What is VistaVision — A History of Widescreen in Hollywood

Before the 1950s, nearly every single movie was in the same 4:3 aspect ratio. But then CinemaScope from 20th Century Fox changed the landscape with widescreen imagery to get people into theaters nationwide. Pretty soon, other studios were making their own widescreen movies, including Paramount Pictures with VistaVision. What is VistaVision, you ask? Well, it… Continue reading What is VistaVision — A History of Widescreen in Hollywood

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World — Script PDF Download and Analysis

Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → Edgar Wright has… Continue reading Scott Pilgrim vs. the World — Script PDF Download and Analysis

What is 4:3 Aspect Ratio — And Why Do Filmmakers Still Use It?

Long ago, when all television screens and computer monitors looked alike, they shared the same aspect ratio of 4 by 3. It dominated the way early cinema and television looked, but it was not meant to last. In the 21st century, new and emerging technology has resulted in more aspect ratios, like 16:9, leaving 4:3… Continue reading What is 4:3 Aspect Ratio — And Why Do Filmmakers Still Use It?

How to End a Story — Different Types of Story Endings Explained

Human beings have been telling stories for as long as we have roamed this Earth. Storytelling has gone from oral tradition to a natural part of the cinematic landscape. And in-between it all, we have learned how to end a story. Throughout our years telling stories, we have learned that there are ultimately four ways… Continue reading How to End a Story — Different Types of Story Endings Explained

What is a Character Study — Character vs. Plot-Driven Narratives

Have you ever watched a movie that seemed more focused on the inner life of its central character than following a traditional plot? Plenty of movies have great characters, but how many of those same movies would have the same plot if you removed that character? This is part of what makes character studies special,… Continue reading What is a Character Study — Character vs. Plot-Driven Narratives

What is Celluloid Film — A Brief History of Motion Picture Film

In the world of movie making we have today, any digital device with video functionality can help you tell a story, from your mobile phone to your computer’s webcam. But what about celluloid film? What is celluloid film, even? We still call movies “films,” right? Film stock used to be the only way major movies… Continue reading What is Celluloid Film — A Brief History of Motion Picture Film