What is Poetic Justice? Definition and Examples for Screenwriters

Dramatic IronyOpen menu Types of Irony What is Tragic Irony Stages of Dramatic Irony Verbal IronyOpen menu Sarcasm Understatement Overstatement Socratic Irony Situational IronyOpen menu Cosmic Irony Poetic Justice Structural Irony Historical Irony Karma can be a very satisfying element in storytelling and that’s exactly what poetic justice (aka poetic irony) can provide. There is… Continue reading What is Poetic Justice? Definition and Examples for Screenwriters

What is Sarcasm? Definition and Examples in Film & TV

Dramatic IronyOpen menu Types of Irony What is Tragic Irony Stages of Dramatic Irony Verbal IronyOpen menu Sarcasm Understatement Overstatement Socratic Irony Situational IronyOpen menu Cosmic Irony Poetic Justice Structural Irony Historical Irony What is sarcasm? As it turns out, it isn’t exactly what most people think it is. In some cases, what we think… Continue reading What is Sarcasm? Definition and Examples in Film & TV

How to Collaborate with Comments in StudioBinder

When you want feedback on your script or when you’re heading into production, communication is essential. This usually involves a series of emails, phone calls, or handwritten notes–all from different sources. These become difficult to organize and easy to lose. When you’re working with a project in StudioBinder, there’s no need for external apps, Word documents,… Continue reading How to Collaborate with Comments in StudioBinder

Best M. Night Shyamalan Movies, Ranked for Filmmakers

Best Shyamalan MoviesShyamalan’s Style ExplainedThe Return of M. Night Shyamalan When you think of the most iconic film directors, you can often discount their first couple of films — few filmmakers are geniuses out of the gate. Other directors start strong but end their careers with a painful series of flops. But almost no other… Continue reading Best M. Night Shyamalan Movies, Ranked for Filmmakers

What is Cosmic Irony? Definition and Examples For Screenwriters

Dramatic IronyOpen menu Types of Irony What is Tragic Irony Stages of Dramatic Irony Verbal IronyOpen menu Sarcasm Understatement Overstatement Socratic Irony Situational IronyOpen menu Cosmic Irony Poetic Justice Structural Irony Historical Irony There are many types of irony out there. Within the main branch of situational irony lies a version with a supernatural twist⏤cosmic… Continue reading What is Cosmic Irony? Definition and Examples For Screenwriters

Welcome to the Shyamalan-aissance — What a Twist!

Best Shyamalan MoviesShyamalan’s Style ExplainedThe Return of M. Night Shyamalan I’ve been a fan of M. Night Shyamalan for years, and that includes the 9-year gap between Lady in the Water and The Visit when it was challenging for everyone involved. I don’t love every Shyamalan movie, but I don’t despise his misfires either —… Continue reading Welcome to the Shyamalan-aissance — What a Twist!

What We Can Learn from “Making Movies” by Sidney Lumet

Sidney Lumet directed feature films and television for over 50 years. In other words, we can learn a lot from his perspective about the film business and film directing. We were lucky enough that Lumet decided to share these thoughts in book form. “Making Movies” by Sidney Lumet is an invaluable resource for any filmmaker.… Continue reading What We Can Learn from “Making Movies” by Sidney Lumet

Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek: Should This Be Tarantino’s Last Movie?

Best Tarantino MoviesQT’s Directing StyleQT Directing Tips QT DialogueOnce Upon a Time AnalysisBasterds Breakdown Speculation about Tarantino’s last movie has now reached full tilt — but are we really ready for Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek? There is only one final film to go before we find out if QT was bluffing or not. But what… Continue reading Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek: Should This Be Tarantino’s Last Movie?

“It Chapter Two” Review: Bigger Not Better

The second and concluding chapter in director Andy Muschietti’s adaptation of Stephen King’s It is here. The Losers Club are all grown up as they return to their childhood town to battle inner and outer demons. The cast is impressive, the visuals are stunning, and the imagination on display is undeniable. But that doesn’t translate to… Continue reading “It Chapter Two” Review: Bigger Not Better