How you move the camera is a sort of language, a way to communicate to the audience apart from dialogue. There are one million ways to move the camera to complement the narrative. And camera panning is just one way to speak — a simple movement that speaks volumes. So, what is a camera pan… Continue reading What is a Camera Pan — Camera Movement Fundamentals
I think we all can agree, screenwriting contests can be useful tools for both new writers and those with experience under their belts. They’re excellent ways to get noticed, but some of the contests out there can’t take you as far as some others. So what are the best screenwriting contests to enter? Continue reading 13… Continue reading 13 Best Screenwriting Contests You Need to Enter Now
Narrative ElementsOpen menu Antagonist Catharsis Motif Plot Protagonist Theme Narrative DevicesOpen menu Deus ex Machina Foreshadowing Irony Personification Plot Twist Red Herring Write Your Script For Free → We all know that conflict is needed to keep viewers engaged, to create an emotional response, and to ultimately, push the story forward. Without conflict in a… Continue reading What is Conflict in a Story? A Quick Reminder of the Purpose of Conflict
Mise en scène. It’s a fancy looking phrase that you’ve seen floating around many film-related articles, carrying with it an immediate sense of snobbery. Don’t worry, you’re not the first person to ask “what is mise en scene?” After today, you’ll have a better sense of this concept and its fundamentals so you can apply… Continue reading What is Mise en Scène in Film: Definition and Examples