Types of Camera Movements in Film Explained: Definitive Guide

Shot SizeShot FramingCamera AnglesCamera FocusCamera GearCamera MovementCamera Lenses As cameras have become smaller over time, new technology is constantly being invented to move them in every direction possible. Understanding the effects of the different types of camera movements in film is essential for every filmmaker to understand. It not only makes them better cinematographers or… Continue reading Types of Camera Movements in Film Explained: Definitive Guide

What is Anaphora — Definition and Examples for Writers

Narrative ElementsOpen menu Antagonist Catharsis Motif Plot Protagonist Theme Narrative DevicesOpen menu Deus ex Machina Foreshadowing Irony Personification Plot Twist Red Herring Write Your Script For Free → Anaphora can be iconic. Anaphora can be memorable. Anaphora can be effective. Okay, that may be a terrible example of the effectiveness of anaphora. Nevertheless, anaphora is… Continue reading What is Anaphora — Definition and Examples for Writers

What is Onomatopoeia — Definition and Examples in Lit. & Film

Narrative ElementsOpen menu Antagonist Catharsis Motif Plot Protagonist Theme Narrative DevicesOpen menu Deus ex Machina Foreshadowing Irony Personification Plot Twist Red Herring Write Your Script For Free → Onomatopoeia can make a BANG or THUD in your mind when reading a sentence. And while that sentence is definitely not the best example of the effects… Continue reading What is Onomatopoeia — Definition and Examples in Lit. & Film

What is Assonance — Definition and Examples for Writers

Narrative ElementsOpen menu Antagonist Catharsis Motif Plot Protagonist Theme Narrative DevicesOpen menu Deus ex Machina Foreshadowing Irony Personification Plot Twist Red Herring Write Your Script For Free → One of the most effective ways at making a line of text in literature memorable is by creating rhythm. Writers have a few ways of creating rhythm… Continue reading What is Assonance — Definition and Examples for Writers

What is Metanoia — Definition & Examples

M etanoia, a term derived from Greek, signifies a profound, transformative change of heart or an intellectual conversion. This concept, prevalent across disciplines including psychology, theology, and literary studies, embodies a deep, fundamental shift in one’s attitude or perspective.  This article delves into the etymology, diverse interpretations, and practical examples of metanoia. It aims to provide a… Continue reading What is Metanoia — Definition & Examples

What is Juxtaposition in Film? Definition and Examples

Narrative ElementsOpen menu Antagonist Catharsis Motif Plot Protagonist Theme Narrative DevicesOpen menu Deus ex Machina Foreshadowing Irony Personification Plot Twist Red Herring Write Your Script For Free → Two is always better than one when it comes to Juxtaposition. Other than being the game-winning word in your next Scrabble match, what is juxtaposition? It is… Continue reading What is Juxtaposition in Film? Definition and Examples

What is a Villain? Definition, Types & Characteristics

Types of CharactersOpen menu Protagonist Antagonist Hero Anti Hero Tragic Hero Foil Character Character TropesOpen menu Common Character Types Types of Villains Femme Fatale Mad Scientist Mary Sue Damsel in Distress Write Your Free Script → There is no doubt that cinema and literature are filled with iconic heroes. But often it is the relationship… Continue reading What is a Villain? Definition, Types & Characteristics

What is Satire — 3 Types of Satire Every Storyteller Should Know

Narrative ElementsOpen menu Antagonist Catharsis Motif Plot Protagonist Theme Narrative DevicesOpen menu Deus ex Machina Foreshadowing Irony Personification Plot Twist Red Herring Write Your Script For Free → Satire is a term that is often misunderstood and for good reason. With the advent of the internet, social media, and memes, it has become the main… Continue reading What is Satire — 3 Types of Satire Every Storyteller Should Know

What is Imagery — Definition & Examples in Literature & Poetry

Narrative ElementsOpen menu Antagonist Catharsis Motif Plot Protagonist Theme Narrative DevicesOpen menu Deus ex Machina Foreshadowing Irony Personification Plot Twist Red Herring Write Your Script For Free → Describing sensory experiences through the medium of writing and text can be difficult. By enlisting the use of imagery, writers are able to vividly describe experiences, actions,… Continue reading What is Imagery — Definition & Examples in Literature & Poetry