Animation BasicsOpen menu What is Animation Types of Animation What Does an Animator Do What is Cel Animation What is Anime What is Claymation ResourcesOpen menu How to Direct an Animated Movie Animation Storyboard Tips Unreleased Aladdin Animatic Best Animated Music Videos Best Animation Software Best AnimationsOpen menu Best Animated Movies of All Time Best… Continue reading DIY Animation: What is Stop Motion Animation & How to Try it at Home
BasicsOpen menu What Does a Cinematographer Do What is Cinematography What is Digital Cinematography Cinematography Terms What is Motion Blur ResourcesOpen menu Essential Cinematography Books Top 100 Cinematography Films Videography Contract Template Best Cinematography Schools How to Join the Cinematographer’s Guild Best Cinematography Online Courses E-BooksOpen menu FREE E-Book: Camera Lenses Explained FREE E-Book: Exposure… Continue reading ASC Celebrates 100 Years with a Best Cinematography Films 100 List
Nothing says movie nostalgia quite like the cars the characters drive, especially when the film involves racing of any kind. In many cases, these vehicles can become the visual icon for the entire film. They also become extensions of the characters themselves — they’re not just props, they become key elements of the character development.… Continue reading Famous Movie Cars: A List of the Most Iconic Movie Cars of All Time
Cycloramas are commonplace in video production, and they make the lives of those shooting on a green screen that much easier. So what is a cyclorama? Let’s find out. Continue reading What’s a Cyclorama? How Can Cyc Walls Help My Shot?
You know them when you hear them because when you hear them you get all mushy. Or maybe I’m just talking about me. Below is our list of the best love quotes from movies, from the early 20th century cinema to today. Continue reading 57 Best, Sappy, and Romantic Love Quotes from Movies
Types of Camera GearOpen menu Tripod Handheld Drone Dolly Steadicam Crane Shot TypesOpen menu All Shots & Angles Camera Shot Ultimate Guide Camera Movement Master Class Create Free Shot List Now → If you’re an aspiring videographer, or even cinematographer, you’ve probably used a gimbal. But if you haven’t…how come? They’ll make your shooting life… Continue reading What is a Gimbal? How Can You Use Them to Shoot Better Videos
If you’re just learning about cameras, the jargon and technicalities of the equipment could seem a bit daunting. This article defines the front-runner in photography and filmmaking: the DSLR camera. But what is a DSLR camera? This post outlines the mechanics and provides brief comparisons, so you can fully understand what it means to be DSLR.Continue… Continue reading What is a DSLR Camera? Understanding Digital SLR & Mirrorless Cameras