What is Portrait Photography — Types, Styles, Concepts & More

Portraits existed long before the invention of photography. Far before there was a camera even to take a photograph, rulers and monarchs hired painters to paint their own portraits. Today, portrait photography has taken the place of this tradition. Portrait photographers as tasked with the ambitious goal of capturing the identity of a subject in… Continue reading What is Portrait Photography — Types, Styles, Concepts & More

What is a Soliloquy — Definition and Examples

A soliloquy has the power to give an audience a direct channel into a character’s innermost thoughts and emotions. This monologue, delivered alone on stage, whispers directly into the audience’s ear, offering an intimate glimpse into the character’s psyche. Let’s look deeper on how the best soliloquies have impacted larger stories.Continue reading What is a Soliloquy… Continue reading What is a Soliloquy — Definition and Examples

What is Key Light — Definition & Examples in Photo & Film

BasicsOpen menu Basics of Film Lighting What Does a Cinematographer Do What is Cinematography What is Digital Cinematography Cinematography Terms What is Motion Blur Lighting EssentialsOpen menu 3-Point Lighting What is Key Light What is Fill Light What is Backlight What is Practical Lighting When is Golden Hour E-BooksOpen menu FREE Ebook: Camera Lenses Explained… Continue reading What is Key Light — Definition & Examples in Photo & Film