What is a Wipe Transition in Film — Editing Transitions Explained

Editing EssentialsOpen menu What is Film Editing Types of Editing Transitions How to Become a Film Editor What is a Film Cut What is a Freeze Frame DownloadablesOpen menu Free Video Transitions Free Sound Effects for Video Editing Best Free Video LUTs Ding Sound Effect Download Muzzle Flash Effect Download Free Fog Overlay Templates Editing… Continue reading What is a Wipe Transition in Film — Editing Transitions Explained

How Does an Editor Control the Rhythm of a Film?

Editing EssentialsOpen menu What is Film Editing Types of Editing Transitions How to Become a Film Editor What is a Film Cut What is a Freeze Frame DownloadablesOpen menu Free Video Transitions Free Sound Effects for Video Editing Best Free Video LUTs Ding Sound Effect Download Muzzle Flash Effect Download Free Fog Overlay Templates Editing… Continue reading How Does an Editor Control the Rhythm of a Film?

Split Lighting Photography — Examples, Patterns and Setups

Beginner photographers often have the misconception that to create quality portraits, you need multiple lights and complex techniques. While this is true for some portrait lighting setups, many fundamental lighting techniques are quite simplistic. The split lighting technique is perhaps the most simple and achievable of all portrait lighting setups. It is an essential technique for… Continue reading Split Lighting Photography — Examples, Patterns and Setups

The Art Department in Film — Guide to Positions, Duties, Salary

Film is a uniquely visual storytelling medium. Everything you see within the frames of a shot is carefully thought out by someone behind the scenes. More often than not, these details in the frame come from the art department. An art department is responsible for the larger creation of a film set as well as… Continue reading The Art Department in Film — Guide to Positions, Duties, Salary

What is a Euphemism — Definition, Examples for All Writers

Narrative ElementsOpen menu Antagonist Catharsis Motif Plot Protagonist Theme Narrative DevicesOpen menu Deus ex Machina Foreshadowing Irony Personification Plot Twist Red Herring Write Your Script For Free → There are various literary devices that cross over from literature to everyday language. Perhaps the most commonly used literary device in everyday conversations is the euphemism. Euphemisms… Continue reading What is a Euphemism — Definition, Examples for All Writers

The Reaction Shot — Much More Than Essential Film Grammar

Dialogue scenes can be great, but they can easily fall short if they solely focus on the character doing the talking. Reaction shots have the ability to elevate a dialogue scene in a completely nonverbal way. Sometimes the physical reactions of a character can say a whole lot more than words. Let’s find out how.Continue… Continue reading The Reaction Shot — Much More Than Essential Film Grammar

How to Write a Voice Over Montage in Screenplay Format

Montages can be an incredibly useful filmmaking tool if utilized correctly. They can condense time, intertwine storylines, and be used for comedic or dramatic effect. Some montages are completely visual with no dialogue. Others may utilize voiceover from a narrator or dialogue for the film’s narrative. If your montage is the latter, stick around to… Continue reading How to Write a Voice Over Montage in Screenplay Format

15 Movies That Break the Fourth Wall (Besides Deadpool)

For the most part, filmmakers strive to make audiences forget that they are in fact an audience watching a film. They work to make the film completely immersive. But sometimes filmmakers intentionally draw attention to the medium being used by breaking the fourth wall. While not all stories benefit from such interruptions, here are the… Continue reading 15 Movies That Break the Fourth Wall (Besides Deadpool)

What is a Parfocal Lens — The Advantage of Parfocal Lenses

If you ever looked into buying a cinema lens, you might recall your jaw dropping from the price tag. While there are various elements of a cinema lens that differ from photography lenses, there is one spec that should not be undervalued. All cinema lenses are parfocal lenses. What is a parfocal lens? Why are… Continue reading What is a Parfocal Lens — The Advantage of Parfocal Lenses