Rules of Shot Composition in Film: A Definitive Guide

Basics of CompositionOpen menu What is Composition Rules of Shot Composition Rules of Composition Scale Proportion BalanceOpen menu Asymmetrical Balance Symmetrical Balance Radial Balance Golden Ratio Foreground Elements Texture SpaceOpen menu Positive Space Negative Space Positive & Negative Space Fill the Frame Simplicity There are many ways to film the same scene. The director’s decisions… Continue reading Rules of Shot Composition in Film: A Definitive Guide

What is Shutter Speed and Its Role in the Exposure Triangle?

Exposure TriangleOpen menu What is the Exposure Triangle Aperture ISO Shutter Speed Frame Rate Create your free shot list → We all know the sound that a camera makes. That satisfying click when we press the button and create our photograph. What we’re hearing is the camera’s shutter. That sound is the shutter moving up… Continue reading What is Shutter Speed and Its Role in the Exposure Triangle?

The Adapted Screenplay: True Adaptations or Academy Categories?

So what is an adapted screenplay and what are the requirements for an adaptation? It’s obvious by the name that an adapted screenplay is well, adapted from something else, while an original screenplay is just that, originally created. But actually, even if you come up with an original idea, it may end up falling into… Continue reading The Adapted Screenplay: True Adaptations or Academy Categories?

French New Wave Films: A Curated List and Their Iconic Directors

The French New Wave of cinema, or La Nouvelle Vague, was one of the most important film movements of all time. In this article, we’re going to rank the best French New Wave Films based on four criteria: Acting, Story, Directing and Style. But before we jump into the ranking, it’s important to know what… Continue reading French New Wave Films: A Curated List and Their Iconic Directors

What is French New Wave? Background and Revolutionary Techniques

The French New Wave changed the ways movies were made forever and influenced some of the greatest directors of our time. But what is the French New Wave? How did it begin and why? This post will provide you with a definition, a brief historical context, and highlight some key characteristics of the movement from… Continue reading What is French New Wave? Background and Revolutionary Techniques

What is VFX? Defining the Term and Creating Impossible Worlds

BasicsOpen menu What is Post-Production What is VFX What are Special Effects What is Virtual Production What is CGI What is Matte Painting ProcessOpen menu How to Move the Anchor Point in After Effects How to Mask in Premiere Pro Best After Effects Plugins Best Free After Effects Templates Inception Special Effects How They Shot… Continue reading What is VFX? Defining the Term and Creating Impossible Worlds

What is Deep Depth of Field? Definition and Examples

Dof basicsShallow dofDeep dofDOF GuideTYPES OF CAMERA FOCUS If you’re just getting your feet wet in photography or videography, you’ve probably heard one million terms tossed around that either mean nothing to you…yet, or you know of them, sort of, but you’re not entirely sure how they all work together. Whatever your skill level, this… Continue reading What is Deep Depth of Field? Definition and Examples

Sound Editing vs Sound Mixing — What’s the Difference?

EssentialsOpen menu What is Sound Design Sound Editing vs Sound Mixing What is Voice Over What is Diegetic Sound  What is Non-Diegetic Sound What is a Film Score TechniquesOpen menu Ultimate Guide to Sound Recording Filmmaker’s Guide to Sound Effect Techniques What is a Sound Bridge What is The Shepard Tone How to Design a… Continue reading Sound Editing vs Sound Mixing — What’s the Difference?

When Was the Camera Invented — Dates & Inventors Explained

Crediting one person and nailing the exact year of when the camera was invented isn’t that simple. Mainly because the internet gives a ton of different answers. It turns out, a quick history lesson solves the problem. So, if “when was the camera invented” or “who invented the camera” are questions that keep you up… Continue reading When Was the Camera Invented — Dates & Inventors Explained

What Does a Screenwriter Do? The Fundamentals of the Job

The answer to the title question is pretty obvious: screenwriters write screenplays, right? Well, yeah, but there’s much more to the craft than the finished product. Every writer has their own process so let’s hear from some incredibly talented and iconic screenwriters to see how they approach their stories. Once we get the full picture… Continue reading What Does a Screenwriter Do? The Fundamentals of the Job

What is The Three Act Structure — And Why It Works

Screenplay Structure 101Open menu Three Act Structure Freytag’s Pyramid Story Mountain Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey Save the Cat Dan Harmon’s Story Circle 5 Stages of A StoryOpen menu Exposition Inciting Incident Rising Action Climax Falling Action Denouement Write Your Script For Free → Screenwriters have a tendency of defining the three act structure by either… Continue reading What is The Three Act Structure — And Why It Works

What is a Gantt Chart? Your Project Management Solution

If you’ve ever used production calendars, you probably have used a Gantt chart. But if you’re sitting there wondering what is a Gantt chart, you’re in the right place. They’re super easy to use tools, that can save you a million headaches when prepping, managing, and even finishing a video project. Let’s see define it… Continue reading What is a Gantt Chart? Your Project Management Solution