Index & TimelineOpen menu Art Styles Explained Art History Timeline Renaissance & Classical (1400-1600)Open menu Renaissance Gothic Art Rococo Baroque Classicism Neoclassicism Romanticism & Contemporary (1827-20XX)Open menu Avant Garde Post Impressionism Romanticism Expressionism Contemporary Art Modern Art Abstract art is perhaps one of the most popular styles that circulates in the fine art world. While… Continue reading What is Abstract Expressionism — Definition & History
Index & TimelineOpen menu Art Styles Explained Art History Timeline Renaissance & Classical (1400-1600)Open menu Renaissance Gothic Art Rococo Baroque Classicism Neoclassicism Romanticism & Contemporary (1827-20XX)Open menu Avant Garde Post Impressionism Romanticism Expressionism Contemporary Art Modern Art Conceptual art can often be a controversial art form riddled with differing opinions and open-ended debates. It directly… Continue reading What is Conceptual Art — Definition, Examples and History
BasicsOpen menu What Does a Cinematographer Do What is Cinematography What is Digital Cinematography Cinematography Terms What is Motion Blur ResourcesOpen menu Essential Cinematography Books Top 100 Cinematography Films Videography Contract Template Best Cinematography Schools How to Join the Cinematographer’s Guild Best Cinematography Online Courses E-BooksOpen menu FREE E-Book: Camera Lenses Explained FREE E-Book: Exposure… Continue reading What is Digital Cinematography — The Pros & Cons of Digital
Understanding the different qualities of light is important for any filmmaker to know. Each quality can enhance a story by providing a visual element that matches the style and tone of a film. One of the most fundamental qualities of light to understand is diffused light. But what is diffused light? From interviews to commercial… Continue reading What is Diffused Light — Types of Lighting in Photo & Film
If you’re an aspiring photographer or have been in the past you may have come across the question “What types of lights do I need?” While artificial light sources are incredibly useful tools, photographers can get by with a single type of light — natural light. With a solid understanding of how natural light works and… Continue reading Natural Light Photography — Techniques & Benefits Explained
There are few things that can keep an audience more engaged in a film than suspense. But what is suspense, exactly? That feeling of intense anticipation can be found in various genres and have an audience leaning forward with their eyes glued to the screen. Understanding what suspense is and how it differs from other… Continue reading What is Suspense — The Elements of Suspense Explained
Art DepartmentOpen menu Art Director Production Designer Prop Master Storyboard Artist Concept Artist Set Dresser Ultimate Guide to Film Crew Positions Free Film Crew Management Software → Anytime you see an actor handle or interact with an object in a film, that object was carefully picked out and acquired by a single person — the… Continue reading What is a Prop Master — Job Description and Responsibilities
Most people are familiar with sepia tone as one of the first Instagram filters that ever existed. It might make you reminiscent of your great grandma’s old photos or old Western films, but when the tone was first created, it was a fresh and new medium for photographers to work with. So what is sepia… Continue reading What is Sepia Tone Photography — How It Works & Why Use It
Have you ever seen an insanely detailed photograph where every portion of the photos is completely in focus? If you’re like most people you might wonder “How did they capture this?” Odds are that they created the remarkably sharp image using focus stacking. Focus stacking is used to shoot a diversity of subjects from landscapes, to… Continue reading What is Focus Stacking — Examples & How to Stack Photos