What is a Second Unit Director & What Does a Second Unit Do?

Directorial DepartmentOpen menu What Does an Assistant Director Do What Does a 2nd Assistant Director Do What is a Casting Director What is a Second Unit Director What Does a Director Do Ultimate Guide to Film Crew Positions Free Film Crew Management Software → If you’ve ever heard the terms ‘second unit’ or ‘second unit… Continue reading What is a Second Unit Director & What Does a Second Unit Do?

How Long is a TV Show Script — Half-Hour and Hour Formats

How long is a television script? If you want to write a television pilot, you will want to ensure that your script follows all formatting and length guidelines. But knowing exactly how long a television script should be can be more of a challenge than one might expect. In this post, we’ll be breaking down… Continue reading How Long is a TV Show Script — Half-Hour and Hour Formats

What is a Vignette in Writing — Definition & Examples Explained

What is a vignette? The term has the potential to be confusing because it means slightly different depending on which story-telling medium is the topic of discussion. Even within filmmaking, the term can also be used to describe two completely different things. We will sort through this confusion and break down each meaning of ‘vignette.’… Continue reading What is a Vignette in Writing — Definition & Examples Explained

10 Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download, Read & Study

Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → The horror genre… Continue reading 10 Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download, Read & Study