What is Pop Art — Definition, History, Characteristics & Artists

Index & TimelineOpen menu Art Styles Explained Art History Timeline Renaissance & Classical (1400-1600)Open menu Renaissance Gothic Art Rococo Baroque Classicism Neoclassicism Romanticism & Contemporary (1827-20XX)Open menu Avant Garde Post Impressionism Romanticism Expressionism Contemporary Art Modern Art Colors. Commodities. Counter culture. What is Pop Art? Even if you don’t know it by name, you have… Continue reading What is Pop Art — Definition, History, Characteristics & Artists

What is Baroque Art — Definition, Examples and Characteristics

Index & TimelineOpen menu Art Styles Explained Art History Timeline Renaissance & Classical (1400-1600)Open menu Renaissance Gothic Art Rococo Baroque Classicism Neoclassicism Romanticism & Contemporary (1827-20XX)Open menu Avant Garde Post Impressionism Romanticism Expressionism Contemporary Art Modern Art What is Baroque? How do you define Baroque? Have you ever looked at something and referred to it… Continue reading What is Baroque Art — Definition, Examples and Characteristics

What is a Spaghetti Western — History and Legacy Explained

Cowboys, outlaws, deserts, shanty towns, and gunslinging. These are familiar elements seen in the genre known as the Western, in both literature and cinema. But for many genre fans, it specifically refers to Spaghetti Westerns, a genre that emerged during the 1960s. Traditional Westerns they weren’t, as they were often low budget, featured violence and… Continue reading What is a Spaghetti Western — History and Legacy Explained

What is Cyberpunk — Genre Definition, Origins & Examples

Tall buildings, smoke filled rooms, femme fatales, people on the margins of society, late nights, bright signs….and cybernetic implants? No, it’s not film noir, it’s Cyberpunk. It’s a sub-genre that has slowly but surely integrated itself into popular media from the 1970s all the way to the 2020s. Taking inspiration from hard boiled fiction and… Continue reading What is Cyberpunk — Genre Definition, Origins & Examples

What is Dialogue — A Writer’s Guide to Spoken Words

Movies are a visual medium first and foremost, which means making on-screen imagery as effective as possible. And if you’re making a narrative feature, you will more than likely be needing dialogue. Movies didn’t start with traditional dialogue tracks, but these days, virtually every movie in existence has it. But what is dialogue, why does… Continue reading What is Dialogue — A Writer’s Guide to Spoken Words

What is CGI? How CGI Works in Movies and Animation

BasicsOpen menu What is Post-Production What is VFX What are Special Effects What is Virtual Production What is CGI What is Matte Painting ProcessOpen menu How to Move the Anchor Point in After Effects How to Mask in Premiere Pro Best After Effects Plugins Best Free After Effects Templates Inception Special Effects How They Shot… Continue reading What is CGI? How CGI Works in Movies and Animation

What is a Biopic — Definition & Best Examples Explained

Do you ever wonder what is a biopic, or what counts as a biopic? In contemporary cinema, biopic movies seem to be everywhere. Old historical figures, musicians, politicians, as well as “regular” people dealing with extraordinary events. There have been more biopic films in recent decades, but they’re nothing new. Biopics have been a staple in… Continue reading What is a Biopic — Definition & Best Examples Explained