Color BasicsOpen menu What is Color Temperature Color Grading vs. Color Correction What is LUT What is Technicolor First Color Movie Film Colorization Process Color SchemesOpen menu What is a Color Palette What is a Color Scheme Triadic Color Scheme Monochromatic Color Scheme Analogous Color Scheme Complementary Color Scheme FREE Ebook: How to Use Color… Continue reading Color Grading vs. Color Correction Process for Video: A Complete Guide
Types of LensesOpen menu Lens Basics Prime Lens Zoom Lens Anamorphic Lens Focal LengthsOpen menu Wide Angle Lens (14mm – 35mm) Standard (35mm – 70mm) What is a 50mm Lens Good For 35mm vs 50mm Lenses Telephoto Lens (70mm – 200mm) Create your free shot list → Selecting the right lenses for your project is… Continue reading Cooke Cinema Lenses: Breaking Down the “Cooke Look”
The 2000s were a weird time for cinema — kind of sandwiched in between the indie 90’s scene and the blockbuster 2010’s scene. But there are so many great movies that came out between 2000 and 2009, that we thought it would be interesting to look back at what made them so great. So without… Continue reading Best Movies of the 2000s — The Entire Decade Ranked
Footage is a term that’s become synonymous with film – but what is footage? And where did the term originate? Today, we’re going to get to the bottom of those questions by exploring the history of the term and by outlining a definition. By the end, you’ll know where “footage” came from and what it… Continue reading What is Footage — Definition, Origins & Types Explained
Past. Present. Future. These are the three tenses that structure time. But what are the tenses of a verb? And more simply: what is a verb tense? Fear not, we’re going to answer those questions, as well as break down all twelve types of verb tenses. By the end, you’ll know what a verb tense… Continue reading Verb Tenses — Ultimate Guide to Past, Present & Future
The term “caricature” conjures images of ridiculous renderings drawn by boardwalk artists – but what is caricature? And what does caricature mean? We’re going to answer those questions by exploring the history of “caricature,” as well as a definition and some examples. By the end, you’ll know what caricature means, and how to recognize it… Continue reading What is Caricature — The Art of Exaggeration Explained
You’ve probably heard the term, “fan fiction” and instantly pictured a blogger writing their own version of a Lord of the Rings epic or a website hosting user-created takes on Twilight and Star Trek cross-overs. Over the course of this article, we’re going to define what “fan fiction” means as well as provide examples of… Continue reading What is Fan Fiction — Definition, Examples, and Genres
Arguably even more than film, television relies on writers. Quite simply, without talented screenwriters, the vast expanse of TV we’re familiar with today wouldn’t exist. TV scripts are the backbone of the industry, and a great twenty-five pages can launch countless hours of beloved people, places and plots. By poring through TV script examples, you… Continue reading TV Script Examples — Different Types, Lengths & Genres