Low Light Photography & Cinematography — Examples & Tips

BasicsOpen menu Basics of Film Lighting What Does a Cinematographer Do What is Cinematography What is Digital Cinematography Cinematography Terms What is Motion Blur Lighting EssentialsOpen menu 3-Point Lighting What is Key Light What is Fill Light What is Backlight What is Practical Lighting When is Golden Hour E-BooksOpen menu FREE Ebook: Camera Lenses Explained… Continue reading Low Light Photography & Cinematography — Examples & Tips

Terminator 2 Nuke Scene Breakdown — How They Destroyed LA

Terminator 2: Judgement Day has a plethora of memorable scenes, from Sarah Connor’s hospital escape to the fiery climax at the steel mill. Perhaps one of the most stunning sequences, however, is Sarah Connor’s nuclear apocalypse nightmare. The dream was vividly realized by James Cameron and his team, and at the time was one of… Continue reading Terminator 2 Nuke Scene Breakdown — How They Destroyed LA

Star Wars Special Effects — How Lucas & ILM Changed the Game

It’s hard to overstate the importance of Star Wars. George Lucas’s crowning achievement marked the twilight of New Hollywood and the dawn of the blockbuster era of the 1980s. Any big-budget science fiction release since has operated under the shadow of Star Wars’ towering influence. There were many reasons for the success of Star Wars,… Continue reading Star Wars Special Effects — How Lucas & ILM Changed the Game

Darius Khondji Cinematography — Style & Techniques Explained

Cinematography BreakdownsOpen menu Stranger Things Cinematography Better Call Saul Cinematography Euphoria Cinematography Analysis Drive Cinematography Breakdown Blade Runner 2049 Cinematography Sicario Cinematography Cinematographer StylesOpen menu Roger Deakins Style Hoyte van Hoytema Style Linus Sandgren Style Rodrigo Prieto Style Robert Yeoman Style Darius Khondji Style E-BooksOpen menu FREE Ebook: Camera Lenses Explained FREE E-Book: Exposure The… Continue reading Darius Khondji Cinematography — Style & Techniques Explained

Examples of Midpoint In Movies — Types of Midpoints Explained

Screenplay Structure 101Open menu Three Act Structure Freytag’s Pyramid Story Mountain Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey Save the Cat Dan Harmon’s Story Circle 5 Stages of A StoryOpen menu Exposition Inciting Incident Rising Action Climax Falling Action Denouement Write Your Script For Free → It’s well established that most modern Hollywood movies are made up of… Continue reading Examples of Midpoint In Movies — Types of Midpoints Explained

What is Ambient Light — Lighting Techniques Explained

If you’re a photographer or cinematographer, chances are you’ve used ambient light, whether you’ve known it or not. This type of light is everywhere, and can make or break your image — sometimes it helps, sometimes it’s unwanted. So, what is ambient light? In this article, we’ll walk through what ambient illumination is, and how… Continue reading What is Ambient Light — Lighting Techniques Explained

What is Film Production — Stages of Filmmaking Explained

Stages of Film ProductionOpen menu Film Financing Film Production Pre-Production Post-Production Film Distribution Film Marketing Free Production Calendar Software → The filmmaking process can be broken up into a series of stages. Perhaps the most demanding of these stages is production. The production stage is not for the faint of heart, and it can make… Continue reading What is Film Production — Stages of Filmmaking Explained