Shooting Schedule EssentialsOpen menu What Is a Shooting Schedule How to Plan a Film Shoot How to Create Multiple Shooting Schedules How to Create a One Line Schedule What is the Dood Report DOOD Report Explained Shooting Schedule Pro-TipsOpen menu How to Make a Better Shooting Schedule How to Schedule a Musical How to Find… Continue reading The Revenant Movie: A Shooting Schedule Nightmare
It’s incredibly hard to make any movie, but a perfect movie? That’s nearly impossible without a great set of script notes. Today we’ll learn how script notes catapulted Back to the Future into theaters and changed history forever. Travel with us as we talk about casting, rewrites, and the development process. Hop in! Where we’re going, we… Continue reading How Script Notes Can Improve Your Screenplay [With Example]
Screenplay Structure 101Open menu Three Act Structure Freytag’s Pyramid Story Mountain Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey Save the Cat Dan Harmon’s Story Circle 5 Stages of A StoryOpen menu Exposition Inciting Incident Rising Action Climax Falling Action Denouement Write Your Script For Free → P lot structure is the most critical thing about a movie. Plot structure is… Continue reading Plot Structure Tools to Help You Master the Art of Dramatic Writing
I f you’re a producer, you likely pay close attention when noteworthy film festivals post their schedules. Among other things, you’re probably looking for the best up-and-coming directors for your own project slate.Continue reading The Best Up-and-Coming Directors Every Producer Needs to Know
Learning how to make a documentary is no easy task. To engage in documentary filmmaking you must brave the unknown, and capture a story that unfolds in its own unpredictable way. Continue reading Documentary Filmmaking: How to Make a Documentary in 5 Steps