Ultimate Guide to Movie Genres — 90+ Genre Examples for Film & TV

You’re looking for a movie genre list, maybe for inspiration, but every list you find has too broad or hyper-specific categories that it becomes overwhelming. We’ve created the perfect movie and TV genre list that will explain the various categories of film and television with their specific subgenres, and we’ll also include helpful examples for… Continue reading Ultimate Guide to Movie Genres — 90+ Genre Examples for Film & TV

What is a Motif? Definition and Examples for Filmmakers

Narrative ElementsOpen menu Antagonist Catharsis Motif Plot Protagonist Theme Narrative DevicesOpen menu Deus ex Machina Foreshadowing Irony Personification Plot Twist Red Herring Write Your Script For Free → Motifs are a great way to reinforce the theme of your project. Understanding how to build motifs that work requires strong attention to detail and a clear… Continue reading What is a Motif? Definition and Examples for Filmmakers

How to Write a Movie Script: Screenplay Format and Examples

Understanding how to write a movie script, also known as a screenplay, can seem daunting at first, but once you understand script format and structure you can then focus on your creativity. We’ll take you through the process of writing a screenplay so that you can begin building that great movie idea into a professional script. Continue… Continue reading How to Write a Movie Script: Screenplay Format and Examples

What is Frame Rate? A Filmmaker’s Guide to Frames Per Second

Exposure TriangleOpen menu What is the Exposure Triangle Aperture ISO Shutter Speed Frame Rate Create your free shot list → Everyone loves a good slow-motion scene or a shot that speed ramps into an interesting moment. The key to these types of videos begins with understanding and controlling frame rate. What is frame rate and… Continue reading What is Frame Rate? A Filmmaker’s Guide to Frames Per Second

What is an Insert Shot: How to Build Clever Inserts like The Coen Brothers

Types of FramingOpen menu Establishing Shot Single Shot Two Shot Over the Shoulder Insert Shot POV Shot More ShotsOpen menu All Shots & Angles Camera Shot Ultimate Guide Create Free Shot List Now → Insert shots are the unsung hero of filmmaking. They’re used in feature films, documentaries, and commercials. They may seem simple, but… Continue reading What is an Insert Shot: How to Build Clever Inserts like The Coen Brothers

The Medium Close-Up Shot: Definition and Examples in Film

Close UpsOpen menu Extreme Close-Up (ECU) Medium Close-Up (MCU) Medium ShotsOpen menu Medium Shot (MS) Cowboy Shot (CS) Medium Full Shot (MFS) Wide ShotsOpen menu Full Shot (FS) Wide Shot (WS) Extreme Wide Shot (EWS) Create Free Shot List Medium close-up shots are a go-to for many directors, but understanding how to use them in… Continue reading The Medium Close-Up Shot: Definition and Examples in Film