Comedic and Iconic Movie Lines: The Best One-Liners in Cinema

One-liners can be hilarious. Other movie one-liners are deep, even dark, while others are just straight up weird. Regardless of the genre, they’re usually remembered long after the movie’s release, and the words can impact an entire generation. Don’t believe me? See if you’ve ever said or heard any of these phrases in conversation. You… Continue reading Comedic and Iconic Movie Lines: The Best One-Liners in Cinema

What is an Establishing Shot? Creative Examples that Set the Tone

Types of FramingOpen menu Establishing Shot Single Shot Two Shot Over the Shoulder Insert Shot POV Shot More ShotsOpen menu All Shots & Angles Camera Shot Ultimate Guide Create Free Shot List Now → You’ve written a script or maybe you’re trying to figure out a script’s shot list. You know what the film is… Continue reading What is an Establishing Shot? Creative Examples that Set the Tone

How to Clean Camera Sensors: What to Consider to Avoid Damage

Cleaning camera sensors isn’t challenging, it just requires meticulousness and the know-how to do it safely, so you don’t damage your camera. And it’s easy to damage your camera when the sensor is wide open. Dust and other particles are flying around you all day, everyday, and the last thing you want to do is… Continue reading How to Clean Camera Sensors: What to Consider to Avoid Damage