How to Add VHS Effect to Video — Tutorials & Effect Downloads

When making a movie, whether small or large, it can always be fun to add an additional effect over the shot. You either do this for aesthetic, atmospheric, or plot reasons, all depending on the context you put it in. VHS effects are among the most popular, as can be seen in so many online photographs and phone apps. Today we’re gonna learn how to add VHS effects to video, how VHS video effects can be utilized, and some popular VHS filter options that you can add into your next project.

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How to Use False Color — Exposure Techniques Explained

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Free Film Grain Overlays For That Cinematic Look

In our digital age of digital worlds and digital filmmaking, it’s nice to be reminded of the organic and analog. This is probably why many filmmakers, both professional and amateur, enjoy employing film grain into their digital productions. Aside from eliminating all the issues and costs that can come with physical celluloid, the best film grain overlay can give your movies that special look that so many movies of our past have.

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Batman Begins Script PDF Download: Quotes, Characters & Plot

Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free →

Christopher Nolan has become one of the biggest filmmakers on the planet, and his first time with a licensed property helped him get there. Co-written with David S. Goyer, Batman Begins was a blast of fresh air, getting major critical appraisal, bringing in a new era for both the Dark Knight and superhero films.… Keep reading

What is a Prequel? Definition and Examples for Screenwriters

In today’s cinematic landscape, very few people are unaware of what a prequel is. Whether you’re watching a new movie that’s labelled as such, or the “sequel” you’re watching actually takes place before the first film, prequels are not that uncommon in the world of entertainment. But what is a prequel exactly, and what are the elements that make one up?

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What is Film Grain? The Causes and Effects Explained

In a world where almost everything you see is digitally shot, the priority is now “clean” images with high resolution and sharp edges. For a lot of filmmakers and fans lamenting the death of celluloid, one of the key attributes missing is something we’ve nearly forgotten: film grain. The textured look of cinematic film grain is what gives celluloid film personality, depth, and dynamics. The irony is now that digital filmmaking has nearly perfected the “clean” image, some filmmakers are adding film grain texture in Post-Production. So, what is film grain and why are some directors bringing it back? Let’s find out.… Keep reading

What is a Director’s Cut? Every Type of Director’s Cut Explained

If you grew up in the home video era, you may have found yourself asking, “What is a Director’s Cut?” When DVD emerged, some movies would claim to be a “Director’s Cut,” which could imply many things to the potential consumer. It might seem straightforward, but there’s a lot more to Director’s Cuts than just a longer version of a movie. So, what is a Director’s Cut and why are there so many of them? We’re going to go over the definition, its history through theatrical and home video releases, famous examples of Director’s Cuts and the different types that exist.… Keep reading

What is a Best Boy in Film? Job Description and Duties Explained

Camera & Lighting DepartmentOpen menu Director Of Photography Camera Operator Focus Puller Key Grip Gaffer Dolly Grip Ultimate Guide to Film Crew Positions Free Film Crew Management Software →

How many times have you watched a movie’s end credits and asked “What’s a Best Boy?” Among the many credited film crew members on a production, the Best Boy title might be one of the most curious, simply because the title indicates so little. You probably have questions like “What is a Best Boy?” and “What does a Best Boy do?” And luckily, we have answers.

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What is IMAX and How It Changed the Way We Watch Movies

By this point in time, there is a strong chance you have at least heard of IMAX. It’s often sold to potential customers as the most immersive way to watch a movie, featuring a larger-than-average screen and the highest quality imagery and sound. The ticket price is higher, too. But what is IMAX, and how did it go from a speciality format often seen in museums to a common option found at many multiplexes?

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What is 2:1 Aspect Ratio (Univisium) & Why Are Directors Switching Over?

When making a movie, it can be a struggle to decide between the two most common widescreen aspect ratios: 1.85:1 and 2.35:1. For anyone who has ever felt this struggle, there is an ideal middle ground. We’re talking about the 2:1 aspect ratio which has seen a resurgence in the last decade. In this article, we’ll go over the 2:1 aspect ratio, where it came from, and how it’s been used in movies and TV so that you too can take advantage of this unique frame.


Disclaimer: Since 2.35 is often used interchangeably with 2.39 and 2.4, we will do the same in this article, depending on the context.… Keep reading

What is CinemaScope? Definition and Examples for Filmmakers

Have you ever asked yourself, “What is CinemaScope?” It’s a widescreen lens and projection system that has become a popular choice for filmmakers and is now an industry standard. Most audiences had never seen anything like it, and it started a widescreen revolution that literally changed the shape of movies forever. So, what is CinemaScope, exactly? And just how important was it to the cinema landscape both then and now?

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