Back in the day, any time a revision was made to a script, a new copy would be printed on different colored paper. Luckily, StudioBinder takes the guesswork out of this and assigns a color to any new document revisions automatically. But it doesn’t stop there. We’ll walk you through why script versions are created… Continue reading What are Script Versions and How to Keep Them Organized
Shooting Schedule EssentialsOpen menu What Is a Shooting Schedule How to Plan a Film Shoot How to Create Multiple Shooting Schedules How to Create a One Line Schedule What is the Dood Report DOOD Report Explained Shooting Schedule Pro-TipsOpen menu How to Make a Better Shooting Schedule How to Schedule a Musical How to Find… Continue reading How to Create Multiple Shooting Schedules & Why You Should
Learn How to Shot ListOpen menu What is a Shot List How to Make a Shot List How to Make a Lined Script Shot List ExamplesOpen menu Free Shot List Template How to Design Your Shot List Shot Listing Like a Pro How to Create a Shot List Like ‘Creed’ Shot Listing Efficiently Create Shot… Continue reading A Beginner’s Guide to Film Coverage
Storyboard EssentialsOpen menu What is a Storyboard Best Storyboard Examples How to Storyboard Ultimate Guide to Storyboard Rules Best Storyboard Software Storyboard TemplatesOpen menu Storyboard Templates Pack How to Make a Storyboard Template How to Use a Storyboard Template Music Video Storyboard Template Commercial Storyboard Templates Movie Storyboard Template Create Your Free Storyboard Here →… Continue reading How to Make a Music Video Storyboard: A Step-by-Step Guide
If you’ve seen one commercial, you’ve seen ’em all, right? Not exactly. Each commercial is a unique production and requires everything a short film does. Scripts, shot lists, script breakdowns, shooting schedules, and more. In this post, we break down the TV commercial production process and everything you need to do before the cameras roll.Continue… Continue reading TV Commercial Production Prep — From Script to Schedule
As time goes on and technology evolves, new jobs being created within a production is inevitable. Creating and keeping track of all this is enough to drive anyone insane. Luckily, StudioBinder makes it easy by not only having a pre-set list of production jobs, but also by letting you add your own custom positions to… Continue reading How to Customize Departments and Roles in StudioBinder
Create a call sheet with the click of a button. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it’s not too far off. Now, there isn’t a button that will do all of your pre production work for you, but there is a button that will populate 90% of your call sheet, given you’ve done… Continue reading Setting up a Call Sheet for Success in StudioBinder
Hey YouTubers, Aputure is gunning for your money and in my humble opinion, you should give it to them. Aputure has announced four new point-source COB LED lights under the Amaran brand. The 100d, 100x, 200d, and 200x. “D” standing for daylight and “X” for bi-colour. All coming in at a fraction of the price… Continue reading 100D — The Amaran LED Video Light Really Shines: Review
Filmmaking is a collaborative medium. There are countless people and departments that help bring a project together. So, having a solution that allows you to invite others to work together is invaluable. Luckily, StudioBinder makes inviting and accepting invitations to be a team member easy by having one place to manage your team. Follow along… Continue reading How to Invite and Accept Teammate Invitations in StudioBinder
So you’re knee-deep in Pre-Production, shooting script formatted, script broken down and you’re almost done with the shot list. Then, you receive an updated version of the script, so you import that into your StudioBinder project and then all of the sudden you’re missing shots on your shot list. What happened? Well, typically that means… Continue reading How to Recover Shots Using the Version History Manager