What is the best lens for portraits? This is a question that nearly every photographer asks and yet there is no definitive answer – suffice it to say that different camera lenses create different looking photographs. However, some lenses are better suited for portraits than others. We’re going to analyze some different focal length lenses… Continue reading What is the Best Lens for Portraits? — A Photographer’s Guide
Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → The Step Brothers… Continue reading Step Brothers Script PDF Download: Quotes and Characters
How to Format a ScreenplayOpen menu Scene Headings Sluglines Action / Description Dialogue Transitions TV Script Format 101 FREE Movie Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Write Your Script for Free MORE and CONT’D are dialogue transitions that are used to mark the continuation of characters speaking in a screenplay. We’re going to show you how to… Continue reading What Does CONT’D Mean in a Screenplay & How to Use It
In April 2014, a YouTube channel named Every Frame a Painting was created and it changed the course of film criticism forever. Over the course of three years, Every Frame a Painting founders Taylor Ramos and Tony Zhou released 28 video essays addressing everything in film from the style of Akira Kurosawa to the editing… Continue reading What Happened to Every Frame a Painting? — A Eulogy
What is Capture One? The software has emerged as one of the premiere resources for editing RAW image files – but what are the benefits of Capture One and how is the software used? We’re going to answer those questions by breaking down some of the strengths and weaknesses of Capture 1. We’ll also look… Continue reading What is Capture One? Photography Editing Software Review
There are plenty of great shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, but HBO still reigns king in the world of TV streaming. Since 1972, the ‘Home Box Office’, better known as HBO has produced dozens upon dozens of top-tier TV shows. We’re going to rank the best shows on HBO, from ‘72 to 2020… Continue reading The Best Shows on HBO Right Now (January 2021)
Netflix has garnered a reputation in recent years for being the go-to destination for TV streaming. That’s because the service has a little something for everyone — dramas, comedies, documentaries, mockumentaries, and anything else you might think up. But finding the next great show to watch on Netflix can be difficult. Don’t worry though, we’ve… Continue reading Best Shows on Netflix Right Now (January 2021)