What is a Tracking Shot — 25 Best Tracking Shot Examples

What is a tracking shot? They are really fun to watch, but difficult to film. We’ve put together a list of the best tracking shots of all time. Then we break down everything you’ll need to consider when blocking and planning a tracking shot in your own projects.Continue reading What is a Tracking Shot —… Continue reading What is a Tracking Shot — 25 Best Tracking Shot Examples

The Modern Cowboy Shot — Types of Shots in Film, Explained

Close UpsOpen menu Extreme Close-Up (ECU) Medium Close-Up (MCU) Medium ShotsOpen menu Medium Shot (MS) Cowboy Shot (CS) Medium Full Shot (MFS) Wide ShotsOpen menu Full Shot (FS) Wide Shot (WS) Extreme Wide Shot (EWS) Create Free Shot List Cowboy shots are something we see all the time in film and television. Even from the… Continue reading The Modern Cowboy Shot — Types of Shots in Film, Explained

The Essential Guide to Depth of Field [with Examples]

Dof basicsShallow dofDeep dofDOF GuideTYPES OF CAMERA FOCUS The best photographers and cinematographers use depth of field knowledge for precise control over their images. Establishing your own visual style should occur before you step on set, and it begins with understanding how to control your depth of field.Continue reading The Essential Guide to Depth of Field… Continue reading The Essential Guide to Depth of Field [with Examples]

What Is a Plot? Types of Plot, Definitions, and Examples

Screenplay Structure 101Open menu Three Act Structure Freytag’s Pyramid Story Mountain Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey Save the Cat Dan Harmon’s Story Circle 5 Stages of A StoryOpen menu Exposition Inciting Incident Rising Action Climax Falling Action Denouement Write Your Script For Free → The all-important plot. It’s a word you’ve likely heard… but what does… Continue reading What Is a Plot? Types of Plot, Definitions, and Examples

Over-the-Shoulder Shot: Examples of Camera Movements & Angles

Types of FramingOpen menu Establishing Shot Single Shot Two Shot Over the Shoulder Insert Shot POV Shot More ShotsOpen menu All Shots & Angles Camera Shot Ultimate Guide Create Free Shot List Now → Why do filmmakers use over-the-shoulder shots? Can they signal to the viewer that two characters are, at the very least, on… Continue reading Over-the-Shoulder Shot: Examples of Camera Movements & Angles