What is an Animatic — How To Bring Your Storyboard to Life

Storyboard EssentialsOpen menu What is a Storyboard Best Storyboard Examples How to Storyboard Ultimate Guide to Storyboard Rules Best Storyboard Software Storyboard TemplatesOpen menu Storyboard Templates Pack How to Make a Storyboard Template How to Use a Storyboard Template Music Video Storyboard Template Commercial Storyboard Templates Movie Storyboard Template Create Your Free Storyboard Here →… Continue reading What is an Animatic — How To Bring Your Storyboard to Life

The Dolly Shot: How To Create Powerful Shots With Simple Movement

Types of Camera MovementsOpen menu Static Pan Tilt Whip Pan Zoom Dolly-Zoom (Zolly) More ShotsOpen menu Aerial Track / Truck All Shots & Angles Camera Movements Explained Camera Shot Ultimate Guide Camera Movement Master Class Create Free Shot List Now → It can be difficult to push your audience to identify with the characters while… Continue reading The Dolly Shot: How To Create Powerful Shots With Simple Movement

30 Best Cinematography Books That Actually Inspire

BasicsOpen menu What Does a Cinematographer Do What is Cinematography What is Digital Cinematography Cinematography Terms What is Motion Blur ResourcesOpen menu Essential Cinematography Books Top 100 Cinematography Films Videography Contract Template Best Cinematography Schools How to Join the Cinematographer’s Guild Best Cinematography Online Courses E-BooksOpen menu FREE E-Book: Camera Lenses Explained FREE E-Book: Exposure… Continue reading 30 Best Cinematography Books That Actually Inspire

James Cameron Movies: Ranked with the Filmmaker in Mind

It’s time to stop underrating James Cameron movies. He’s not perfect but he’s better than he gets credit for. Cameron is an auteur working at the highest level of the studio system, like a proto-Christopher Nolan. His budgets are record-breaking but so are the box office returns.Continue reading James Cameron Movies: Ranked with the Filmmaker… Continue reading James Cameron Movies: Ranked with the Filmmaker in Mind

How to Write Script Notes in StudioBinder (with Industry Examples of Script Notes)

Whether you’re writing the first draft or sharing the final draft with your collaborators, taking notes is critical. Keeping these thoughts, suggestions, or inspirations organized can be a difficult task. But we’ve solved the problem. Script Notes is an extremely valuable resource that will help keep your ideas intact and accessible so you can stay productive. We’ve created… Continue reading How to Write Script Notes in StudioBinder (with Industry Examples of Script Notes)

Match Cuts & Creative Transitions with Examples – Editing Techniques

Everyone loves to see a great scene transition, but how do you connect scenes on a deeper level? Consider using a match cut. Using similar colors, shapes, actions or even dialogue, match cuts add that extra level of meaning to create a more cohesive and seamless narrative. In today’s post, we’re going to break down… Continue reading Match Cuts & Creative Transitions with Examples – Editing Techniques

Watermark PDF: How to Protect Your Screenplays

A great screenplay is worth millions (sometimes billions!) of dollars, so protect them through watermark PDFs! Are there simple steps to help increase the security of your script? YES! And they are readily available in StudioBinder. We’re going to show you how to create a watermark PDF of your script that also includes headers and footers.… Continue reading Watermark PDF: How to Protect Your Screenplays

20 Best Werewolf Movies to Watch Right Now

Werewolves predate almost every other fictional monster. So, why aren’t werewolf films very popular?  Perhaps it comes down to a practical issue. The make-up is labor intensive. The transformation sequence might take longer to shoot than the rest of the film. The most important criteria for judging werewolf movies is the creature effects. The werewolf… Continue reading 20 Best Werewolf Movies to Watch Right Now