Examples

Color BasicsOpen menu What is Color Temperature Color Grading vs. Color Correction What is LUT What is Technicolor First Color Movie Film Colorization Process Color SchemesOpen menu What is a Color Palette What is a Color Scheme Triadic Color Scheme Monochromatic Color Scheme Analogous Color Scheme Complementary Color Scheme FREE Ebook: How to Use Color in Film

What is a triadic color scheme? How can it be utilized in your filmmaking efforts, why does it matter and how is it different from other color palettes? We will be answering each of these questions, taking a look at the power and psychology of color in storytelling, and showcasing examples of triadic color schemes in films.… Keep reading

What is a Character Actor — The Art of the Supporting Role

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What is a character actor?… Keep reading

What is a Monochromatic Color Scheme — Definition, Examples

Color BasicsOpen menu What is Color Temperature Color Grading vs. Color Correction What is LUT What is Technicolor First Color Movie Film Colorization Process Color SchemesOpen menu What is a Color Palette What is a Color Scheme Triadic Color Scheme Monochromatic Color Scheme Analogous Color Scheme Complementary Color Scheme FREE Ebook: How to Use Color in Film

What are monochromatic colors? What is a monochromatic color scheme in filmmaking? Why does it matter and how is it different from other color palettes? These are the questions we’ll be answering alongside a dive into the purpose and psychology of color in storytelling and a look at some of the best examples of monochromatic color schemes from film and television.… Keep reading

The Shining Explained — 6 Compelling Theories on The Shining

Few films inspire as many diverse fan theories and interpretations as Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. Is The Shining a film that can be definitively explained? Without Kubrick around to spell out his intentions, the answer is probably not. But that hasn’t stopped people all over the world from trying. In this post, we’ll break down the six biggest theories on The Shining, including our own theory that it’s actually a Christmas movie! We’ll explain each theory, why people believe it, and look at the corroborating evidence.

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Famous Guns in Movies — Cinema’s Most Creative Movie Guns

Few props are as inherently cinematic as firearms. For decades, creative filmmakers have been pushing past the bounds of reality to craft truly inventive and unique movie guns. Whether in the action, thriller, or sci-fi genres, there are many examples of writers and directors injecting an added dose of creativity into their shootouts by inventing fictional firearms. Join us in counting down the most creative guns in movies.

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Best DSLR Camera — Top Picks for Photography & Video

What is the best DSLR camera? In 2021, there are many different makes and models of DSLRs on the market, and poring over the technical specs, features, and prices can be headache inducing to say the least. We’ve done the legwork for you, so that you can make an informed decision with your next purchase and choose the best DSLR camera to buy for your individual needs and budget.

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